President Obama

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Bolton: Obama's UN Address Naive, 'Post-American'

Ex-UN rep not impressed by president's focus on 'interests that unite us'

(Newser) - President Obama's address to the United Nations yesterday was long on uniting nations and short on looking out for American interests, complains Bush administration UN representative John Bolton. The "Wilsonian" address was "a post-American speech by our first post-American president," and was "very revealing of Obama’...

Obama Dodges Sitdown With Brown for Chat in UN Kitchen

White House declines 5 requests for talks from humiliated prime minister

(Newser) - Brit papers are buzzing about President Obama's snub of visiting Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who asked for a meeting five times. Brown—keen to boost his profile as an international statesman as his poll numbers flatline in Britain—had to settle for a 15-minute "walk and talk" with Obama...

Rove: You're Boring Us, Obama
 Rove: You're Boring Us, Obama 

Rove: You're Boring Us, Obama

Prez needs to get off TV, start working on better health plan

(Newser) - If President Obama wants opponents to buy his health care plan he'll have to come with a better plan instead of trying to bore them into submission by repeating details of the one he's got, writes Karl Rove. With his recent round of TV appearances, "Obama made a classic...

Russia Shifts on Iran, But Why Remains Unclear
Russia Shifts on Iran, But Why Remains Unclear

Russia Shifts on Iran, But Why Remains Unclear

Did Obama convince Medvedev, or is it quid pro quo, Ambinder wonders

(Newser) - Has the US finally convinced Russia that reining in Iran is in both countries’ common interest? Or are indications today that Russia could support sanctions on the rogue nuclear program part of a quid-pro-quo arrangement that President Obama launched last week by shelving the Eastern European missile shield? Marc Ambinder...

ACORN's Founder Blasts GOP Attacks
Founder Blasts GOP Attacks

ACORN's Founder Blasts GOP Attacks

Dismisses them as 'poppycock,' part of anti-Obama vendetta

(Newser) - The founder of ACORN says the conservative portrayal of the group as a "criminal enterprise" is a “complete fabrication." Claims that the group systematically misuses federal funds for political purposes are being circulated as fact on TV talk shows and blogs, Wade Rathke tells the Washington Post....

Earth, Wind & Fire Flower Again in Obama's America

White House concert helps revive popularity

(Newser) - Earth, Wind & Fire is back on top again in its 40th year, playing stadiums for the first time in a quarter-century. And their resurgent success, the band tells Newsweek, is based on a mixture of '60s idealism and the good favor of the president. Barack Obama has always been...

Nader: Obama Is 'Weak, Waffling'

(Newser) - In an interview with Time to plug his new book, Ralph Nader doesn't mince words when asked his opinion of President Obama: "Weak. Waffling, wavering, ambiguous, and overwhelmingly concessionary." So does this mean we can expect another Nader run? "It's too early to say. One thing is...

Hey, Dems: Stop Whining About Civility and Fight Back!

Dems could easily win this debate and should fight back instead of complaining

(Newser) - The Democrats should be trying to land a few blows in the health care debate instead of meekly complaining about a lack of civility from the opposition, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal. The right wing has made the issue into a crusade for its vision of liberty,...

Obama Drops on Foreign Policy, With Independents
Obama Drops on Foreign Policy, With Independents

Obama Drops on Foreign Policy, With Independents

But president did slow defections with speech on health reform

(Newser) - President Obama’s speech on health reform did stem movement away from him on the issue, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows, but he’s losing steam among independent voters—a key constituency for him and fellow Democrats in recent elections—and facing more doubt about his handling of...

Obama to Israeli, Palestinian Leaders: Get to Work

President meets with Netanyahu, Abbas, calls for progress on negotiations

(Newser) - President Obama urged Israeli and Palestinian leaders to restart peace talks, saying it was “time to move forward” on finding compromises to the contentious final status issues, the New York Times reports. Obama delivered his comments today after separate one-on-one meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas and just...

Who Leaked to Woodward? Good Luck
 Who Leaked 
 to Woodward? 
 Good Luck 

Who Leaked to Woodward? Good Luck

McChrystal report could help the Pentagon, or the White House, or...

(Newser) - The question du jour in Washington is who leaked Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s report advocating an increased troop presence in Afghanistan to Bob Woodward, Ben Smith writes on Politico. But the outcome of this tried and true “capital parlor game” is far from certain. Some Beltway insiders think the...

Obama Vows New US Resolve on Climate Change

(Newser) - President Obama declared the United States a serious partner in combating global warming today, telling world leaders at the UN, "We understand the gravity of the climate threat. We are determined to act. And we will meet our responsibility to future generations." In brief remarks at a high-level...

Obama Set to Bankrupt US, Appease Foes

Wrongheaded policies to be on display at UN, G20 meetings

(Newser) - President Obama's agenda can be summed up as "beggar thy neighbor, bankrupt thy country, and appease thy foe," as can be seen in his plans for summit meetings this week, Bret Stephens writes in the Wall Street Journal. The president chairs a UN Security Council meeting on...

Obama on Letterman: Funniest Moments

The president sums up his thoughts on health care, and more from the interview

(Newser) - Yes, there was that whole potato thing. But President Obama’s stint on Letterman included more funny moments, and Time runs down the top 10:
  • During Dave’s Top 10 list, the No. 2 reason why Obama agreed to appear on the show: “Said yes without thinking, like Bush

'I Was Black Before the Election'
 'I Was Black Before the Election' 
'late show' sneak peek

'I Was Black Before the Election'

Obama and Letterman tackle the tough topics, including potatoes

(Newser) - President Obama's media blitz continues tonight on The Late Show With David Letterman, where he'll remind the host, "I think it's important to realize that I was actually black before the election." Snippets CBS released after this afternoon's taping reveal lighthearted moments and more serious stretches, as well...

Obama Rethinks Afghan War
 Obama Rethinks Afghan War 

Obama Rethinks Afghan War

As President mulls change of tack, military wishes he'd mull a bit faster

(Newser) - With Gen. Stanley McChrystal's assessment in hand, President Obama is conducting a "very, very serious review of all options" in Afghanistan, the Washington Post reports. The president, once confident in the plan to boost counterinsurgency efforts, now faces a game changed by last month's botched Afghan elections and eroding...

Obama's Guest Spot Points to Newly Political Letterman

Lineup coup as Dave veers toward politics

(Newser) - With President Obama tonight and Bill Clinton tomorrow, David Letterman is starting his new season with a bang—and a marked shift toward politics, the New York Times reports. Letterman, who chose to lay low in repeats last week as NBC trotted out big guests for Jay Leno's primetime debut,...

Obama Meets With Abbas, Netanyahu Next Week

(Newser) - President Obama will host a meeting Tuesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in an effort to lay the groundwork for renewed negotiations on Mideast peace. The three-way meeting, which will be on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly forum, will take place...

Obama Vows to End 'Fat' Exec Bonuses

Summers sees 'death panel' tactics from reform foes

(Newser) - President Obama used his weekly radio address today to promise a continued crackdown on risky investment schemes that result in "fat executive bonuses" on Wall Street, reports Reuters. Obama pledged to use next week's G20 summit in Pittsburgh to push for sweeping reform of the world's financial markets. "...

GOP 'Riding a Wave of Racism'
 GOP 'Riding a Wave of Racism' 

GOP 'Riding a Wave of Racism'

Racially charged attacks on Obama show scourge of racism is still with us

(Newser) - Racism is alive and well in today's America and the Republican Party is feeding off it, Bob Herbert writes in the New York Times. Nobody should need Jimmy Carter—who wasn't above pandering to racists himself in his 1976 presidential campaign—to point out the racist undertones behind many of...

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