President Obama

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Obama Looks 'Snakebit'

peggy noonan

Obama Looks 'Snakebit'

The president's 'mystique' is suffering

(Newser) - Bad news for President Obama: "He's starting to look snakebit," writes Peggy Noonan, who sees similarities in the plight of Jimmy Carter. It's not Obama's fault the oil rig blew, just as it wasn't Carter's fault that Americans got kidnapped in Iran. No matter. Carter botched the handling...

Ann Coulter: Liberals Pissed Obama Isn't the Tooth Fairy

They feel betrayed because he can't fix things with magic

(Newser) - Ann Coulter is relishing the new line of attack on President Obama from the left. She told Bill O'Reilly last night that liberals are outraged because they viewed the president as the "tooth fairy or Santa Claus," someone who can magically fix things, reports Mediaite . “Reality betrays...

Democrats, Snap Out of Your 'Malaise'
 Democrats, Snap Out 
 of Your 'Malaise' 
EJ dionne

Democrats, Snap Out of Your 'Malaise'

They've accomplished much but are losing all the arguments

(Newser) - EJ Dionne raises the dreaded specter of "malaise" afflicting Democrats, with a quick qualification: "President Obama is not Jimmy Carter, not even close," he writes in the Washington Post . His speech was "good and sensible" but not a "home run." And that's Dionne's point—...

Obama Gulf Speech 'Too Professorial'

10th-grade level speech too high for target audience, language guru says

(Newser) - President Obama's Oval Office address on the Gulf disaster was a misfire because it went over the heads of much of its target audience, according to language guru Paul Payack. Obama's sentences were too long and complex, making him sound aloof, out of touch, and professorial, said Payack, whose company...

On Spill, We Need 'Barack and Tony Show'

The president and BP's CEO should be allies, at least for now

(Newser) - Great, President Obama finally met face to face today with BP's Tony Hayward. Only about 6 weeks too late, complains Steven Pearlstein. These guys should have realized from day one that "they were in this mess together," he writes in the Washington Post . Obama has been publicly hostile...

Obama Acting Like a 'Dictator' on BP
 Obama Acting Like 
 a 'Dictator' on BP 
Ben Stein

Obama Acting Like a 'Dictator' on BP

Victims' fund may be popular, but it violates the Constitution

(Newser) - Everyone is egging on the president to get tough on BP, but Obama simply has no legal or legislative authority to force the company to set up a multi-billion dollar fund for victims, writes Ben Stein. BP no doubt "acted irresponsibly," but Obama is going well beyond the...

Measured Speech Short on Energy Specifics
 Obama Oil Speech Bombs 
quick takes

Obama Oil Speech Bombs

Too vague to put teeth into battle for alternative energy

(Newser) - President Obama's Oval Office address last night drew tepid-to-furious reviews, especially on the push for clean energy:
  • Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, MSNBC: The two onetime Obama fans ripped into the president almost immediately for "what they perceived as a lack of leadership and direction, and, especially in Matthews’ case,

Jon Stewart to Obama: You Lied

Prez slammed for broken promises

(Newser) - Jon Stewart launched one of his most blistering attacks yet on President Obama in last night's Daily Show. Stewart blasted Obama for breaking promise after promise to reverse Bush-era abuses of executive power, Gawker notes. He showed campaign footage of Obama making promises on habeus corpus, rendition, and protection for...

Obama: 'We Will Make BP Pay'
 Obama: 'We Will Make BP Pay' 

Obama: 'We Will Make BP Pay'

He accuses company of 'recklessness'

(Newser) - President Obama accused BP of "recklessness" in the first Oval Office address of his presidency tonight and swore not to rest until the company has paid for the damage it has caused to lives, businesses, and shorelines. He announced that he had asked former Mississippi Gov. Ray Mabus to...

Obama Should Channel Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter
Obama Should Channel Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter

Obama Should Channel Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter

President can learn from his forebears for his speech tonight

(Newser) - Expectations are running high for President Obama's Oval Office speech tonight. James Fallows of the Atlantic proposes three presidential examples with which to evaluate it:
  • Himself: Obama has proven he knows how to use a big speech to "shift political momentum" and introduce long-term thinking about a policy problem.

Obama Will Use Gulf Spill to Push Energy Bill

Public hungry for action, aides conclude

(Newser) - Barack Obama will call for a clean energy bill in his Oval Office address on the oil spill tomorrow, as part of a renewed push for the once all-but-abandoned legislation. The White House believes that the spill has whetted the public’s appetite for energy reform, top aides tell Politico...

Obama to Demand Billions From BP in 1st Oval Office Speech

Prez wants all oil industry workers compensated

(Newser) - In his first-ever Oval Office speech tomorrow night, President Obama will demand that BP hand over billions of dollars to an independent mediator who will handle the claims of people and businesses affected by the Gulf oil spill. The White House hasn't named a sum, but House Dems asked BP...

Obama: BP Will Fund Escrow to Pay Claims

'Substantial' sum will be run by 3rd party, expedite claims

(Newser) - President Obama will demand that BP create a special account with "substantial" reserves to pay Gulf oil claims and will take other steps aimed at aiding the region, David Axelrod said today. Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen told Face The Nation that an outside contractor will run the account...

Environmentalists Give Obama Free Pass on Spill

Major groups reluctant to criticize; he's their only hope

(Newser) - President Obama is taking more and more criticism over the Gulf oil spill, but little of it is coming from the nation's major environmental groups, writes Josh Gerstein. The "movement has essentially given him a pass—all but refusing to unleash any vocal criticism against the president even as...

Obama: Congress Is Hypocritical on Oil Spill

Same pols screaming about slow response would have blocked regulation

(Newser) - President Obama wants some members of Congress slamming his response to the Gulf oil spill to know they can't have it both ways, he tells Politico. "If six months ago, I had gone up to Congress and I had said we need to crack down a lot harder on...

Obama on Spill: 'I Can't Suck It Up With a Straw'

President admits: 'my power is not limitless'

(Newser) - America and the world are expecting a lot from President Obama in the face of possibly the worst environmental disaster in US history, and some have even called it Obama's "Katrina" . So it makes sense that Obama is looking to tamp down expectations, as he did during a meeting...

Obama's Iran Policy Is a Failure

 Iran Policy 
 Is a Failure 
charles krauthammer

Obama's Iran Policy Is a Failure

Best he can say is Tehran is 'isolated,' which isn't true

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer continues his President Obama-is-weak crusade with an op-ed ridiculing the administration's stance on Iran. After 16 months of US "groveling" and outreach, Tehran has responded with nothing but "defiance, contempt and an acceleration of its nuclear program." The best Obama can do is repeat over...

Grow Up, America: He's Not Superman

And neither was any other president

(Newser) - Why do we expect President Obama to plug the Gulf oil leak, squelch the Taliban, reconcile the Israelis and Palestinians, and forge a global treaty on greenhouse gases? Because "Americans like to read politics and history as a tale of the Great Man," Paul Starobin writes in the...

Obama Staffers Take It Off in Georgetown Bar

...and insist they weren't playing beer pong

(Newser) - What should we think after White House staffers Tommy Vietor and Jon Favreau were photographed shirtless hanging out with friends in a Georgetown bar last weekend? According to conservative bloggers, the pic exposes the Obama staff as a bunch of frat boys playing beer pong in the midst of a...

BP Agrees to Expedite Claims
 BP Agrees to Expedite Claims 

BP Agrees to Expedite Claims

Administration get oil giant to pay damages faster

(Newser) - Pressure from the Obama administration convinced BP to speed up the payment of claims to those affected by the Gulf oil spill, the Washington Post reports. BP promised to "implement a more expedited claims process" said Tracy Wareing of the DHS, in order to compensate shrimpers, fishermen, hotel owners...

Stories 2861 - 2880 | << Prev   Next >>