President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama Calls Out GOP on Immigration Reform

He reiterates his opposition to Arizona's law

(Newser) - President Obama culminated a seemingly out-of-the-blue push this week on immigration reform with a speech today criticizing Republicans for "political posturing" on the issue. "Under the pressures of partisanship and election-year politics, many of the 11 (Republicans) who have voted for reform in past have backed away,"...

Democrats, Obama Have Lost Will to Fight
Democrats, Obama Have
Lost Will to Fight
EJ Dionne

Democrats, Obama Have Lost Will to Fight

Where's the passion of that candidate in 2008?

(Newser) - Democrats are on their way to getting rolled in the midterm elections, and EJ Dionne says it's because the party and the president have lost their passion. "It might help if voters saw President Obama and his party in Congress fighting for something going into these elections (including their...

McChrystal Will Retire

 Will Retire 

McChrystal Will Retire

Disgraced general's formal rank at issue

(Newser) - Gen. Stanley McChrystal will retire from the Army after 34 years in uniform and one devastating Rolling Stone profile . " McChrystal informed the Army today that he intends to retire, " said a rep, but "we don’t have a date yet or anything like that." Whether he...

McChrystal's Potty Mouth May Have Cost Him His Job

Rolling Stone piece's impact helped by vulgar language

(Newser) - What does a journalist have to do to effect a major change in US foreign policy? In the case of Michael Hastings' Rolling Stone profile of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the answer may be to use lots and lots of curse words. The piece uses "f---" 18 times, from the...

'Senator Oprah' Sounded Good to Blago

Then-gov considered media titan to succeed Obama as senator

(Newser) - As Rod Blagojevich considered possible successors to Barack Obama as US senator from Illinois, he came up with one name "no one can assail": Oprah Winfrey. As the former governor's corruption trial dragged on today in Chicago, prosecutors played a tape from December 2008—after Obama confidant Valerie Jarrett...

Give 'Brilliant' Obama Some Credit: Bill Clinton

President has done a lot to benefit the country: ex-president

(Newser) - The American public doesn't appreciate what President Obama has done for the country, Bill Clinton says. Though the two have had a somewhat frosty relationship since the campaign, Politico notes, Clinton said yesterday: “I think he's done a better job than he's given credit for. I feel very strongly...

Obama Needs This Guy on Climate Bill
 Obama Needs 
 This Guy on 
 Climate Bill 

Obama Needs This Guy on Climate Bill

The professor needs Arnold to lend some muscle

(Newser) - The biggest environmental disaster in our history is strangling the Gulf, but instead of using it to sound the battle cry for his energy bill, President Obama is in danger of nerdifying yet another reform. The solution, writes Tina Brown at the Daily Beast, is simple: Send in the Governator....

G20 Leaders Head Home, Vowing to Cut Deficits

Economic powers set goals for reducing public debt

(Newser) - The leaders of the Group of 20 nations wrapped up their 2-day summit today in Toronto, striking an agreement to reduce deficits over the next 3 to 6 years without endangering the global economic rebound. The major economic powers vowed to cut their deficits in half by 2013 and "...

What Senators Should Ask Elena Kagan

Confirmation hearings must focus on big picture

(Newser) - The process Elena Kagan once derided as a "vapid and hollow charade" gets under way tomorrow when the solicitor general appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee as President Obama's second Supreme Court nominee. "Instead of playing cat-and-mouse with the nominee about how she would rule in future cases,...

Gaga Edging Obama in Race for 10M Facebook Fans

Only Michael Jackson has more

(Newser) - We'll leave it to others to parse the significance: President Obama and Lady Gaga are neck and neck in the race to become the first living person with 10 million Facebook fans. (The qualifier is because the only other person to reach the lofty milestone is Michael Jackson.) CNET...

Obama: Medvedev Visited HQ of 'Twitters'

President commits social networking gaffe

(Newser) - President Obama made a surprisingly out-of-touch gaffe when he joked during an appearance with Dmitry Medvedev that the Cold War-era "red phones" could be replaced with accounts from "Twitters." Yes, Twitters, which, as Twitter-ers were quick to notice , sounds a lot like George W. Bush's infamous "...

Forget About That 2011 Withdrawal Date

 Forget About 
 That 2011 
andrew sullivan

Forget About That 2011 Withdrawal Date

Petraeus won't let the US draw down, even though he should

(Newser) - With David Petraeus running the show in Afghanistan, you can forget about US troops beginning to withdraw as promised in July of next year, writes Andrew Sullivan. Obama's pledge is "now kaput," he writes at his Daily Dish blog at the Atlantic. "It won't happen. I doubt...

In a First, More Americans Disapprove of Obama

Gulf spill pulls down his ratings

(Newser) - Rough news for President Obama (and others) in a new poll from the Wall Street Journal and NBC . Highlights:
  • In a first, more people disapprove of Obama's job performance (48%) than approve of it (45%).
  • Half disapprove of his handling of the oil spill, vs. 42% who approve.
  • 62% say

Smart Move, Mr. President
 Smart Move, Mr. President 
opinion roundup

Smart Move, Mr. President

Replacing McChrystal with Petraeus wins over critics

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to replace McChrystal with Petraeus is playing well among pundits on the left and right:
  • Victor Davis Hanson, National Review : "Obama had no choice but to do what he did, and the wise Petraeus move was obviously a mitigating factor. Obama’s speech, despite the customarily

Stewart Takes on McChrystal
 Stewart Takes on McChrystal 

Stewart Takes on McChrystal

'You’re with I’ll Never Print This magazine, right?'

(Newser) - When Stanley McChrystal ill-advisedly referred to National Security Adviser Jim Jones as a “clown who's stuck in 1985,” at least some good came of it: It inspired Jon Stewart ’s impression, last night, of a clown stuck in 1985. After tackling the McChrystal mess, Stewart again hit...

Murdoch Slams 'Aloof' Obama, Loves iPad

News Corp chief hates Obama policies

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch kicked off the New York Forum economic conference last night with swipes at President Obama, environmentalists, and America's immigration system. The media mogul, on a panel discussing corporate reinvention with other business leaders, said, "it's irresponsible of President Obama—I shouldn't say corrupt—to seemingly stand aloof...

If History Is a Guide, McChrystal Is Gone

Generals who question presidents often get the boot

(Newser) - If you're placing bets on whether Stanley McChrystal will be out of a job tomorrow, history suggests he'll be fired. NPR rounds up examples:
  • Abraham Lincoln: He finally had to relieve George McClellan of his duties because the general refused again and again orders to attack. McClellan also called Lincoln

Jon Stewart Evolves Into 'True Satirist'

His attacks on President Obama prove he's not a partisan hack

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has turned on President Obama without mercy , proving himself to be a "true satirist" instead of a partisan ideologue, writes Matt Zoller Seitz. Stewart will go after anyone, but he "reserves particular scorn for those who reawakened his sense of hope just long enough to exploit...

Rahm Emanuel to Quit White House

No one's happy with his job

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is expected to quit later this year after growing weary of the "idealism" of Obama staffers who are just as frustrated with him, according to sources. He'll likely step down after midterm elections, reports the Telegraph . Emanuel still maintains a good relationship...

Dems Cough Up $50M to Lure Obama Voters Back to Polls

Party zeroes in again on young, minorities

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom says the 15 million first-time voters who pushed President Obama to his 2008 victory won't turn out for this year's midterm elections. But $50 million say they will. That's the gamble the Democratic Party is making: Instead of focusing on turning out the base, traditionally the only people...

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