President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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'Irresponsible' to Send Troops Without Election Results: Kerry

Says Afghan leadership needs to be in place

(Newser) - The US is in no position to send more troops to Afghanistan with that country's presidential election still up in the air, Sen. John Kerry told State of the Union in an interview yesterday. Speaking from Kabul ahead of an announcement on whether a runoff would be held, the Senate...

Union Chief Takes On White House
Union Chief Takes On
White House

Union Chief Takes On White House

AFSCME leader gets very loud over health care reform

(Newser) - The leader of one of the nation's biggest labor unions is not playing ball with the White House, writes Ben Smith. AFSCME's Gerry McEntee seems to be breaking the unwritten rule among progressives when dealing with this administration: Hush up, or we'll freeze you out. McEntee has repeatedly taken public...

Socialism, Not Racism, Fuels Obama Foes

(Newser) - It turns out race isn't what's fueling the conservative opposition to Barack Obama, at least according to focus groups conducted by a Democratic organization. It found that white, self-identified conservatives believe Obama is harboring a "secret agenda" intended to destroy America's founding principles and turn it into a socialist...

Obama Sets Softer Sudan Policy
 Obama Sets Softer Sudan Policy 

Obama Sets Softer Sudan Policy

(Newser) - Though Obama advocated a confrontational approach to Sudan on the campaign trail, his administration will announce a somewhat soft policy toward the country on Monday. Ending months of internal wrangling, the policy is designed use to "pressure and incentives" to bend the government to address US concerns over the...

Obama Rips Into 'Dishonest' Insurers

Calls them out for 'deceptive' advertising in weekly address

(Newser) - President Obama ripped into insurers today, admonishing them for attempting to derail his health care initiative with "deceptive and dishonest" advertising. “The insurance industry is rolling out the big guns and breaking open their massive war chest to marshal their forces for one last fight to save the...

White House Doesn't Take Glenn Beck 'Very Seriously'
White House Doesn't Take Glenn Beck 'Very Seriously'
worth crying over

White House Doesn't Take Glenn Beck 'Very Seriously'

Administration not sweating Fox host's campaign against Anita Dunn

(Newser) - Fox talking head Glenn Beck has White House communications director Anita Dunn in his crosshairs, but the administration isn't exactly sweating. "I caught some of that from the Glenn Beck show yesterday, but I don't think anybody takes it—takes his attacks very seriously," the deputy White House...

Record $1.4T Deficit Imperils Recovery

Gap dwarfs FY2008 figure, spells trouble for new stimulus plans

(Newser) - The federal deficit in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 was $1.4 trillion, lower than projected but still a record. At 10% of GDP, the figure is the largest since 1945, when the deficit was 21.5% of GDP. The figure made public today coincides with early rumblings...

Obama, Bush 41 Tout Public Service

(Newser) - A bipartisan call for public service got a warm reception today at Texas A&M, where George HW Bush welcomed President Obama and 44 hailed 41 as "an inspiration to us all." At a forum celebrating the 20th anniversary of the former president's Points of Light Institute, Obama—...

Logical, Ethical Lapses Beset Washington Post
Logical, Ethical Lapses Beset Washington Post
media rare

Logical, Ethical Lapses Beset Washington Post

Op-ed page woes spread to editorial on Nobel Peace Prize

(Newser) - The next-to-last straw was the Washington Post editorial saying Neda Agha Soltan should have won the Nobel Peace Prize, which isn't awarded posthumously. The last straw was today's op-ed raising—but not bothering to answer—the question of whether President Obama can even accept the honor without violating the Constitution....

Dems Helped Shape Health Industry Ad Campaign
Dems Helped Shape Health Industry Ad Campaign
sausage and politics

Dems Helped Shape Health Industry Ad Campaign

Meeting raises questions about ties to big business

(Newser) - Aides to President Obama and Max Baucus met with a variety of lobbyists for corporate health care companies on April 15, to help form two industry coalitions and launch a multimillion-dollar ad campaign, Politico has learned. Though both sides insist no quid pro quo was laid out, some participants say...

Obama's Foreign Policy Amateurish and Naive

 Foreign Policy 
 and Naive 
charles krauthammer

Obama's Foreign Policy Amateurish and Naive

Krauthammer finds the Nobel not premature, but ridiculous

(Newser) - President Obama's Nobel prompted Charles Krauthammer to review the administration's foreign policy moves to date, and from Iran to Russia to China, he finds nothing but failure. "It is amateurishness, wrapped in naivete, inside credulity," he complains. "In short, the very stuff of Nobels." Obama gets...

GOP Pol Ripped Over 'Redneck Rap'
Ripped Over
'Redneck Rap' 

GOP Pol Ripped Over 'Redneck Rap'

Anti-Obama video touts opossum, 'the other dark meat'

(Newser) - Kansas lawmaker Bill Otto brushed off accusations of racism after his "Redneck Rap" video was pulled from YouTube yesterday. The Republican sported a hat describing opossum as "the other dark meat" in the video, in which he slams President Obama's policies and then repeats the hat's slogan, adding,...

9-Year-Old to Obama: 'Why Do People Hate You?'

Replies prez: 'Some of it is just what's called politics.'

(Newser) - President Obama took some heat today in New Orleans for continued slow progress in rebuilding from Hurricane Katrina, but perhaps the most pointed question he got all day came from a 9-year-old. “Why do people hate you?” Tyren Scott asked Obama, microphone in hand, during a public meeting. “...

Most of Nobel Panel Objected to Obama Pick

Chairman Thorbjoern Jagland talked fellow voters into selection

(Newser) - President Obama's Nobel Prize was a tough sell for the chairman of the committee that awarded the honor, with three of the five members initially opposing his selection, anonymous sources tell a Norwegian newspaper. They were persuaded mainly by chairman Thorbjoern Jagland, who strongly backed Obama from the beginning. The...

NYC Pol Highlights Interracial Marriage—and Wins

One historian sees it as a 'post-Obama' moment

(Newser) - Bill de Blasio's victory in the Democratic primary to be New York City's public advocate is a knock at the door of another racial hurdle. De Blasio’s wife is black, and his children interracial, a fact made clear in campaign ads and mailings. "For so long in American...

Sources: Obama Will Send 40-45K More to Afghanistan

White House denies a decision has made, but UK's move would make more sense

(Newser) - President Obama will announce a troop surge in Afghanistan next week, sources tell the BBC, with Afghanistan’s ambassador to the US saying Obama will commit as many as 45,000. The White House says there’s been no decision, with spokesman Robert Gibbs sniffing that the BBC wouldn’t...

Obama Scared to Show His Face in ... San Francisco?

Crazy left has made it ugly for Dems before

(Newser) - Given the adoring crowds he’s attracted in, say, Berlin, one would think President Obama would have a number of public appearances scheduled during a quick jaunt to San Francisco beginning tomorrow. But evidently, his staff is so worried about rabid lefties that Obama’s just dropping in for an...

Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel
Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel

Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel

With US the biggest obstacle to action, they hope prize acts as stick

(Newser) - The Taliban and conservative commentators in the US aren’t the only ones steamed by  Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. “It’s hard for me to emphasize enough the thickness of the international resentment towards America at the climate negotiation level,” Ben Jervey writes. The argument is simple:...

Palestine Says Hope in Obama 'Evaporated'

Abbas' Fatah Party accuses president of caving to Israel

(Newser) - The Palestinian president's political party says all hopes in the Obama administration have "evaporated," accusing the White House of caving to pressure from the pro-Israel lobby and backing off a demand to freeze Jewish settlement. Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party also accused the US of failing to set a...

Snowe, Not Palin, Is GOP's Real Maverick
 Snowe, Not Palin, Is 
 GOP's Real Maverick 

Snowe, Not Palin, Is GOP's Real Maverick

Maine senator's yes on health reform isn't first time breaking with the party

(Newser) - Today’s committee vote for a key health-reform measure isn’t the first time Sen. Olympia Snowe has broken with fellow Republicans—and leads Laurie Kellman to call her, and not former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the GOP’s real maverick. Snowe also voted for President Obama’s stimulus package,...

Stories 3561 - 3580 | << Prev   Next >>