President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Pawlenty Rips Obama's Pre-9/11-Style 'Appeasement'

Blasts talks with Iran, N. Korea, says similar moves didn't stop Nazis, Soviets, terrorists

(Newser) - Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a possible Republican presidential contender in 2012, tonight compared President Obama’s diplomatic moves on Iran, North Korea and the missile shield to pre-World War II and pre-9/11 “appeasement,” Politico reports. “The lessons of history are clear,” he told Christian conservatives. “...

Mac's Missile Shield Rant Off Target, Forgetful
Mac's Missile Shield Rant Off Target, Forgetful

Mac's Missile Shield Rant Off Target, Forgetful

System he's now never heard of relies on ship named for forebears

(Newser) - Sen. John McCain’s savaging of President Obama over shelving the Eastern European missile shield could hardly more disingenuous, David Corn writes for Mother Jones. McCain said he hadn’t heard of the technology Obama plans to use instead, but not only did he publicly praise Obama for boosting funding...

Unhealthy? Then Shut Up About Health Reform: Maher

(Newser) - Fat? Out of shape? Otherwise unhealthy? Then shut your trap about health-care reform until you do something about your own well-being, comedian Bill Maher writes for the Huffington Post. “Unlike most liberals, I’m glad all those teabaggers marched on Washington last week,” he snickers. “Because judging...

Obama's Gandhi Act Ties Supporters in Knots
Obama's Gandhi Act Ties Supporters in Knots

Obama's Gandhi Act Ties Supporters in Knots

President seeks a fundamental change in our political discourse: Goodman

(Newser) - Even President Obama's fans are beginning to wonder when—or even if—his "inner fighter" is going to emerge, writes Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe. His collaborative style entranced many during the campaign, but supporters are groaning as the president listens calmly to the opposition rather than putting...

Obama Doesn't Lie&mdash;But He Does Mislead
Obama Doesn't Lie—But He Does Mislead

Obama Doesn't Lie—But He Does Mislead

President slides by on half-truths on health care: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Joe Wilson wasn’t quite right. President Obama doesn’t lie, exactly, writes Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post, but he still has an odd “relationship to the truth.” For example, Obama promised to veto any bill that grew the deficit, then with his very next sentence promised...

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists
 Some Obama Critics 
 Actually Are Racists 

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists

They reject his 'legitimacy as president'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter was right when he said racism fuels some of President Obama's critics, Eugene Robinson writes for the Washington Post. Carter may have overstated it—plenty of naysayers have legit policy concerns over issues such as health reform—but "the most vitriolic attacks" reject Obama's "legitimacy as...

Obama Backlash Isn't About Race
 Obama Backlash 
 Isn't About Race 

Obama Backlash Isn't About Race

The real, centuries-old conflict is between urban elites and small towners

(Newser) - It's a mistake to see the growing backlash against President Obama through the prism of race, David Brooks writes in the New York Times. The anti-Obama movement springs not from racism, but from the long American tradition of popular distrust of the urban elite, argues Brooks. He notes mostly white...

Dropping Missile Shield Is Jab at Bush—Not US Allies

Obama & Co. see Russia, Iran threats differently

(Newser) - President Obama’s decision to shelve the missile shield for Eastern Europe is appeasement only to those obsessed with “legacy threats” like Russia, Marc Ambinder writes for the Atlantic. Obama believes the threat from Iran was overstated by President Bush, and that the shield technology wasn’t a sure...

Fallen Soldier Awarded Medal of Honor

Army sergeant perished in Afghanistan saving an injured comrade

(Newser) - Army Sgt. Jared Monti, who died in 2006 while trying to save the life of a wounded comrade in Afghanistan, was awarded the Medal of Honor this afternoon at the White House. "Jared Monti saw the danger before him and went out to meet it," said President Obama....

GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub
GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub

GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub

President will appear on every other network Sunday

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers are peeved because President Obama is—try not to laugh—snubbing Fox News. Obama will appear on every political Sunday talk show this week, except Fox News Sunday. “If people are going to be on the Sunday talk shows, they should be on all of them,”...

Obama's Missile Move Leaves Allies in the Lurch

(Newser) - President Obama’s decision to scrap plans for a missile defense shield is a political bombshell, writes Robin Oakley for CNN. America’s allies in Poland and the Czech Republic are left holding the bag after expending significant political capital on the unpopular system. Abandoning it might make their lives...

Working Class Picks Wrong Villains
 Working Class Picks 
 Wrong Villains 

Working Class Picks Wrong Villains

(Newser) - When the tea party protesters converged on Washington, one leader, radio demagogue Mark Williams, repeatedly described them as “working stiffs” who felt left out. It’s no wonder they’re angry, writes Timothy Egan for the New York Times, because it’s been a lost decade for “working...

Judge Tosses 'Frivolous' Birther Lawsuit

Peeved judge tells Orly Taitz not to waste his time with any similar suits

(Newser) - Leading "birther" Orly Taitz had a lawsuit chucked out of court yesterday and the judge threatened her with sanctions if she brings another “frivolous” suit to the same court, the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reports. Taitz—representing a soldier seeking to avoid deployment to Iraq by challenging President Obama's legitimacy—...

Obama Disagrees With Carter on Racism Charge

(Newser) - Sorry, Jimmy Carter: The White House doesn't think hostility toward President Obama is motivated by race, the Washington Post reports. “The president does not believe that the criticism comes based on the color of his skin,” said Robert Gibbs. Carter started a firestorm by asserting just that—the...

Obama the Anti-Christ? Maybe in New Jersey

(Newser) - New Jerseyans are apparently having a difficult time figuring out whether the president is the devil or not, the Washington Independent reports. To be sure, a Public Policy Polling questionnaire has 79% of respondents responding “No” to the question “Do you think Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ?” But...

Wilson's Son to Carter: Dad's No Racist

Slams former prez's claim 'you lie!' was 'based on racism'

(Newser) - Rep. Joe Wilson’s “you lie!” shout wasn’t “based on racism,” whatever Jimmy Carter might say, argues Wilson’s son. “There is not a racist bone in my dad's body,” says Alan Wilson, himself a candidate for attorney general in South Carolina, reports...

Maybe Obama's 'Half-White Side' Is Racist: Limbaugh

Also, president's media 'lust' is Castroesque

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh yesterday capped off a free-wheeling show on the scourge of racism in America by suggesting that Obama’s white half is racist because he hasn’t thrown a bone to his Kenyan relatives, Media Matters reports. “I'm just going on Newsweek, that we're all born racists, and...

Young Adults Will Pay Steep Price for Health Reform

Insurance will be cheaper, but not cheap, and they'll be forced to buy it

(Newser) - Young adults are the demographic most firmly behind President Obama and health care reform, but they may also end up funding a disproportionate share of it, the Washington Post reports. Requiring young adults to sign up for health insurance is a key part of reform plans, as it will ensure...

Obama Supports Extending Patriot Act Provisions

Administration tells Congress it wants to renew surveillance laws

(Newser) - The Obama administration supports extending three controversial provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year,  AP reports. The Justice Department tells Congress in a letter they will back preserving the post-9/11 law's authority to access business records, monitor so-called "lone...

Carter: Wilson's Heckling of Obama 'Based on Racism'

(Newser) - Former President Jimmy Carter says Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech last week was an act "based on racism." Carter says Wilson's comment was part of an "inherent feeling" of some that a black man should not be president. In responding to a question at...

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