President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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President Has Delivered Real Change in Education
 President Has Delivered
 Real Change in Education

President Has Delivered Real Change in Education

Race to the Top program has sparked a 'quiet revolution' in education

(Newser) - President Obama's huge success in education reform has been overlooked amid all the carping about his failure to deliver as much change as expected, writes David Brooks. The $4.3 billion Race to the Top fund Obama and Arne Duncan established has helped accelerate real reform in education and has...

I Snorted Coke 40 Feet From Obama at DC Dinner: Actor
I Snorted Coke 40 Feet From Obama at DC Dinner: Actor

I Snorted Coke 40 Feet From Obama at DC Dinner: Actor

David Cross, of Arrested Development fame, says he did it on a dare

(Newser) - We’ve all done silly stuff on a dare, but probably not on the level of actor/author/comic/crazy guy David Cross, who says he snorted cocaine not 40 feet from President Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner (not, for the record, held at the White House). With cabinet secretaries, Supreme...

Senate OKs Bill Giving Gays Hate-Crime Protection

Named for Shepard, it now heads to Obama

(Newser) - Physical attacks on people based on their sexual orientation will join the list of federal hate crimes in a major expansion of the civil rights-era law Congress approved today and sent to President Obama. The measure, on the congressional agenda for a decade, expands current law to include crimes based...

Cheney Is a 'Maniacal' Hypocrite
 Cheney Is 
 a 'Maniacal' 
Kristen Breitweiser

Cheney Is a 'Maniacal' Hypocrite

He accuses Obama of endangering troops?

(Newser) - Dick Cheney is accusing President Obama of "dithering" on Afghanistan and endangering troops. How rich, writes Kristen Breitweiser. What actually endangers troops "is bad judgment—particularly when exercised by an overzealous, power-hungry, maniacal Vice President like you." Cheney seems to have forgotten that the Iraq war—a...

Bank Reform Shatters Usual Party Lines
Bank Reform Shatters Usual Party Lines

Bank Reform Shatters Usual Party Lines

Next big domestic issue will be 'fascinating' to watch

(Newser) - Once health care reform is “settled,” Nate Silver writes, the White House will be searching for a new domestic issue. Card check is too hard, immigration will have to wait for 2012’s “younger, more diverse electorate,” and gay rights is a slog. The winner, in...

Obama Owns Up: Michelle Made More Sacrifices

Many men 'still a little obtuse' about imbalance in household dynamics

(Newser) - The men in many families need to be "knocked across the head every once in a while" to realize how much more work their partners are putting into child-raising, President Obama says, and the Obamas are no exception. "There's no doubt that our family, like a lot of...

Stop Afghan 'Dithering' as Troops Face Danger: Cheney

'Do what it takes to win,' former VP urges Obama

(Newser) - Former Vice President Dick Cheney tonight accused the White House of dithering over the strategy for the war in Afghanistan and urged President Barack Obama to "do what it takes to win." Cheney, accepting an award from a conservative national security group, added, "Make no mistake. Signals...

Airport Guard Arrested Over Obama Threats

Fellow NJ worker reportedly overheard him making remarks

(Newser) - A private security guard at Newark Liberty International Airport has been arrested on charges of threatening President Obama before the president was to fly there. A Continental Airlines employee reported overhearing John Brek make threatening comments at an airport coffee cart yesterday afternoon. The 55-year-old security guard was arrested several...

Don't Fight Reform, Obama Warns Wall St. at NYC Dinner

Still, president reminds finance industry, 'we're in this together'

(Newser) - At a fundraising dinner tonight in New York attended by (among others) the sorts of financial types who could afford the $30,400-per-couple entry fee, President Obama wagged a finger at Wall Street. “I would ask that you join us in passing what are necessary reforms,” he said...

Senate OKs US Trials for Gitmo Prisoners

Obama expected to sign measure aimed at speeding jail's closure

(Newser) - President Obama won a modest victory today in his continuing effort to close the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba and allowing the government to continue to transfer detainees to the US for prosecution. The plan to permit terror suspects to be shipped to U.S. soil to face trial passed...

In 2012, GOP Goes With Heart (Palin) Over Head (Romney)

Who knows, maybe her star power will make her the next Reagan

(Newser) - No matter what kind of gains Republicans make in the midterm elections next year, it’s going to be tough to unseat President Obama—and that’s why the GOP is going to choose Sarah Palin, its heart’s preferred candidate, over Mitt Romney, its head’s favorite. Or as...

Campaign Film Shows 'Too-Perfect' Obama
Campaign Film Shows 'Too-Perfect' Obama

Campaign Film Shows 'Too-Perfect' Obama

Lack of passion in behind-the-scenes doc highlights problems with Obama's presidency

(Newser) - President Obama comes across as too perfect for his own good in upcoming HBO documentary By the People: The Election of Barack Obama, writes Richard Cohen. The behind-the-scenes look at the campaign shows Obama as cool and collected as ever, Cohen writes in the Washington Post, with no sign of...

Military Frustrated by 'Slow' Obama

Commanders irked by ongoing review of Afghanistan strategy

(Newser) - President Obama's ongoing review of Afghan strategy is frustrating military officers used to a different commander-in-chief's style, say past and present top brass. Some fear that the long deliberations over Gen. Stanley McChrystal's request for more troops signal weakness and indecision to the enemy, while others fear the president is...

Obama Coming Up Short on Human Rights
Obama Coming Up Short
on Human Rights

Obama Coming Up Short on Human Rights

President's actions don't match the promises that wowed Berliners

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to skip the celebrations of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall highlights the gap between his rhetoric on the campaign trail and the realities of his presidency, writes Bret Stephens. Obama hailed the "dream of freedom" in his big speech in Berlin last...

Shame on Obama for Skipping Berlin Festivities

(Newser) - Skipping the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall is a bad choice by President Obama, Rick Richman writes, for several reasons:
  • It’s a snub of a personal invitation from German Chancellor Angela Merkel—a key ally and one going all out for the festivities.
  • It’s

School Day Includes Obamas-Teacher Conference

President makes surprise visit to Malia's, Sasha's classrooms

(Newser) - Third- and sixth-grade teachers at the private Sidwell Friends School knew Michelle Obama planned to attend today's scheduled parent-teacher conferences, but they weren't warned to expect her companion: President Obama. The first couple's trip to Sasha's Bethesda, Md., school and Malia's Washington classroom was low-key, for a presidential motorcade—...

Health Industry Shakedown Imperils Reform
Health Industry Shakedown Imperils Reform

Health Industry Shakedown Imperils Reform

Obama must ignore lobbyists for insurers, doctors, drug makers

(Newser) - In dealing with pharmaceutical companies, insurers, and the AMA, President Obama should take a page from David Letterman's book and not fall prey to blackmail, writes former Labor Secretary Robert Reich. Promises the administration made to those three constituencies in exchange for staying neutral or positive about health care reform...

Obama-Bashing Is Manchurian Candidate Crap
Obama-Bashing Is Manchurian Candidate Crap

Obama-Bashing Is Manchurian Candidate Crap

Claims he has an anti-US agenda go well beyond Bush-loathing

(Newser) - Liberals questioned George W Bush's legitimacy and wanted him to fail, writes Michael Tomasky, so what's the difference between those Bush haters and the birthers, teabaggers, and "paranoid" “committed conservatives” who Tomasky writes are way “off the continuum” of political debate over Barack Obama’s presidency? No...

Obama Bigwigs Take Aim at Wall Street

Says execs can't have their bailouts, and their bonuses, too

(Newser) - Wall Street is getting ready to hand out some hefty bonuses, and the Obama administration is already crashing the party, with top aides loudly dressing down execs, framing them as would-be fat cats who only last year were on the public dole. "The bonuses are offensive," says David...

White House: Fox Is 'Not Really News'
 White House: 
 Fox Is 'Not 
 Really News' 


White House: Fox Is 'Not Really News'

Administration still sparring with conservative network

(Newser) - The White House continued its scuffle with Fox News today, with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace complaining on-air that the administration dissed its request for an interview, while top aides took to competing networks to denounce it. It's "not really news," David Axelrod told This Week. The...

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