President Obama

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Neil Armstrong Blasts Obama Space Cuts

Loss of space capability will make US second-rate nation, Armstrong warns

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to ax NASA's return-to-the-moon program is a giant leap backwards for America, moonwalker Neil Armstrong charges in an open letter to the president. The letter, released to NBC by Armstrong and two fellow Apollo commanders, says that while some of the NASA budget cuts have merit, the...

World Leaders Agree to Secure Nukes in 4 Years

President Obama wraps up 2-day nuclear summit

(Newser) - President Obama said all 49 leaders attending a nuclear security summit have endorsed his goal of securing nuclear materials around the world within 4 years. Obama acknowledged the goal will not be easy but said world leaders recognized the danger of nuclear terrorism. "Because of the steps we've taken....

Army Will Court-Martial 'Birther' Officer

Doctor refuses to deploy to Afghanistan

(Newser) - An Army doctor who refuses to deploy to Afghanistan because he disputes President Obama's birth certificate will be court-martialed, reports NBC News . Lt. Col. Terry Lakin won't ship out because he doesn't think Obama is a legitimate commander-in-chief. When he showed up at the Pentagon instead of at Fort Campbell...

Health Reform Bill Won't Stop Premium Hikes

Action on curbs didn't make final cut, leaving 'very big loophole'

(Newser) - Turns out the big health care reform bill doesn't actually rein in those out-of-control premium rate hikes. The Democrats used outrage over whopping increases to corral support for the overhaul, but the bill doesn't deliver, finds the Los Angeles Times , because it doesn't give the government the regulatory authority. "...

Obama Pick for Justice Post Withdraws

GOP had blasted Dawn Johnsen for criticizing Bush on terror

(Newser) - President Obama's nominee to head the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel has withdrawn her bid for confirmation, after several Republicans objected to her criticism of the Bush administration's terrorist interrogation policies. Dawn Johnsen's withdrawal—a setback for the Obama administration—was announced by the White House on a day...

Palin Mocks Obama's Nuclear 'Experience'

Tea Party firebrand says 'don't retreat, reload' was 'not a call to violence'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin continued her back-and-forth with President Obama today, mocking "the vast nuclear experience that he acquired as a community organizer." Palin continued to criticize the president's new nuclear policy at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, saying the Obama doctrine had the US "coddling...

Kyrgyzstan Unrest Bears Putin's Fingerprints

How about a stop to the meddling, pleads Simon Tisdall

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin’s “sardonic” acknowledgment of the interim regime in Kyrgyzstan yesterday is just another clue that the Russian government was involved in ousting president Kurmanbek Bakiyev, Simon Tisdall writes. It’s obvious: Putin essentially paid off Bakiyev to boot the US from a Kyrgyz air base, which ended...

After Stevens: What's Next?
 After Stevens: What's Next? 

After Stevens: What's Next?

Expect a fierce battle for liberal justice's replacement

(Newser) - What will John Paul Stevens’ retirement mean for the Supreme Court? Here are three early thoughts on what comes next:
  • Expect the tea partiers to get extremely riled up over whoever President Obama nominates, writes Chris Good of the Atlantic . They have a “very strict (one could almost say

Obama Smackdown: 'Sarah Palin's No Expert'

Who's getting punched in the face now?

(Newser) - Sarah Palin might think Barack Obama's asking for a "punch in the face," but she's the one who was smacked down by the president in an interview yesterday. "Last time I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear weapons," said Obama in a...

Newt Gingrich: Obama 'Most Radical President'

He seems to be in candidate mode at Southern GOP event

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich laid into President Obama with gusto last night as he helped kick off the Southern Republican Leadership Conference. Obama is "the most radical president in American history," he declared. "He has said, 'I run a machine, I own Washington, and there is nothing you can...

Oil Drilling Yields First Spat Between Gore, Obama

Former VP's alliance issues statement critical of plan

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to allow offshore drilling in the Atlantic has resulted in his first public disagreement with Al Gore. The former vice president's environmental group issued a statement critical of the policy, asserting that we "cannot simply drill our way to energy security." In the past, Gore...

Palin: GOP Not Party of No ... It's Party of No to Obama
Palin: GOP Not Party of No ... It's Party of No to Obama

Palin: GOP Not Party of No ... It's Party of No to Obama

Republican star minces words at rally for Bachmann

(Newser) - Sarah Palin had a little fun with the Republican Party’s reputation as the “Party of No” during a rally in Minnesota for Rep. Michele Bachmann … or maybe she just got a bit tongue-tied. “Republicans have been getting criticized lately with this, this mistaken concept, I guess,...

Larry Summers Will Be Gone by Year's End
Larry Summers Will Be Gone
by Year's End

Larry Summers Will Be Gone by Year's End

Adviser irked that Geithner, not he, has Obama's ear

(Newser) - Economics guru Larry Summers will be out the Obama administration by November’s election, or shortly thereafter, Joshua Green contends —mainly out of frustration that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and not he, has become President Obama’s go-to adviser in that area. Blogging for the Atlantic, Green notes that,...

White House Threatens to Cancel Karzai Visit

'Troubling' comments put meeting in jeopardy

(Newser) - The White House may cancel a visit by Hamid Karzai if the Afghan president continues to make volatile statements. Karzai is supposed to come in May, but press secretary Robert Gibbs said his erratic behavior has the administration thinking twice, reports CNN . Karzai's recent bombshells include blaming foreigners for electoral...

Obama Still a Safe Bet to Win Re-Election

Don't let the midterms or his ups and downs fool you

(Newser) - Much hay has been made over President Obama’s supposed vulnerability in 2012, Mark Halperin writes, but when you look at his probable challengers and his formidable political skills, his prospects seem positively rosy. Two legit Republican contenders exist at the moment: Mitt Romney “remains unexpectedly unfamiliar” (Halperin says...

Obama Will Pare US Nuclear Arsenal Further

Statement, out tomorrow, will also narrow possible uses

(Newser) - Ahead of signing a new arms treaty with Russia on Thursday, President Obama will announce tomorrow a further reduction of the US nuclear-weapons arsenal, and further restrict how the arms may be used. The Nuclear Posture Review will tone down Bush-era rhetoric, and, analysts tell the Los Angeles Times , give...

Khaki-Clad Obama Throws Out First Pitch

Southpaw president leaves 'mom jeans' at home

(Newser) - President Obama drew some boos when he threw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals' home opener today—he wore a White Sox cap for the occasion. After his "mom jeans" raised eyebrows when he did the first-pitch honors at last July's All-Star Game, Obama made a conservative...

Snopes Founders: People Are Suckers
Snopes Founders: People
Are Suckers

Snopes Founders: People Are Suckers

Please, stop falling for that Nigerian scam

(Newser) - The founders of started out investigating the origins of urban legends like the serial killer with a hook for a hand; 14 years later, their site is a major source of information for people seeking the real story behind political rumors. “When you’re looking at truth...

Stars Rock Obama Easter Egg Roll

'Ready, Set, Go!' theme includes bunny in sweats, Justin Bieber?

(Newser) - The White House hosts its annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn today, staying admirably on-message with an anti-obesity/exercise-themed event. “Ready, Set Go!” is the slogan, helped along by sports activities, but much of the kids' attention will likely go to performances by Sara Bareilles, Justin Bieber,...

Limbaugh Rips Obama Over 'Character Assassination'

Obama refuses to debate in 'Arena of Ideas'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is accusing President Obama of trying to trick him into talking about himself because Obama prefers "character assassination" to debate. "I think the president is trying to distract me to get me talking about me on my show instead of talking about him and the regime's...

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