President Obama

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Here Comes Cash for Caulkers
 Here Comes Cash for Caulkers 

Here Comes Cash for Caulkers

Obama gets behind incentives for weatherizing, energy efficiency

(Newser) - Gentlemen, start your weatherizing. Cash for Caulkers, a program to provide financial incentives to homeowners to make their abodes more energy-efficient, looks like a go. The stimulus proposal has been kicking around Washington for a few weeks, but President Obama has taken a shine to it, reports the New York ...

The Obama Campaign Is Over: Get Used to It
The Obama Campaign Is Over: Get Used to It

The Obama Campaign Is Over: Get Used to It

The analytical balancing act is what the country needs

(Newser) - Many Democrats are complaining that the passion of the Obama campaign is missing from the White House but they should realize that upbeat rallies aren't what it takes to run a country, writes David Brooks. It requires endless amounts of prodding and compromise to get anything done in Washington and...

Young Voters Like Obama, Not His War

Two-thirds oppose the president's Afghan war surge

(Newser) - The young voters who helped President Obama get elected say they approve of his performance as president, but that doesn't seem to include his Afghan war strategy—or any of his other major policy moves, a Harvard poll finds. Some 58% of the 18- to 29-year-olds polled gave the president...

Palin Backs Birthers
 Palin Backs Birthers 

Palin Backs Birthers

Obama's birth certificate is 'fair game' in prez race

(Newser) - Sarah Palin supported "rightful" concerns by so-called birthers that President Obama was not really born in the US during a radio interview yesterday. Asked by conservative radio host Rusty Humphries if she would make Obama's birth certificate an issue if she ran for president in 2012 she responded: "...

Obama Faces War Without His Base
 Obama Faces War
Without His Base

Obama Faces War Without His Base

Prez 'redeclared' Afghanistan war without Dems on board

(Newser) - It was reassuring to see a Democratic president admit that we're "in a real struggle with bad people," writes Peggy Noonan of Obama's Afghanistan speech, but it's too bad his supporters don't seem to be on board. Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush had a political...

Obamas Light National Christmas Tree

'Technologically challenged' prez pushes right buttons

(Newser) - Surrounded by celebrity performers and characters from the North Pole, the Obama family led a countdown and lighted the National Christmas Tree tonight on the Ellipse, just south of the White House. Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha helped President Obama press a button to light the tree, an...

Obama Rejects Criticism of Black Caucus

It's a 'mistake' to focus on 'particular ethnic segments,' he says

(Newser) - President Obama says he understands the frustrations of the Congressional Black Caucus, but thinks it would be a "mistake" for him to focus too exclusively on the plight of black Americans in the recession. "The most important thing I can do for the African-American community is the same...

Secret Service Agents Face Firing for Salahi Slip

Two agents on leave, face disciplinary action

(Newser) - The two Secret Service agents who let Michaele and Tareq Salahi crash last week’s state dinner have been placed on administrative leave and may be fired, agency chief Mark Sullivan told Congress today. Testifying before the House Homeland Security Committee, the Secret Service director took full responsibility for the...

Black Caucus Openly Feuds With Obama

Members boycott a financial overhaul vote as a warning

(Newser) - Long frustrated by President Obama's inaction on urban issues, the Congressional Black Caucus threw up its hands yesterday and walked out on a vote on financial reform following a heated meeting between Maxine Waters and Rahm Emanuel. The measure passed easily, but Waters said the CBC could side with the...

Obama Surge Dicey for Campaigning Dems

Liberal base could make life hard for incumbents, and others

(Newser) - President Obama’s decision on the Afghan troop surge is throwing a big monkey wrench into the campaigns of some Democrats, who must now walk the line between an exasperated liberal base and the approval of the White House. Support for the surge is being wielded like a cudgel by...

Karl Rove: Obama Finally Did Something Right!
 Karl Rove: Obama Finally 
 Did Something Right!
we can still win afghan war

Karl Rove: Obama Finally Did Something Right!

GOP can help prez overcome anti-war Democrats

(Newser) - President Obama's party may not be wild about his Afghanistan strategy but he has won high praise from Karl Rove. Obama "deserves to be cheered" for sending more troops to Afghanistan over the objections of his vice-president, Rove writes in the Wall Street Journal , predicting that the president will...

'Goldilocks' Strategy Wins Prez Time
 'Goldilocks' Strategy 
 Wins Prez Time 


'Goldilocks' Strategy Wins Prez Time

Adopting centrist position is a gamble

(Newser) - President Obama's Afghanistan speech represented a brave foray into the middle ground of American politics, where those who venture tend to get crushed, writes EJ Dionne. His "Goldilocks strategy—neither too hawkish nor too dovish, but just right"—has split his party while failing to win any credit...

Sen. Sanders Puts Hold on Bernanke Nomination

Independent's move could force Dems to scrape up 60 votes

(Newser) - Saying that Ben Bernanke is too tied to the roots of the current financial crisis and too beholden the institutions that helped cause it, Sen. Bernie Sanders put a hold on the nomination process for a second term for the Federal Reserve chief. The Vermont independent’s move—not much...

Pundits Split on Obama's 'Churchill Moment'
 Pundits Split on Obama's 
 'Churchill Moment' 
afghanistan speech

Pundits Split on Obama's 'Churchill Moment'

Some find president's resolve unconvincing

(Newser) - President Obama staked his presidency on the Afghanistan war last night, but pundits are widely split on how convincingly he made the case for escalation.
  • This was no George W. Bush on an aircraft carrier, writes Matthew Cooper in the Atlantic. This was a community organizer turned war president,"

Left, Right Assail Obama Plan
 Left, Right Assail Obama Plan 

Left, Right Assail Obama Plan

GOP faults timetable; Dems fault surge itself

(Newser) - There was a bipartisan show of unity after President Obama’s speech tonight on Afghanistan—though hardly the unity Obama was looking for, as negative reaction echoed from his leftmost supporters to his rightmost critics. The 30,000-troop buildup irked Democrats, the Wall Street Journal reports, despite Obama pairing that...

Chris Matthews: West Point Was 'Enemy Camp' for Obama
Chris Matthews: West Point Was 'Enemy Camp' for Obama

Chris Matthews: West Point Was 'Enemy Camp' for Obama

Conservative bloggers quick to pounce on MSNBC pundit

(Newser) - The conservative blogosphere was quick to jump on Chris Matthews’ statement on MSNBC that President Obama went “to the enemy camp” for his Afghanistan speech—indeed, an odd way to characterize the US Military Academy’s reception for the Commander in Chief. “When your mouth is bigger than...

Speech, Afghan Reality Don't Quite Match

Allies may not help; Afghan troops ineffective even if trained

(Newser) - President Obama’s speech tonight “raised expectations that may be hard to meet,” AP analysts Calvin Woodward and Robert Burns write, citing conditions in Afghanistan that don’t match Obama’s rhetoric:
  • US allies will add troops: In fact, this has always been a tough sell, and even

Obama to Send 30K Troops; Home By 2011
 Obama to Send 
 30K Troops; 
 Home By 2011 

Obama to Send 30K Troops; Home By 2011

President explains US troop surge at West Point

(Newser) - Saying that “Afghanistan is not lost, but for several years it has moved backwards,” President Obama explained his decision tonight to send 30,000 more US troops there. Speaking at the US Military Academy in West Point, NY, he told the cadets in the audience, “I owe...

US Will Begin Withdrawing Troops in July 2011

President will discuss Afghan timetable in speech tonight

(Newser) - President Obama plans to begin withdrawing US forces from Afghanistan in July 2011, senior administration officials say. Obama will sketch out the timetable tonight when he announces plans to send an additional 30,000 troops to the country over the next 6 months, report the New York Times and the...

Obama Sounding a Lot Like Bush
 Obama Sounding 
 a Lot Like Bush 

Obama Sounding a Lot Like Bush

Rationale for troop surge is the same that Bush used for Iraq

(Newser) - Glenn Greenwald finds the rationale for the Afghan troop surge President Obama will announce tonight to be "remarkably similar" to that used by George W. Bush when he argued for more troops in Iraq in 2007. The speech hasn’t been given yet, but the administration has been leaking...

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