President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama: Urban Mentoring Will Be My Life's Mission

'Opportunity gaps' lead to unfairness, unrest, he says

(Newser) - President Obama launched a new phase of his My Brother's Keeper initiative to aid and mentor disadvantaged minority youth yesterday, promising to make it a mission not just for the rest of his presidency, but for the rest of his life. "We see ourselves in these young men,...

Obama Picks New Chairman of Joint Chiefs

Joseph Dunford Jr will get nod tomorrow, officials say

(Newser) - President Obama will nominate Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford Jr. as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, choosing a widely respected, combat-hardened commander who led the Afghanistan war coalition during a key transitional period during 2013-14, US officials said today. The move cuts short Dunford's service as...

Emergency Room Visits Rising Under ObamaCare: Poll

Three-quarters of emergency doctors cite increase

(Newser) - Backers of ObamaCare have said it would reduce the number of visits to emergency rooms, the Wall Street Journal notes, but in fact, a poll of ER doctors finds that number has been climbing. "Visits are going up despite the (Affordable Care Act), and in a lot of cases...

Obama Settles on Library City
 Obama Settles on Library City 

Obama Settles on Library City

It's Chicago, but there may be prizes for NYC, Honolulu as well

(Newser) - Tough luck, Honolulu and New York: Chicago, the city where President Obama started his political career, has been chosen as the site of his presidential library and museum, sources tell the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune . Hawaii, where Obama grew up, and his alma mater Columbia University in...

Obama on Riots: Let's Not 'Feign Concern,' Move On

'Slow-rolling crisis' much larger than a police issue, says president

(Newser) - President Obama took a question on the Baltimore riots today during a news conference with Japan's Shinzo Abe and ended up talking for nearly 15 minutes about what he termed the "slow-rolling crisis" enveloping America, reports the New York Times . "This isn't new, and we shouldn'...

Obama Gets His Own China
 Obama Gets His Own China 

Obama Gets His Own China

White House breaks out the new plates just in time for state dinner tomorrow

(Newser) - Six years into his administration, President Obama finally has his own plates: The White House today unveiled Obama's official state china service, an 11-piece setting trimmed in a hue of blue that was inspired by the waters of his native state of Hawaii. The china will immediately be put...

Obama: I Can&#39;t Wait &#39;to See Who Koch Bros. Pick&#39;
 Obama: I Can't 
 Wait 'to See Who 
 Koch Bros. Pick' 

Obama: I Can't Wait 'to See Who Koch Bros. Pick'

It's 'nerd prom' time again

(Newser) - Washington feted itself last night with the annual exercise known alternately as the White House Correspondents Dinner or "Nerd Prom," with Saturday Night Live's Cecily Strong getting in some of the strongest zingers. "Your hair is so white now," she told President Obama, "it...

Russian Hackers Got a Look at Obama’s Emails

His account appears safe, but not those with whom he communicated

(Newser) - Russian hackers got a peek at a bit more than President Obama's schedule when they hacked the White House's unclassified network late last year: They got a look at his emails, sources tell the New York Times . While Obama's email account, which is linked to his BlackBerry...

100 Years Later, Armenia Remembers Mass Killings

But certain countries—notably Turkey and the US—still won't call it 'genocide'

(Newser) - Turkey may not recognize the killings of 1.5 million Armenians as genocide , but other world leaders do and are paying tribute to the 100th anniversary of the massacre today, the BBC reports. "We will never forget the tragedies that your people have endured," French President Francois Hollande...

One of Obama's Biggest Remaining Fights Is With Democrats

Legislation for huge trade deal is introduced in Congress

(Newser) - One of President Obama's biggest goals for his home stretch in office took a big step forward today with a deal struck by leading Republicans and Democrats. It's regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a proposed pact with 11 Pacific Rim nations that the Hill notes would be the biggest...

Iran Deal Clears Senate Panel; Obama on Board

President says he would sign the measure

(Newser) - It looks like Congress will have its say on the Iran nuclear deal after all. A compromise version of legislation allowing it to do so cleared the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with support from both parties this afternoon. In fact, it passed 19-0 , and it's expected to easily pass...

Senate Panel: We Have an Iran Bill

And they're optimistic it'll pass this afternoon

(Newser) - "We have reached a bipartisan agreement that keeps the congressional review process absolutely intact, full of integrity." So said Sen. Bob Corker this morning in revealing that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Republicans and Democrats have arrived at a compromise on a bill that would give Congress...

Obama, Castro Have Historic Sit-Down
 Obama, Castro Break the Ice 

Obama, Castro Break the Ice

The US, Cuba meet for first time in over 50 years

(Newser) - The leaders of the US and Cuba held their first formal meeting in more than half a century today, clearing the way for a normalization of relations that had seemed unthinkable to both Cubans and Americans for generations. In a small conference room in a Panama City convention center, President...

Castro: 'Obama Is an Honest Man'

Presidents meet later today

(Newser) - They shook hands last night, and today President Obama and Cuba's Raul Castro continued on the same track in public speeches at the Summit of the Americas. Castro, however, first castigated the US by reeling off a list of grievances spanning the decades, reports AP . But then he made...

Obama, Castro Shake Hands
 Obama, Castro Shake Hands 

Obama, Castro Shake Hands

It was brief, informal, historic

(Newser) - A simple handshake is making big headlines tonight—because the handshakers were President Obama and Cuba's Raul Castro. Reuters quotes a White House official as saying the men shook hands and exchanged some brief chit-chat in Panama during the opening ceremony of the Summit of the Americas. "This...

US, Cuba Hold Highest-Level Meeting in More Than 50 Years

John Kerry met with Cuba's foreign minister last night

(Newser) - The top US and Cuban diplomats have met in Panama in the highest-level meeting between the two governments in more than half a century. The US State Department says Secretary of State John Kerry and Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez met yesterday evening in Panama City, where the Summit of...

Obama's First Stop in Jamaica: Marley Museum

'I still have all the albums,' he tells guide

(Newser) - President Obama arrived in Jamaica last night, and his first stop was the Bob Marley museum, the BBC reports. Obama is the first US president to visit Jamaica since Ronald Reagan did so in 1982, and he's apparently a big Marley fan: During his 20 minutes spent touring the...

Obama: Stop Trying to 'Convert' Gay Youth

White House backs ban on conversion therapy

(Newser) - Therapies that try to "cure" gay or transgender young people are wrong and harmful, and President Obama supports banning them, the White House says. In a statement released in response to a petition to ban so-called gay conversion therapies, Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett says the administration shares...

Russia Hackers Had Access to Obama's Schedule

President's whereabouts not classified, but not public knowledge, either

(Newser) - Russian hackers' apparent infiltration of the White House computer network in October wasn't exactly confidence-inspiring, even though it was the unclassified portion of the system that was breached. Now US officials say some of the unclassified information that made its way onto hackers' screens was related to President Obama'...

Israel: Here's Our List of Iran-Deal Changes

Including fewer centrifuges, no R&D, closing of enrichment site

(Newser) - "I'm not trying to kill any deal. I'm trying to kill a bad deal," Benjamin Netanyahu said as he worked the Sunday talk shows , per the New York Times . But Israel was mum on what a good deal might look like until yesterday, as Intelligence Minister...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>