President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama: Iran Nuke Deal Is 'Personally Difficult'

The president presents his argument to Thomas Friedman

(Newser) - President Obama made his case yesterday for the pending Iran nuclear deal and essentially put it this way: While he respects Israel's concerns, and doesn't totally trust Iran, he's the leader of a massive military superpower that can afford to take a chance on diplomacy—a chance...

Congress: Any Nuke Deal Goes Through Us

Too many 'gray areas' to let accord go through without full congressional review

(Newser) - A blueprint outlining the path toward a final deal between Western countries and Iran on its nuclear program was drafted yesterday, and Politico notes "there was much for Obama officials" and their partner countries to "be happy about," such as more centrifuge disassembling than previously anticipated. But...

Obama Doubles Drug Commutations in a Day

He shortens 22 'outdated' sentences

(Newser) - A bold move from the president dubbed " one of the least merciful " in US history: President Obama commuted the sentences of 22 drug offenders yesterday, more than doubling the number of commutations he has issued during his presidency, reports USA Today , which notes that it was the biggest...

Aussie Autofill Error Leaks World Leaders' Private Info

Passport numbers for Obama, Putin, Merkel emailed to soccer group

(Newser) - You'd think if you had charge of the passport numbers of the planet's elite leaders you'd be pretty careful. But a hapless employee of Australian's immigration agency relied a little too much on autofill—and mistakenly sent an email with the passport numbers, visa info, and...

US Slows Withdrawal of Troops From Afghanistan

About 10,000 will be there at year's end, not 5,500

(Newser) - Afghan's new president gets along much better with the US than did predecessor Hamid Karzai, and today that paid off for him: President Obama agreed to Ashraf Ghani's request to slow down the withdrawal of US troops from the country. Under the original plan, nearly half of the...

Why Madonna Wishes She Were Married to Jay Z

Because then maybe she'd finally score a White House invite

(Newser) - Madonna seems pretty happy with herself, for the most part—but it sounds like there's at least one reason she might be jealous of Beyonce. She recently admitted in Us Weekly 's "25 Things You Don't Know About Me" that the person she most wants to...

McCain: Obama, Get Over Israel &#39;Tantrum&#39;
 Obama, Get 
 Over Israel 

McCain: Obama, Get Over Israel 'Tantrum'

President's priorities 'so screwed up that it's unbelievable'

(Newser) - President Obama pulled no punches in his blunt assessment of Benjamin Netanyahu's campaign rhetoric, and John McCain is today taking his own jabs at Obama. Appearing this morning on CNN , he said, "The president should get over it. Get over your temper tantrum, Mr. President." He dismissed...

Obama to Netanyahu: Your Rhetoric Hurt Peace Talks
Obama to Netanyahu: Your Rhetoric Hurt Peace Talks

Obama to Netanyahu: Your Rhetoric Hurt Peace Talks

'Going to be hard to find a path' where anyone thinks 'negotiations possible'

(Newser) - Elections—and the rhetoric used to win them —have consequences: That appears to be the frosty message President Obama is sending Benjamin Netanyahu in the wake of his recently won fourth term , even as the Israeli PM immediately backpedaled on his stance that there would be no chance of...

Obama Cheers Niece in NCAA Tourney

President watches Princeton advance

(Newser) - Among the presidential duties today: Watching a niece's basketball game in the NCAA women's tournament. President Obama went to College Park, Md., and sat in the stands for the Princeton game against Green Bay, reports ESPN . His niece, Leslie Robinson, is a freshman forward for the Tigers. Her...

Hot Rumor: Obama Could End Up in Magnum, PI Digs

Friend Marty Nesbitt has purchased the Hawaiian residence

(Newser) - After the White House, where will President Obama be spending his time? Locals along Hawaii's Waimanalo Beach wonder if he might be joining them, KHON reports. A house in the area has just been sold for $8.7 million—and it's already famous, regardless of the buyer. It...

After Netanyahu Win, US 'Evaluating' Israeli Relations

US could even withhold veto in UN Security Council to protect Israel

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu may have lived politically to fight another day, but he might be doing it without as much help from his friends in Washington: There were no public congratulations from the White House, nor a phone call from President Obama (John Kerry called), and administration officials are indicating the...

Cheney: Obama Is 'Worst President in My Lifetime'

Former VP speaks to 'Playboy' about race, torture, military

(Newser) - Dick Cheney spends his days sipping lattes in custom-ordered Starbucks cups surrounded by military history and political biography books in his study in Virginia—and apparently brewing over how President Obama has ruined the country. In an interview with Playboy , the former vice president describes the changes since his time...

Obama: Pot Shouldn't Be Young People's Top Priority

VICE co-founder Shane Smith interviews president on marijuana, foreign policy

(Newser) - President Barack Obama sat down with VICE co-founder Shane Smith, and the two jawed about issues of the day based on questions sent in after a VICE online query—Smith says "the Internet blew up" after VICE posted its request. Highlights from the interview (which Politico notes was posted...

ACLU Suit: Spill Killer-Drone Details, Mr. President

Complaint says administration has been stonewalling about 'kill list' since 2013

(Newser) - In October 2013, the ACLU filed a FOIA request to find out more about the US counterterrorism drone program, the Guardian reports. Since then, the Obama administration has fought "tooth-and-nail" against releasing documents and "failed to follow through on … commitments to openness," the ACLU said today...

Obama Reads Mean Tweets About Himself on Kimmel

'No excuse for criminal acts,' he says

(Newser) - President Obama—introduced as "the first Kenyan-born, Muslim socialist" president—appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, but it wasn't all joking around: He made his first public comments on this week's shooting of two police officers in Ferguson , reports the New York Times . "What had...

Obama Slams GOP Letter as 'Coalition' With Iran Hardliners

47 senators released open letter that Dems slam as 'interference'

(Newser) - Republican senators appear to have formed an "unusual coalition" with hardliners in Iran, President Obama said yesterday after 47 senators released an open letter to Iran's leaders about nuclear negotiations. The letter warned that any nuclear deal not approved by Congress would be considered merely an executive agreement...

Obama in Selma: Race &#39;Casts Its Long Shadow&#39;
Obama in Selma: Race
'Casts Its Long Shadow' 

Obama in Selma: Race 'Casts Its Long Shadow'

President speaks to thousands, 50 years after 'Bloody Sunday'

(Newser) - America's racial history "still casts its long shadow upon us," the nation's first black president said today as he stood in solidarity and remembrance with civil rights activists whose beatings by police a half-century ago galvanized people against racial oppression and hastened passage of historic voting...

Obama's 'First Significant' Veto Holds

GOP-led Senate fails to get the two-thirds majority needed to override veto

(Newser) - The GOP-controlled Senate has, as expected, failed to override President Barack Obama's veto of a bill that would have green-lit the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Proponents of the bill have said since its introduction that they didn't have the vote of two-thirds of the Senate...

No Plan B If Court Rules Against ObamaCare: WH

But Republicans say they've got something in mind

(Newser) - The Supreme Court begins hearing arguments today in a case that could result in people in 34 states losing subsidies under the Affordable Care Act, the New York Times reports. But if the court opts to take what one Democrat calls "a wrecking ball to a major part of...

You&#39;re Up, Netanyahu
 You're Up, 

You're Up, Netanyahu

Last-minute guide to Bibi's speech to Congress

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu presents his much-debated thoughts on Iran to Congress this morning after what CBS News calls "extensive hand-wringing" and tensions between himself and the White House. Some final context:
  • President Obama's thoughts: While Bibi's appearance isn't "permanently destructive" to US-Israeli relations, "it is

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>