President Obama

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Daschle: Insurers Can Talk to Rush—Or Me

Says Dems need to 'do better' at selling health care reform

(Newser) - Why is Tom Daschle taking money to advise an insurer that’s against the creation of a public health care option—a measure he supports? Pish-posh, the former Senate majority leader tells Deborah Solomon in the New York Times. Who would doubters on the left “advise these insurance companies...

Current Care Kills More Than 'Army of Death Panels'

System 'takes lives and breaks apart families'

(Newser) - Despite screeches that a government-run health care program will bump people into an early grave, "it’s a good bet that our existing dysfunctional health system knocks off far more people than an army of ‘death panels’ could, even if they did exist," writes Nicholas Kristof in...

Obama: Kennedy a 'Kind and Tender Hero'
 Obama: Kennedy a 
 'Kind and Tender Hero' 

Obama: Kennedy a 'Kind and Tender Hero'

(Newser) - President Obama paid homage to the "greatest legislator of our time" today in his eulogy of Ted Kennedy—"the baby of the family who became its patriarch, the restless dreamer who became its rock." He ticked off the personal and public tragedies of Kennedy's life, "a...

Obama Wouldn't Cover Kennedy: Huckabee

Says under Dem plan he'd be told to 'take pain pills and die'

(Newser) - Passing health care reform in Ted Kennedy’s honor “not only defies good taste, it defies logic,” Mike Huckabee declared yesterday. Adding his own take on Sarah Palin's death panel meme, he said that under Democratic health care proposals, Kennedy would have been told to “go home...

Aide: Obama Eulogy to Focus on Kennedy's Impact on US

President works into night on speech for Boston funeral

(Newser) - President Obama is still working on the eulogy he’ll deliver at Ted Kennedy’s funeral tomorrow in Boston, an aide tells Politico tonight. Though Obama will offer “a personal take on the senator as legislator, mentor, colleague, friend and family member,” the aide says, it’s “...

How the Dems Can Save Obamacare
 How the Dems Can 
 Save Obamacare 

How the Dems Can Save Obamacare

Keep plans private, creating gov't care 'by proxy'

(Newser) - Amid “widespread national revulsion,” Obamacare as it stands “is dead,” but the Democrats can revive it if they’re willing to make some key concessions, writes Charles Krauthammer—a nonpracticing physician in addition to pundit—in the Washington Post. What they must do:
  1. Dump the public

Beck's Latest Rant: Obama Like Hussein, Hitler

Host isn't suggesting Americorps plan makes him a fascist, but...

(Newser) - Glenn Beck may have reached a new low last night when he implied President Obama’s plans to use AmeriCorps make him the equivalent of a fascist dictator, Gawker reports. One guest, Vets for Freedom vice chairman David Bellavia, fanned the flames by saying, “I’m not comparing my...

Sorry, Mr. President, Nobody Likes Change

Let's reform health care, as long as it can stay the same

(Newser) - If you listen to pandering politicians or ranting radio hosts, you’d think Americans want big, far-reaching change right away. They might disagree on what change, but nobody likes the way things are. Well, you’d be wrong, writes Michael Kinsley for the Washington Post. As the health care debate...

Rush to Obama: Hands Off My Private Parts

Limbaugh makes leap from CDC advisory to mandatory circumcision

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh says President Obama is out to get his foreskin. Seriously. Or at least semi-seriously. It all started when the the Centers for Disease Control reported that it's thinking of issuing an advisory touting the health beneifits of male circumcision in infancy, writes Gabriel Winant for Salon. Conservative blogger...

Wikipedia Labels Obama 'Harvard Puppet'

Days of user stunts like this are numbered

(Newser) - Oops. Wikipedia's new editorial oversight didn't start soon enough to block a statement in President Obama's Wiki profile that he's a "puppet" of Columbia and Harvard Law. Mystery writer "Mrjazzguitar" substituted the word in the kind of prank that Wikipedia hopes to curtail with its new policy to...

Catholic Bishops Slam Obamacare

Fears of abortion funding clash with social service concerns

(Newser) - After decades lobbying for better health care for the poor, a growing number of Catholic bishops have become an unexpected voice of opposition against President Obama's health care plan, the New York Times reports. "No health care reform is better than the wrong sort of health care reform,"...

GOP Hopeful: I Was Kidding About Hunting Obama

At event, would-be Idaho governor said he'd buy 'Obama tags'

(Newser) - A Republican gubernatorial candidate is under fire tonight for an offhand remark that he’d buy a license to hunt President Obama, the Twin Falls Times-News reports. Asked at a GOP event Tuesday about “Obama tags,” Rex Rammell replied, “Obama tags? We’d buy some of those....

Obamas Cut Vacation Short
 Obamas Cut 
 Vacation Short 

Obamas Cut Vacation Short

(Newser) - With a tropical storm bearing down on the Northeast, President Obama and Michelle Obama will leave Martha's Vineyard tomorrow, a day ahead of schedule, to ensure he arrives in Boston in time to deliver a eulogy at Ted Kennedy's funeral Saturday. If possible, they'll return to the Vineyard afterward; if...

Obama's Approval Rating Sinks to 50%

(Newser) - President Obama's job-approval rating slipped to 50% in Gallup poll results out today, a new low for the 10-month-old administration, the Los Angeles Times reports. The drawn-out health care reform debate apparently is dragging down the number, which hit 69% after the inauguration. The disapproval number is 43%. "It's...

Americans Read Over President's Shoulder

Obama's vacation book list drives leaps in Amazon sales rankings

(Newser) - President Obama’s poll numbers are faltering, but his summer reading choices are getting rave reviews, Politico reports. A survey of the standings of the five books the White House announced he would take with him on his Martha’s Vineyard vacation show a drastic improvement in sales....

All Living Presidents Will Attend Kennedy's Funeral

(Newser) - All four living former presidents will attend Ted Kennedy’s invitation-only funeral, the Boston Herald reports. President Obama will also be there, breaking off his Martha’s Vineyard vacation to deliver a eulogy. Gordon Brown also plans to attend, as will Irish PM Brian Cowen. “Sen. Kennedy is being...

To Straighten or Not: Hair Politics Snags Black Women

Many feel pressure to go straight

(Newser) - For black women, it's near impossible to choose a hairstyle without society weighing in. Chemical relaxers help straighten hair, but "you’re pegged as selling out," a black studies professor tells the New York Times. But go natural and "you’re seen as not practicing appropriate grooming...

Obama Will Deliver Kennedy Eulogy

(Newser) - President Obama will deliver the eulogy at Sen. Ted Kennedy’s funeral Saturday in Boston, the Globe reports this evening. Obama will make the short trip from Martha’s Vineyard, where he’s vacationing, to the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help for the morning service; Kennedy will be...

Bernanke's Next Challenge: Undoing His Own Work

Rate cuts, other moves must eventually be reversed

(Newser) - In his first term as Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke played the role of savior, lending hundreds of billions to banks and businesses, backing the mortgage market, and cutting interest rates. In his second, Bernanke will have to turn “strict disciplinarian,” reversing earlier moves to respond to a massive...

Limbaugh: Jay-Z Diss 'Means I Made It'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh says he’s finally an A-lister, the Huffington Post reports, after being name-checked by Jay-Z in a track leaked recently off the rapper’s forthcoming The Blueprint 3 album. “Tell Rush Limbaugh to get off my balls, it’s 2010 not 1864,” goes the lyric from...

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