President Obama

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Another Ivy Leaguer? Other Schools Do Exist
Another Ivy Leaguer?
Other Schools Do Exist

Another Ivy Leaguer? Other Schools Do Exist

Enough already with Harvard and Yale: blogger

(Newser) - The Supreme Court and White House may as well be decorated in ivy, complains David Bernstein. "Once Elena Kagan gets confirmed, every Supreme Court Justice will have attended Harvard or Yale law schools," he writes. And Kagan—whose bachelor's degree, for the record, is from Princeton—was nominated...

Kagan Pick Reveals Savvy Obama Strategy
Kagan Pick Reveals
Savvy Obama Strategy

Kagan Pick Reveals Savvy Obama Strategy

Prez manages to play it safe and progressive at the same time

(Newser) - President Obama's pick of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court says more about the president than his nominee, writes Glenn Thrush. The president spoke boldly about the need to stand up to big business in his pre-selection talk while privately seeking a safe pick who could be confirmed without much...

Sarkozys' Sex Life So Hot It Stops Clocks

New book spills about why the French first couple is late so often

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy once kept a head of state waiting for a meeting, but they had a good excuse—they were having sex. The revelation about the French president and his ex-supermodel wife gets juicier, ABC News reports: It involves the Obamas. No, not like that! Bruni-Sarkozy "...

Kagan Choice for Court: How It Will Play Out

She'll have critics on both right and left, but will skirt major battles

(Newser) - The Senate confirmation hearings for Elena Kagan will likely include some minor dust-ups but no major battles, observers say. Liberals are worried she's more conservative than Stevens and will thus push the court to the right, but are unlikely to seriously oppose her. Conservatives respect her overall, though her move...

Obama Catches Flack for Dissing iPad

'Entertainment distracts, crazy ideas get traction'

(Newser) - President Obama is catching more than a little flack following his speech at Hampton University yesterday, in which he blasted the venerable iPad, among other devices, as distractions that can lead Americans away from the truth. "With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations—none of which I know...

Obama Will Nominate Elena Kagan to Supreme Court

President Obama plans to nominate solicitor general for high court seat

(Newser) - President Obama plans to nominate Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court to replace John Paul Stevens tomorrow, MSNBC reports and numerous other sources comfirm. Should Kagan, 50, be confirmed, the high court would have three female justices for the first time. Her nomination marks the first time in 38 years...

Obama Calls on Black College Grads to Be Role Models

Speaking at Hampton U., president says education helps break down barriers

(Newser) - President Obama delivered the commencement address at a historically black college today for the first time since taking office. He called on the graduates of Hampton University in Virginia to "be role models for your brothers and sisters, to be mentors in your communities and, when the time comes,...

Obama Team Afraid to Mention 'Radical Islam'
Obama Team Afraid to Mention 'Radical Islam'

Obama Team Afraid to Mention 'Radical Islam'

They keep downplaying terrorists' jihadist connections

(Newser) - The Weekly Standard rips into the Obama administration's anti-terror record in a scathing new essay. Stephen F. Hayes and Thomas Joscelyn accuse the administration of failing to detect three plots beforehand (Times Square, the Christmas Day attempt, and Fort Hood), taking credit for dumb luck when two of the attempts...

14% Think Obama Born Outside US

ABC/ Washington Post poll puts a number to the birthers

(Newser) - Hmmm, maybe President Obama ought to stop cracking jokes about his birth certificate. In a new ABC/Washington Post poll, 14% say he was born outside the United States. Which means that a year and a half into his presidency, a sizable chunk of people think he's not legally entitled to...

John Boehner's absurd charge about Obama's counterterrorism strategy. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
Boehner's Anti-Terror Screed on Obama Is Absurd

Boehner's Anti-Terror Screed on Obama Is Absurd

He's twisting facts to score political points

(Newser) - John Boehner's serious charge that President Obama doesn't have a "comprehensive strategy" to fight terrorists "doesn't deserve a hearing at the adults table," writes John Dickerson. Obama—who's doubled the number of CIA air strikes in Pakistan, tripled the troops in Afghanistan, and given "speeches devoted...

Condi Rice: Give Obama a Break on Terrorism

Former secretary of state says she knows how difficult issue is

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice isn't joining critics on the right who say President Obama is soft on national security. "You give your successor a break," she said at a Cincinnati fundraiser. "I know how (difficult) it is on the inside." Terrorists, she said, "have to be right...

Obama: Start Immigration Reform This Year

He reaffirms support after backing away last week

(Newser) - President Obama seemed to deliver a death blow last week to the prospects of immigration reform by saying "there may not be an appetite" for another controversial issue in Congress. At the White House today, he administered a little life support, reports USA Today . "I want to begin...

Tea Party Battles to Scrub Racist Image

Bigots aren't welcome, say leaders

(Newser) - Tea Party groups are fighting to overcome widespread perceptions that their movement is racist. Polls show that some 30% of Americans see the movement as motivated by racism against the nation's first black president, a figure that rises to 61% among opponents and sinks to 7% among supporters. Leaders say...

Obama Interviews Diane Wood for Court Seat

She's the fourth to have face-to-face talks

(Newser) - President Obama interviewed federal judge Diane Wood of Chicago today for the Supreme Court opening, the fourth candidate known to have had face-to-face talks with the president. Wood met with Obama in the Oval Office and interviewed separately with Joe Biden. She follows Solicitor General Elena Kagan and federal appeals...

Obama: 'We Will Not Cower'
 Obama: 'We Will Not Cower' 

Obama: 'We Will Not Cower'

Obama urges resolve in face of Times Square attack

(Newser) - President Obama commended New Yorkers today for not freaking out about the attempted Time Square bombing, and in a brief statement about the arrest of Faisal Shahzad, he promised to follow their example. Obama called the failed attack a “sobering reminder of the times in which we live” and...

Bush's 'Brownie': Obama Wanted Spill to Spread

Anti-oil prez waited for disaster, says ex-FEMA chief

(Newser) - President Obama's doing a heckuva job in using the Gulf oil spill to further his anti-Big Oil agenda, according to former FEMA chief Michael Brown. Brown—whose handling of Hurricane Katrina's aftermath won praise from few apart from President Bush—says that Obama waited for the oil spill to worsen...

First Lady Tries Twitter
 First Lady Tries Twitter 

First Lady Tries Twitter

With assist from Jay Leno, CNN reporter helps Michelle Obama tweet

(Newser) - It took five people, but Michelle Obama now knows how to use Twitter. The tale emerges in the wake of the White House Correspondents Association Dinner, aka the "nerd prom," where Jay Leno busted Ed Henry of CNN for tweeting at the head table. That got Obama's attention,...

Obama Likely To Pick a Woman For Supreme Court -
Expect Another Woman on Supreme Court

Expect Another Woman on Supreme Court

Obama poised to change high court's gender balance

(Newser) - The prospect of nominating another woman to the Supreme Court appeals to President Obama and may strongly influence his choice of the successor to John Paul Stevens. With the Court's imminent retirees made of up mostly of liberals, Obama will probably only preserve the court's ideological status quo. What he...

Op-Ed Columnist - Oil Drilling, Disaster and Denial -
Gulf Spill Will Make Us Care About the Planet Again
Paul Krugman

Gulf Spill Will Make Us Care About the Planet Again

Paul Krugman finds a silver lining in changing public opinion

(Newser) - We can't begin to guess the full devastation of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, but Paul Krugman finds an unexpected silver lining: Environmental destruction has become "photogenic again." Just as Earth Day was born four decades ago of an America sickened by images of Santa Barbara beaches coated in...

Daily Show Jokesters Penned Obama Quips

No wonder he was so funny

(Newser) - No wonder President Obama got all the laughs at the White House Correspondent's Dinner over the weekend: his quips were written by Daily Show jokesters. Obama easily out-quipped Jay Leno with the funniest presidential material in two decades of the event, gushed Lloyd Grove in the Daily Beast , who was...

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