President Obama

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Cold-Fish President Is Losing the Public: Noonan

And young, untried staffers are dangerously full of themselves

(Newser) - Alarm bells should be ringing at the White House as the Obama administration drifts dangerously out of touch with the middle ground, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. By trying to tackle health care on top of the economy and two wars, Noonan writes, the president—along with...

Petraeus 2012? GOP Mulls New Candidates

Republicans take hope in Obama's lowered poll numbers

(Newser) - With President Obama’s poll numbers sinking, Republicans are feeling more confident about 2012—and eying a new crop of potential candidates, Politico reports. Among them: MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, a former GOP congressman who’s slammed Obama but is also ready to criticize his own party, and Gen. David...

White House Backs Off on Lesson Plan
White House Backs Off on Lesson Plan

White House Backs Off on Lesson Plan

Teachers won't ask kids to say 'how they can help the president'

(Newser) - In response to criticism over a speech President Obama plans to deliver to schoolchildren Tuesday, the White House will make the text of the speech available for review by teachers and school officials a day earlier, the Dallas Morning News reports. The administration also changed a widely criticized part of...

Obama School Address Infuriates Critics

Republicans denounce speech as 'socialist' indoctrination

(Newser) - Conservative critics are blasting President Obama’s plan to give a speech on education in Virginia next week as a ploy to brainwash the nation’s children, the Washington Post reports. The address, which the White House is encouraging educators and students to watch, is part of a push to...

Sasha in Oval Office Evokes John-John

Photo of youngest Obama visiting Dad echoes Camelot image

(Newser) - A new photo released by the White House shows Sasha Obama sneaking up on her dad from behind an Oval Office couch—recalling an iconic image of John Kennedy Jr. hiding under his dad’s desk in 1963. That picture became part of the Kennedy family’s "‘Camelot’...

Now Who Needs Health Care?
Now Who Needs Health Care?

Now Who Needs Health Care?

SoCal rally turns ugly when reform opponent has finger bitten off; perp on the lam

(Newser) - A pro-health care reform event in southern California turned surreally bloody last night, NBC Los Angeles reports. Opponents of the effort turned out to oppose supporters organized by, and when a supporter crossed the street to challenge the other group, a brawl ensued. During the fisticuffs, a 65-year-old...

Help Wanted: Fed Govt. Needs 600K New Workers

270K new hires deemed critical to make up for retirement

(Newser) - The federal government must hire 600,000 people over the next 4 years to balance a wave of retirement and keep pace with President Obama’s ambitions, the Washington Post reports. Nearly half of those positions are considered absolutely essential for agencies to provide their services, a new report states,...

Obama Success Could Hinge on Address

Big speech to Congress next week likely to make or break health care reform

(Newser) - Barack Obama's address to a  joint session of Congress next Wednesday could well be the biggest moment of his presidency, Nate Silver writes in FiveThirtyEight. Two-thirds of voters are still confused about the president's plans for health care, and this speech will be a make-or-break chance to give them some...

Time for Beck to Back Up 'Racist' Jab or Apologize

As advertisers flee, the facts become taboo

(Newser) - The boycott of Glenn Beck by America's biggest advertisers has reached unprecedented levels, writes Eric Boehlert for Media Matters. "All of Beck's big-time advertisers have fled. All of them." And yet Beck and Fox News seem to have a collective case of amnesia and won't acknowledge the reason—...

Obama to Address Congress on Health Reform

(Newser) - President Obama will speak to a joint session of Congress next Wednesday, confronting critics of his health care overhaul and trying to buck up supporters on an issue that's been slipping from his control under withering Republican attacks. Obama's allies have been urging him to be more specific about his...

Stung by Polls, Obama Plans Health Care Offensive

Prez open to dropping public option

(Newser) - President Obama is heading into autumn with a new strategy in hand: He’s going to get specific on what he wants in health care legislation, reports Politico. He is expected to lay out details in a major address soon, and he will reiterate that he's willing to let the...

Obama Site Calls Conservatives 'Terrorists'

Apparently user-generated posting sent to supporters

(Newser) - A message posted on President Obama’s “Organizing for America” website and sent to its supporters “likens conservatives to al-Qaeda terrorists,” writes Rory Cooper for the Heritage Foundation. The posting, which Cooper notes “may have been user-generated,” calls for a phone campaign to Senators on...

Obama Praises US Muslims at Ramadan Dinner

(Newser) - President Barack Obama praised the contributions of American Muslims tonight at a White House dinner to celebrate the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Muslim community leaders, Cabinet secretaries, ambassadors and members of Congress were on hand as Obama paid tribute to "a great religion and its commitment to justice...

Afghan Report Pressures Prez for More Troops

Where military sees inadequate resources, Dem base sees hopeless mire

(Newser) - As he heads to Camp David tomorrow, with General Stanley McChrystal's assessment of the situation in Afghanistan under his arm, President Obama faces a political minefield. The grim report lays the groundwork for deploying more troops to Afghanistan, the New York Times reports, adding pressure on the president, who must...

Fueled by Fringe, GOP in a Tight Spot
 Fueled by Fringe, 
 GOP in a Tight Spot 

Fueled by Fringe, GOP in a Tight Spot

Protesters energize party, but make it look crazy

(Newser) - Raucous town-hall protesters are energizing a Republican party damaged in the 2006 and 2008 elections—but they’re also opening the party to accusations that it’s being run by the fringe, Reuters reports. While some demonstrators oppose any sort of reform, many Americans actually want some form of change....

Holder to Crank Up Civil Rights Enforcement

Holder restoring Civil Rights Division to pre-Bush status

(Newser) - The Obama administration plans to revitalize the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division and beef up efforts against racial discrimination, the New York Times reports. Attorney General Eric Holder has been working to redirect the focus to tackling discrimination in high-impact areas like housing, voting rights, employment, and bank lending, where...

Turkey, Armenia Move Toward Diplomatic Ties

Talks won't touch WWI-era massacre at root of ill feelings, however

(Newser) - Armenia and Turkey, bitter foes for a century, took a step toward reconciliation today by announcing they would launch final talks aimed at establishing diplomatic ties. But they won't discuss the deepest source of their enmity: the World War I-era massacres of Armenians under Ottoman rule. The sides say they...

Obama to Moderate Abbas-Netanyahu Meeting: Peres

Israeli prez says settlement issue isn't settled, yet

(Newser) - President Obama will play moderator to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a meeting at the UN before the end of next month, Israeli President Shimon Peres tells Fox News. “I think they will meet by the end of September,” he says. "...

Obama Love Affair Over for Liberal Pundits

One-time cheerleaders' support is 'wobbly'

(Newser) - During the campaign, lefty pundits offered Barack Obama some of “the most favorable coverage that any White House contender has drawn in a generation.” Now, those same commentators’ support for the president is looking “wobbly,” writes Howard Kurtz in the Washington Post. “I find myself...

Kennedy to Pope: Pray for Me
 Kennedy to Pope: Pray for Me 

Kennedy to Pope: Pray for Me

Senator wrote letter delivered by Obama

(Newser) - In the months before he died, Ted Kennedy penned a letter to Pope Benedict beseeching the pontiff's prayers—and enlisted no less a messenger than the leader of the free world to deliver it, reports CNN. “I am writing with deep humility to ask that you pray for me...

Stories 3741 - 3760 | << Prev   Next >>