President Obama

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Obama Prods 'Fat Cat' Bankers on Reform, Loans

Meeting sparsely attended thanks to weather

(Newser) - Less than 24 hours after jabbing at "fat cat bankers," Barack Obama rounded up every one of them he could find and prodded them to lend more, modify mortgages, and get behind financial reform methods. "America's banks received extraordinary assistance from American taxpayers to rebuild their industry,...

Obama Unloads on 'Fat Cat Bankers' Who 'Still Don't Get It'

Prez comes out firing in 60 Minutes interview

(Newser) - Ordinary Americans astonished by the gall of Wall Street banks that accepted federal bailout funds and awarded huge bonuses have a friend in a very high place: the White House. "I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street,...

Senate Sends Obama $1.1T Spending Bill

3 Republicans vote yea, 3 Dems vote nay

(Newser) - Working on a second consecutive weekend, the Senate passed a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill today, with the support of three Republicans but the opposition of three Democrats. The measure has already cleared the House and now advances to President Obama, who is expected to sign it. With pressing...

Obama, Beware: Afghanistan Is 'Another Vietnam'
Obama, Beware: Afghanistan Is 'Another Vietnam'
george mcgovern

Obama, Beware: Afghanistan Is 'Another Vietnam'

Domestic issues must trump unwinnable war: Dem elder statesman

(Newser) - When George McGovern hears about President Obama's plans for Afghanistan, he reluctantly reaches an unavoidable conclusion. "I can only think: another Vietnam," the 1972 Democratic presidential nominee writes in the Washington Post . "I hope I am incorrect, but history tells me otherwise." After 9 years at...

Obamas' Favorite Gifts Are ...
 Obamas' Favorite Gifts Are ... 
oprah christmas special

Obamas' Favorite Gifts Are ...

A bike and a basketball for him, doll house for her

(Newser) - Oprah's Christmas special at the White House airs tomorrow night, in which we learn the first couple's favorite holiday presents. For those who just can't wait: The president picks a 10-speed bike and Michelle a doll house. ("I remember I really didn't know how to set up a house...

McCain Morphs Into Chief Obama Foe
 McCain Morphs Into 
 Chief Obama Foe 

McCain Morphs Into Chief Obama Foe

Graham calls Arizona senator 'de facto leader of the Republican Party'

(Newser) - John McCain has made the transformation from possible Obama ally to a full-blooded Republican partisan, though insiders aren’t quite sure why. Some see his vocal opposition to the Obama administration’s policies as a concession to the realities of next year’s election, where he may face a challenge...

Obama Sold Us Out to Wall Street
 Obama Sold Us Out 
 to Wall Street 

Obama Sold Us Out to Wall Street

He pulled a bait-and-switch on America

(Newser) - President Obama's change from man of the people to friend of Wall Street is one of the biggest political turnarounds in history, writes Matt Taibbi. As soon as he was elected, Obama ditched his moderate economic advisers and built an economic team of Wall Street insiders with ties to "...

Sarah Palin, Newt Love Obama Speech
 Sarah Palin, Newt 
 Love Obama Speech 
rare praise

Sarah Palin, Newt Love Obama Speech

Conservatives like the tough talk from the president

(Newser) - Conservatives just love President Obama's Nobel speech today, at least the parts in which he talked about the US responsibility to fight "evil" in the world. “I liked what he said," Sarah Palin tells USA Today . "Of course, war is the last thing I believe any...

Let Entrepreneurs, Not Uncle Sam Create Jobs

Obama jobs plan will turn the US into France

(Newser) - President Obama paid lip service to America's spirit of entrepreneurship in his jobs proposals this week, but his policies will turn the US into France instead of a 21st century rival to Asia, warns Daniel Henninger. Entrepreneurship involves some people getting extremely rich, and that's something the Democrats just don't...

Obama Plan to Skip Some Nobel Events Riles Norway

President nixes traditional activities like lunch with king

(Newser) - While perhaps it’s a bit much to expect President Obama to attend a kiddie peace presentation while he’s in Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, the fact that Obama begged off lunch with King Harald—and a host of other Nobel-related events—has Norwegians fuming. The Norwegian...

Palin to Obama: Boycott 'Politicized' Copenhagen

Climategate emails prove how flawed summit is

(Newser) - Contending that the so-called “Climategate” emails prove how politicized and flawed the ongoing summit is, Sarah Palin urges President Obama to boycott the Copenhagen gathering. “The agenda-driven policies being pushed in Copenhagen won’t change the weather,” she writes in the Washington Post , “but they would...

Obama to Conyers: Stop 'Demeaning' Me

President calls liberal congressman to carp about criticism

(Newser) - John Conyers hasn't been shy about what he sees as the president's failings, and his remarks seem to have struck a nerve. “I’ve been saying I don’t agree with him on Afghanistan, I think he screwed up on health care reform, on Guantánamo," said the...

Obama Pushes Tax Breaks for Small Businesses

President lays out ideas to create jobs

(Newser) - President Obama proposed a series of job-creating ideas today to supplement the original stimulus plan, with an emphasis on helping small businesses through tax breaks and a suspension of their capital gains taxes. He also called for spending on highways and other infrastructure projects as well as the so-called “...

GOP: Congress, Prez Must Go On Public Option
GOP: Congress, Prez Must Go On Public Option
bluff and counterbluff

GOP: Congress, Prez Must Go On Public Option

If there is one, which we hope there isn't. Good idea, say Dems.

(Newser) - In the circus that is the Senate these days, a couple of anti-public-option Republicans—Tom Coburn and David Vitter—rolled out an amendment to the health care bill Friday requiring members of Congress to enroll in any such plan that might come to pass. When Dems didn’t object—Sherrod...

Obama Leans on Senate Dems
 Obama Leans on Senate Dems 
health care reform

Obama Leans on Senate Dems

President hits the hill to help move bill along

(Newser) - President Obama returned to his old haunts today in an attempt to unite Senate Democrats as he pushes to have health care reform legislation passed before the end of the year. Almost as unusual as a visit from the president is the fact that the Senate is meeting on a...

Obama's Long Road to Afghan Strategy
 Long Road to 
 Afghan Strategy 

Obama's Long Road to Afghan Strategy

Prez was relentless in analyzing every angle

(Newser) - Amid cries of "dithering" and the silent finality of Arlington's rows of white tombstones, President Obama calmly, analytically, and exhaustively reviewed all options in Afghanistan before finally announcing to his team on Nov. 29 that he would send in 30,000 more troops. The New York Times retraces the...

Obama Goes to Hill Tomorrow to Cajole Dems
Obama Goes to Hill
Tomorrow to Cajole Dems
health care reform

Obama Goes to Hill Tomorrow to Cajole Dems

He will meet with Senate Democrats to try to iron out differences

(Newser) - President Obama will head to Capitol Hill tomorrow afternoon to try to keep health care reform from flying off the track in the Senate. Obama will attend a meeting of Senate Democrats at 2pm as internal squabbles intensify over key parts of the legislation. The two big ones revolve around...

Obama Worshipers Lose Their Messiah
 Lose Their 
Dana Milbank

Obama Worshipers Lose Their Messiah

Critics pile on and discover he's a mere mortal after all

(Newser) - The "Church of Obama" is losing parishioners quickly, writes Dana Milbank. These are the liberal supporters who saw him as a "transformational figure who would end war, save the Earth from global warming, restore the economy—and still be home for dinner." The Afghanistan descision seems to...

'Muslim President' Hates Charlie Brown: Tenn. Mayor

Obama's West Point speech forced postponement of Christmas special

(Newser) - President Obama's speech on the Afghanistan troop buildup bumped the annual airing of A Charlie Brown Christmas, really ticking off the mayor of Arlington, Tenn. He apparently hasn't heard that nothing is private on Facebook, where he vented about TV scheduling: "Ok, so, this is total crap, we sit...

Marines Launch Large Attack in S. Afghanistan

'Cobra's Anger' aims to disrupt flow of IEDs in Helmand province

(Newser) - US Marines and Afghan troops today launched the first offensive since President Obama announced an American troop surge, striking against Taliban communications and supply lines in a southern insurgent stronghold. In all, about 1,000 Marines as well as Afghan troops were taking part in the operation in Helmand provvince,...

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