President Obama

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To Cure Health Care, See This Doctor
 To Cure Health Care, 
 See This Doctor 

To Cure Health Care, See This Doctor

Mayo Clinic boss could be reform's 'Petraeus'

(Newser) - To fix health care, we need a commander like Gen. David Petraeus: “a professional who can break through the political chaff and describe a strategy for reform that can unite the country,” writes David Ignatius in the Washington Post. He nominates Mayo Clinic CEO Dr. Denis Cortese, who’...

Kennedy Urges Mass. Leaders to Fill His Senate Seat Quickly

Looking ahead to his death, health care vote

(Newser) - In a letter indirectly invoking his own terminal illness and the current health care debate, Ted Kennedy has urged Massachusetts leaders to take special measures to make sure the state won't lack a Senate vote when his seat becomes vacant, the Boston Globe reports. Kennedy called for the governor to...

Dems May Split Health Plan Into 2 Bills to Skirt GOP

(Newser) - Here's the latest health care strategy gaining traction among Democrats: Pass two bills instead of one. The idea, as laid out by the Wall Street Journal, goes like this: Democrats would tuck most of the legislation's more controversial spending measures—maybe even a public insurance option—into a first bill...

Poll: Most in US Say Afghan War Not Worth It

(Newser) - On the eve of Afghanistan's elections, a major new poll finds sinking support for the US war effort there. A poll by the Washington Post and ABC finds that 51% of Americans don't think the war is worth fighting, up 6 points from last month. Only 24% think President Obama...

Obama Honors NASCAR as 'Uniquely American'

President praises stock racing's service ethic

(Newser) - First bowling, now NASCAR. President Obama continued his sports education today by honoring last year's champ, Jimmie Johnson, and the rest of NASCAR's top drivers at the White House. "NASCAR is a uniquely American sport," said the president, praising its rise from the humble roots of moonshiners racing...

Michelle Can Be Obama's Best Weapon in Health Debate

(Newser) - The president appears oblivious to the pocket ace he’s holding on health-care reform, Josh Skolnick writes on the Stimulist: Michelle Obama. Here’s why the first lady should be injected into the debate:
  • Experience: At the University of Chicago, "her whole job was explaining medical decisions and health

Obama's Health Reform Waffling May Be Savvy

Prez perhaps following his predecessors in 'strategic uncertainty'

(Newser) - It may not be timidity that’s keeping Barack Obama from pushing harder for a public health care option. He may instead be employing a time-tested presidential technique: “strategic uncertainty,” writes Jill Lawrence in Politics Daily. Key for Obama is getting strong Senate support for a bill, and...

Obama to Recast Health Reform as Moral Issue

Focus on legislative details has bogged down debate, supporters worry

(Newser) - President Obama is about to start focusing more on the moral aspects of health care reform, stressing the need to provide secure coverage to all Americans, the Wall Street Journal reports. The shift may reflect the concerns of some supporters that Obama has spent too much time talking about the...

Dems Look to Move on Health Bill Sans GOP

(Newser) - With the GOP line against President Obama's health care plan hardening, Dems see little hope of cooperation and are now poised to set out on their own, drawing a final plan solely from within their own party, the New York Times reports. The White House will still face the challenge...

Rifle-Toting Protester Part of Staged Radio Interview

(Newser) - An anti-reform protester who showed up near President Obama's town hall event in Phoenix with a semiautomatic assault rifle did so as part of a staged radio event, reports Talking Points Memo. The man who conducted the seemingly random interview with the gun-toting "Chris" is conservative talk radio host...

Obama, Egypt's Mubarak Click at DC Meeting

Presidents cite 'positive steps' for Israelis, Palestinians

(Newser) - A meeting today between President Obama and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak signaled a thaw in relations between the two countries, the New York Times reports. Obama also spoke of “positive steps” that “could help to jump-start an effective process on all sides” in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Mubarak,...

Chicagoan 'Fesses Up to 'Joker' Poster

But Firas Alkhateeb isn't behind 'socialism' campaign

(Newser) - A 20-year-old college student from Chicago is the artist behind the now-famous image of Barack Obama as Heath Ledger’s Joker, the Los Angeles Times reports. Firas Alkhateeb made the image using Photoshop and Time magazine’s Obama cover when he was bored one day during winter break. It attracted...

Another Obama Speech, Another Armed Citizen

Man brings assault rifle, pistol to health-care rally

(Newser) - President Obama's appearance at a VFW convention in Phoenix today was marked by yet another appearance of a man with a gun, the Arizona Republic reports. As separate crowds of protesters for and against health care reform rallied outside the Phoenix convention center, a man with an AR-15 rifle and...

Obama to Vets: Afghan War Is 'of Necessity'

Prez also assures VFW confab that medical benefits won't change

(Newser) - President Obama defended the war in Afghanistan, spoke optimistically about Iraq, and tried to iron out misconceptions about health care reform today in a speech at a VFW convention, the Washington Post reports. “The insurgency in Afghanistan didn't just happen overnight. And we won't defeat it overnight,” he...

White House Shuts Online Rumor Tip Box

Program to collect health-care hearsay slammed over privacy

(Newser) - The White House is closing its e-tip box for bogus health care rumors amid concerns over what the administration might do with such messages, Politico reports. On Aug. 4, a White House blog told readers: “If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance...

Obamas Soak Up Grand Canyon
 Obamas Soak Up 
 Grand Canyon 

Obamas Soak Up Grand Canyon

(Newser) - President Obama wrapped up the recreational side of his travel weekend by visiting the Grand Canyon and peppering park rangers with questions about it, the Arizona Republic reports. With Michelle, their daughters, and other members of the Obama clan, the president marveled at a view he last witnessed at age...

Obama: Stop Screaming, Get Real
 Obama: Stop 
 Get Real 

Obama: Stop Screaming, Get Real

(Newser) - President Barack Obama hit the New York Times Op-Ed pages today, calling for "serious debate" on health-care-reform, "not wild misrepresentations that bear no resemblance to anything that anyone has actually proposed." Reforms will benefit the 46 million uninsured Americans as well as those with insurance by cutting...

Obama Gets Personal, Cites Grandmother's Death

(Newser) - Now it's personal. President Barack Obama invoked his own anguish over the death of his grandmother as he challenged the notion that Democratic efforts to overhaul the nation's health care would include so-called death panels. "I just lost my grandmother last year. I know what it's like to watch...

Dems Hope George Washington Can Tame Town Halls

(Newser) - Democrats are taking some unconventional steps to keep town halls civil, the Hill reports. Rep. Betsy Markey plans to hand out copies of George Washington’s Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior to attendees, in a nod to their patriotic zeal. The first rule? “Every Action done in Company,...

Friendly Crowd Does Obama No Favors at Town Hall

(Newser) - President Obama was plainly itching for the chance to confront health reform critics at his town hall event in Montana yesterday but he was let down by a friendly audience that failed to ask enough tough questions, Michael D. Shear writes in the Washington Post. The president was only put...

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