President Obama

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Obama on Gulf Coast: 'BP Will Be Paying the Bill'

In Louisiana, president gets firsthand look at effects of ruptured oil well

(Newser) - President Obama visited Louisiana this afternoon, seeing for himself the effects of the continuing oil spill and promising an "all-hands-on-deck" reaction, the Times-Picayune reports. "BP is responsible for this leak. BP will be paying the bill," he said. "But as president of the United States, I...

Obama Out-Cracks Jay Leno
 Obama Out-Cracks 
 Jay Leno 

Obama Out-Cracks Jay Leno

'You wanna know what really tickles me? Eric Massa'

(Newser) - President Barack Obama offered a bit of wisdom to a ballroom filled with celebrities, political insiders, and journalists: There are a few things in life harder to find and more important to keep than love. "Well, love and a birth certificate," he quipped at last night's black-tie White...

Obama's Commencement Request: Civility

Like Glenn Beck? Try Huffington Post, too, he says

(Newser) - President Obama tried to play peacemaker today in his commencement address at the University of Michigan, criticizing the angry politics of our age and urging both sides to tone it down. "Throwing around phrases like 'socialists' and 'Soviet-style takeover,' 'fascists' and 'right-wing nut'—that may grab headlines,"...

Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform
Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform
Dana Milbank

Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform

He 'clotheslined' Senate Democrats with his retreat

(Newser) - Immigration reform isn't going anywhere, and those pointing fingers should aim at President Obama, writes Dana Milbank. Obama vacillated, much as he did with the public option, and with the same result. He neither pushed for it not told supporters to wait. "Instead, he left a vaccum," and...

Obama Will Head to Gulf
 Obama Will Head to Gulf 

Obama Will Head to Gulf

President's response to oil spill could be as vital as Bush's to Katrina

(Newser) - President Obama will head to the Gulf of Mexico within the next 48 hours to get an update on efforts to contain the massive spill from an offshore drilling rig. A senior administration official says details of the trip are still being worked out, and Obama will likely travel with...

Enquirer: Obama Cheated With Aide
 With Aide 

Enquirer: Obama Cheated With Aide

Tab claims president hooked up with former campaign aide

(Newser) - John Edwards isn't the only Democratic candidate who cheated on his fairytale marriage, if the National Enquirer is to be believed: The tab claims none other than Barack Obama 'became close to" 35-year-old campaign aide Vera Baker, quoting an anonymous limo driver who claims to have dropped Baker off for...

Blago Defense Can't Subpoena Obama

Ex-governor's lawyers want president to testify in corruption trial

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich will not be permitted to subpoena President Obama as he defends himself against charges that he tried to sell or barter Obama's vacant Senate seat after the 2008 presidential election. The judge in the former governor's forthcoming corruption trial did leave to door open to calling the president...

Obama: I Still Like Drilling, But ...

The Gulf spill shows why it must be done 'responsibly'

(Newser) - In the wake of the spill off the Louisiana coast, how goes President Obama's plan to expand offshore drilling? After statements from the president and a top aide, it amounts to: We'll see. The president reiterated today that he likes the idea as part of an overall energy plan. "...

Oil Spill Endangers Obama's Drilling Plans

Growing slick expected to reach land tomorrow

(Newser) - The feds are ramping up efforts to contain the widening oil spill near Louisiana, with Janet Napolitano designating it an event of "national significance." For President Obama, it's also an event of political significance. With oil pouring into the Gulf, the environmental mess is already causing trouble for...

Press Corps to White House: Loosen Up!

Reporters' gripes about Obama pile up

(Newser) - The right likes to say the media is in love with President Obama; if so the affair has gone sour. White House reporters find Obama's administration thin-skinned, vengeful, and unfairly stingy with information, they tell Politico . "The White House seems to imagine that releasing information is like a tap...

Hawaii Votes to Ignore Birthers' Requests

Law would limit access to Obama's birth certificate

(Newser) - Fed up with the constant pestering from birthers, Hawaii's legislature today voted in favor of a bill that would allow the state to ignore any repeat requests to see Barack Obama's birth certificate. The law, which now goes to Gov. Linda Lingle, would carve out an exception to the Hawaii's...

White House Dangles Obama Commencement Speech

Public school voted tops will land president

(Newser) - If your high school commencement speech was some guy from the Chamber of Commerce, the White House has a less nap-inducing alternative: The public school voted most dedicated to prepping its kids for college and career will get a graduation address from one Barack Obama. Six finalist schools are on...

Obama Eulogizes W.Va. Miners

In praising 29 men who died in explosion, president criticizes safety sustem

(Newser) - President Obama paid tribute this afternoon to the miners who died in the explosion at the Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia, implicitly criticizing the mine-safety system as he celebrated the lives of the 29 men who perished, reports the Hill . "How can we fail them?" he asked....

Obama's Problem: He's an 'A Student'
 Obama's Problem: 
 He's an 'A Student' 
pj o'rourke

Obama's Problem: He's an 'A Student'

And it's 'C students' that make the world run

(Newser) - PJ O'Rourke has figured out why he finds President Obama so irritating: He's an "A student" whose "snotty lecturing" and "tone of voice sends us back to the worst place in college." That would be sitting in class, listening to "some twerp of a grad...

GOP Video Salutes Radical Guy Fawkes—Or Not

Left and right disagree on message of Republican governors

(Newser) - This much is clear: The Republican Governors Association has put out a new anti-Obama video that can be seen at . Young RGA staffers put it together, reports the Daily Caller , which calls the video's production "top notch." Most agree it's pretty slick, but then things get...

Newt Gingrich: How America became a 'secular-socialist machine'
 Why Obama's Our Most 
 Radical President 
Newt Gingrich

Why Obama's Our Most Radical President

Chief executive runs a 'secular-socialist machine' from White House

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is defending—and, in fact, repeating—his assertion that President Obama is "the most radical president in American history." Only those in the "cultural elite" could possibly view his administration as moderate, he writes in the Washington Post . It is a "secular-socialist machine,"...

Krugman: Don’t Cry for Wall Street -
 Obama, Please Screw the Banks 
Paul Krugman

Obama, Please Screw the Banks

President doesn't have to play nice with these guys

(Newser) - Barack Obama went to New York yesterday to beg Wall Street to play nice on financial reform, and Paul Krugman really wishes he hadn't. Obama said reform would ultimately help the financial industry, but Krugman doesn't see the need to play nice with the big banks. “Reform actually should...

Left Plays 'Violence Card' to Demonize Us: Limbaugh

Obama 'makes us look evil as he tightens iron grip'

(Newser) - When liberals aim to discredit right-wingers, they accuse them of plotting violence, complains Rush Limbaugh. The current "meme to equate skepticism of the Obama administration with a tendency toward violence" is just like former President Clinton blaming "loud and angry" conservative commentators for the Oklahoma bombing, he writes...

Biden: Obama Was 'Laughing Like the Devil' at F-Bomb

Vice president tells 'The View' he's a little embarrassed

(Newser) - Joe Biden recounted his infamous F-bomb moment during an appearance on The View today, telling the ladies that President Obama was "laughing like the devil" about it afterward. Biden said he had no idea the microphone would pick up his "big f---ing deal" comment at the health care...

Democrats, Be Careful What You Wish for
Democrats, Be Careful
What You Wish for
karl rove

Democrats, Be Careful What You Wish for

Get financial reform wrong, and it will backfire badly

(Newser) - Democrats are in rough shape heading into the midterm elections, which is why they're so giddy about the financial reform bill. They think it can "put some distance between them and the Obama administration's reckless spending policies over the past year," writes Karl Rove. "They believe that...

Stories 2961 - 2980 | << Prev   Next >>