President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Palin: Give Me a Call, Obama
 Palin: Give Me a Call, Obama 

Palin: Give Me a Call, Obama

Prez needs to talk to someone who can 'play hardball with Big Oil'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says President Obama's handling of the Gulf spill shows the value of executive experience and suggests he talk to somebody who has some—somebody like Sarah Palin. "For the sake of the Gulf residents, reach out to experts who have experience holding oil companies accountable," Palin...

Saints to Raffle Super Bowl Ring for Gulf

And Obama will return again to the region on Monday

(Newser) - The New Orleans Saints will raffle off a Super Bowl championship ring to raise money for the cleanup efforts on the Gulf Coast. Raffle tickets will go for $2, and the team will set up a website with details, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports. QB Drew Brees made announcement on...

For Rent: Obama's NYC Digs
 For Rent: 
 NYC Digs 
ONLY $1900 a MONTH

For Rent: Obama's NYC Digs

'Live like a president'—or at least a broke Columbia undergrad

(Newser) - Barack Obama slept there, and you can, too—for a mere $1900 a month, you can rent the president's old New York City apartment, Gawker reports. The apartment at 42 West 109th St. has "beautiful hardwood floors," "high ceilings," and "large closets," the ad...

Obama to Reopen Drilling in Gulf Shallows

Deep water drilling moratorium to stay put

(Newser) - The government's almost ready to release new safety standards that will allow companies to start searching for oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico again, President Obama said yesterday. Obama was seeking to reassure Gulf residents worried that the moratorium introduced after the Deepwater Horizon will destroy thousands of...

Whoomp! That's Not Obama in 1993 Rap Video
Whoomp! That's Not Obama in 1993 Rap Video  
spoiler alert

Whoomp! That's Not Obama in 1993 Rap Video

Extra in 17-year-old video does resemble future president

(Newser) - You're about to have Tag Team's hit single, "Whoomp! (There It Is)," stuck in your head, and it's all because of a false alarm turned Internet meme. An extra who appears at 1:01 of the Atlanta rap group's 1993 video bears a striking resemblance to President Obama—...

Obama Knew Early How Bad It Would Be

Which might explain the administration's 'sense of fatalism' in the Gulf

(Newser) - The White House knew from the start that the blown well would probably continue gushing into August and cause unprecedented environmental damage, reports Richard Wolfe of the Daily Beast . Carol Browner warned the president at one of the earliest briefings that it would be nearly impossible to temporarily cap the...

Obama to Tap Clapper as Spy Chief

Dennis Blair replacement experienced, seen as combative

(Newser) - President Barack Obama has settled on James Clapper, the Pentagon's top intelligence official, as his pick to oversee the nation's 16 spy agencies. Obama planned to announce the nomination of Clapper, a retired Air Force three-star general, as national intelligence director in a White House Rose Garden ceremony today. He...

Tar Balls Hit Fla. Beaches as Obama Returns to Gulf

Residents plan 'last swim' before more oil arrives

(Newser) - Beachgoers in Florida got their first taste of the Gulf oil spill today as tar balls—some as large as hubcaps—washed up on Panhandle beaches. BP crews at some locations swept up the refuse, instructing visitors not to touch the balls. Although Florida has yet to declare swimming in...

SC Politician Apologizes for 'Raghead' Slur

It was a just a joke, says lawmaker who stung Haley, Obama

(Newser) - The South Carolina politician who used the term "raghead" to describe Nikki Haley and President Obama says his comment has been—wait for it—taken out of context. "My ‘raghead’ comments about Obama and Haley were intended in jest,” state Senator Jake Knotts tells the State...

Obama Cancels Indonesia Trip, Heads to Gulf

He'll head back to Louisiana for 2nd time in 8 days

(Newser) - President Obama's trip to Indonesia and Australia is again getting trumped by domestic concerns. The White House canceled his upcoming visit because it would be a political faux pas to leave for a week in the midst of the oil cleanup, suggests the New York Times . He had to cancel...

Obama Will Visit India in November
Obama Will
Visit India in November

Obama Will Visit India in November

Calls partnership among his 'highest of priorities'

(Newser) - President Obama today called deepening ties with India one of his administration's most important goall and said he will visit in early November. The US-Indian relationship, he said, will help shape the coming century. Obama's comments came during the inaugural US-India Strategic Dialogue, a high-level meeting meant to ease Indians'...

Spike Lee to Obama: 'One Time, Go Off!'

Now would be a good time to lose your temper

(Newser) - Spike Lee offers his two cents of frustration over Barack Obama's seeming lack of passion and control over the oil spill. "One time, go off!" he tells Anderson Cooper on CNN . "If there's any one time to go off, this is it, because this is a disaster....

BP Execs in Slammer? Unlikely
 BP Execs in Slammer? Unlikely 

fines, baby, fines

BP Execs in Slammer? Unlikely

Expect a big fine, possible restrictions on future drilling

(Newser) - So if the government gets as tough on BP as President Obama promised yesterday, does that mean oil company execs will be wearing stripes? Experts on environmental law doubt it. A criminal investigation or prosecution is far more likely to end in a massive fine for the company. “It’...

Jon to Barack: Get Back to the Motherf?*#king Spill!
 Jon to Barack: 
 Get Back to the 
 Motherf?*#king Spill! 

Jon to Barack: Get Back to the Motherf?*#king Spill!

Basketball-loving prez has priorities wrong, says Daily Show host

(Newser) - Now that Jon Stewart's back from a 2-week break he thinks the guy in the White House has been enjoying too much R&R with oil still spewing in the Gulf. The Daily Show host presented footage of President Obama vowing not to rest until the Gulf leak was plugged...

Sir Paul: Lay Off Obama, He's a Great Guy

McCartney playing White House gig tonight

(Newser) - Paul McCartney's playing the White House tonight and he thinks people should stop giving his host a hard time. "I’m a big fan, he’s a great guy," McCartney said of President Obama. "So lay off him, he’s doing great." McCartney, this year's winner...

Obama on BP: If Laws Were Broken, We'll Seek Justice

Oil company must compensate victims of spill, president says

(Newser) - As oil continued to pour into the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama vowed today that history won't repeat. He continued to emphasize that BP must clean up the mess and compensate those devastated by the fallout, reports the Washington Times . "We have an obligation to investigate what went wrong...

Joe Klein: Gulf Spill Is Bush's 2nd Katrina

Deregulation caused disaster, Klein says

(Newser) - The massive oil spill in the Gulf isn't President Obama's Hurricane Katrina, it's George W. Bush's second Katrina, according to Time pundit Joe Klein. Klein, appearing on the Chris Matthews Show, blamed the spill on Bush-era regulations, and Dick Cheney's "deregulation, and lording over the Minerals Management" office, Mediaite...

Top Kill's Failure Marks Obama's Stalling Point

Spill is Obama's Iranian hostage crisis, writes David Brooks

(Newser) - The failure of BP's top kill marks the moment the Obama presidency went from "lightning advance" to "nasty stasis," writes David Brooks. The sweeping changes of his first 16 months in office have been accomplished and the president is now faced with intractable problems and stalled legislation,...

Obama Scrambles to Distance Himself From BP

AG Eric Holder to visit Gulf Coast today

(Newser) - The Obama administration has little choice but to work closely with BP on the Gulf oil spill but it's doing its best to make it clear that the relationship isn't cozy. Attorney General Eric Holder is heading to the Gulf Coast today to meet with prosecutors ahead of a possible...

Obama Speech Rained Out
 Obama Speech 
 Rained Out 
memorial day

Obama Speech Rained Out

With president in Illinois, Biden lays wreath at Arlington

(Newser) - Driving rain and an electrical storm forced President Obama to cancel his Memorial Day speech today at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Illinois. "A little bit of rain doesn't hurt anybody but we don't want anybody struck by lightning," he told the crowd, which was gathered in an...

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