President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obamas Ride Wave of Interest in National Parks

Yellowstone-bound first family will add to record number of visitors

(Newser) - The Obama family will visit Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon this weekend, doing their part to add to this year's already-booming national parks attendance figures, USA Today reports. Yellowstone hit a record high of 900,500 visitors in July—up 11% from last year, and 6% over the 1995 record—...

Obama, Be Like FDR and Talk to Us
 Obama, Be Like 
 FDR and Talk to Us  

Obama, Be Like FDR and Talk to Us

(Newser) - President Obama should man up and talk straight to the American people about health care reform—just like FDR did when trying to pass Social Security, Nancy J. Altman writes in the Los Angeles Times. Roosevelt succeeded with that program against similar odds—opponents cried “socialism” and said it...

Righty Pundits Cooked Up 'Death Panels'

False rumor tracks back months, to same old conservative voices

(Newser) - The stubborn false rumor that President Obama is planning to encourage euthanasia, or ration health care through “death panels,” may sound like the stuff of anonymous e-mail campaigns, but it actually came from comparatively mainstream conservative media outlets, the New York Times reports. The first whispers came way...

Clinton Urges Progressives to Solidify Power

But president, Congress need help cementing it

(Newser) - Political winds have shifted in America, says Bill Clinton: The country has “entered a new era of progressive politics which, if we do it right, could last 30 or 40 years,” the former president told liberal Internet activists at a convention in Pittsburgh. But first, he told Netroots...

Obama Good at Becoming Prez, Not at Being Prez

(Newser) - Barack Obama doesn’t look like a unifying centrist anymore. At his suspiciously adoring health care town hall meeting, Obama “seemed like a man long celebrated as being very good at politics, who is finding out day by day that he isn’t,” writes Peggy Noonan of the...

11-Year-Old Finally Snags His Obama Interview

(Newser) - Damon Weaver, not yet out of elementary school, made his name on the Internet when he interviewed Joe Biden during the 2008 campaign for his school's TV station. Yesterday, the grizzled journalistic veteran bagged his biggest sit-down yet following 8 months of requests—a 10-minute grilling of Barack Obama at...

White House Pushes Against Reform 'Myths'

Grassley says death panel language gone from Senate bill

(Newser) - The White House has chosen to fight fire with fire in its battle for health care reform, the Washington Post reports. An email from David Axelrod posted on the White House web site expresses bafflement at the "lies and distortions" of opponents. Axelrod, whose email went up after Sarah...

Latest Hipster Fad: A Potbelly
 Latest Hipster Fad: A Potbelly 

Latest Hipster Fad: A Potbelly

Have men given up? Or is the president somehow to blame?

(Newser) - A new trend is emerging among hipster males. No, not the Hanes V-neck or the straw fedora—the potbelly. The protruding guts are too prominent to write off, so what accounts for the fad? Well, hipsters love nonconformism, so some blame President Obama, a magazine editor tells Guy Trebay of...

Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet
Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet

Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet

Taitz shares theories on Obama (he's gay), conspiracies, flu shots

(Newser) - President Obama or one of his operatives has tried to kill birther leader Orly Taitz many times—according to Taitz. The lawyer/dentist/real estate agent gives Gabriel Winant of Salon an earful of accusations, including:
  • Obama may have had his gay lovers killed. Taitz says a few homosexuals from Obama’s

Obama Rarely Mentions War, Terrorism
Obama Rarely Mentions War, Terrorism

Obama Rarely Mentions War, Terrorism

Words 'health' and 'economy' dominate president's vocabulary

(Newser) - To listen to Barack Obama speak, you might think he was a peacetime president, rather than one with more than 100,000 troops in the field, write Zachary Abrahamson and Eamon Javers for Politico. They pored over nearly every one of the half-million-plus words Obama has said publicly as president,...

White House Wants Ad With Obama Girls Pulled

(Newser) - A doctors' group wants to know why all schoolkids can't have what the Obama girls are having in their swank private school lunches, reports the Washington Post, and the White House wants the group to mind its own Ps and Qs. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine posted posters in...

Cops Bust 2nd Obama Protester With a Gun

Man arrested before NH town hall; gun was unlicensed, loaded

(Newser) - A protester arrested ahead of President Obama’s town hall yesterday had an unlicensed loaded gun, police say. Richard Young, 62, was discovered inside Portsmouth High School several hours before Obama arrived. He was carrying a pocket knife; police found the gun in his car. He has been charged with...

Gun-Toting Obama Protester Is a Birther

Secessionist group included among his MySpace friends

(Newser) - William Kostric, the man who showed up to protest at Obama’s town hall meeting yesterday with a loaded gun strapped to his leg, told Chris Matthews that he wasn’t affiliated with birther groups. But a web user by the same name has left a digital trail that proves...

Obama: Sotomayor's Rise an 'Inspiration for Generations'

White House holds reception for new justice

(Newser) - President Obama today celebrated the rise of Sonia Sotomayor to become the Supreme Court's newest member and first Hispanic, hailing her story and achievement as an inspiration for generations. "When Justice Sotomayor put her hand on that Bible and took that oath ... we came yet another step to the...

GOP Sen. Slams Prez's Town Hall 'Shout-Out'

Says he 'vehemently opposes' Congressional measures

(Newser) - At yesterday's town hall, President Obama cited health care reform backing from a Republican senator—giving a shout-out to Georgia's Johnny Isakson—and the lawmaker is none too pleased, Politico reports. Obama said Isakson sponsored voluntary end-of-life counseling measures, prompting Isakson’s office to assert that he “vehemently opposes...

On Economy, Obama's Micromanager-in-Chief

(Newser) - Past presidents have taken a big-picture approach to domestic policy, but Barack Obama is different—every day, he wrestles with the smallest details of health care, employment, and financial regulation. At the White House daily economic briefing, a new ritual modeled on intelligence seminars, the president peppers advisers with questions...

'Absolutely Nuts' Birthers Fueling Town Hall Wig Outs: Gov

(Newser) - Birther "crazies" are fueling ugly confrontations at town hall meetings about health care reform, complains Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell. “The birthers are a perfect slice of people who have lost their rationality" whose "obsession is hurting the Democratic process," he said on Hardball yesterday. The so-called...

Gun-Toting Protester at Obama Event Unrepentant

Tells Chris Matthews it's no big deal

(Newser) - The man who showed up at President Obama's town hall today with a gun defended his right to do just that when grilled by Chris Matthews on his show tonight, reports the Huffington Post. When Matthews asked why he showed up with a weapon strapped to his leg, William Kostric...

Guy Waiting for Obama Had a Gun? Yep, and It's Legal

(Newser) - Byron Crawford had to do a double-take today when he saw a report on MSNBC about a guy with a gun strapped to his leg among the crowd to see Obama in New Hampshire. Seems it was OK because the guy was on private property at a church next door....

British Health Care Would Kill Hawking...
British Health Care Would Kill Hawking...

British Health Care Would Kill Hawking...

...say foes of reform, forgetting that Brit physicist lives in UK

(Newser) - Opponents of health care reform should be careful how they use the terrifying example of Britain’s socialized system. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution stumbled upon an editorial on Investors Business Daily that asserts that “people such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the UK, where the...

Stories 3821 - 3840 | << Prev   Next >>