President Obama

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British Health Care Would Kill Hawking...
British Health Care Would Kill Hawking...

British Health Care Would Kill Hawking...

...say foes of reform, forgetting that Brit physicist lives in UK

(Newser) - Opponents of health care reform should be careful how they use the terrifying example of Britain’s socialized system. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution stumbled upon an editorial on Investors Business Daily that asserts that “people such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the UK, where the...

Faith Groups Rally Behind Obama on Health Reform

Plan rallies, webcast, 55,000 messages to Congress

(Newser) - Religious groups are coming to President Obama’s aid in selling health care reform, backing expanded care through a 40-day campaign promoting the moral argument for reform, CBS News reports. Prayer vigils and rallies will take place in 45 cities today to send a message to Capitol Hill. Later this...

Obama Defends Mexico's Drug War

Cartels are the biggest violators of human rights, president says

(Newser) - President Obama expressed his support for Mexico’s war on drug cartels after today's North American summit, the New York Times reports. Obama defended Felipe Calderón—who some criticize for not holding the Mexican army accountable for reported human rights abuses against the drug traders—saying that the ruthless...

Reappoint Bernanke: Krugman
 Reappoint Bernanke: Krugman 

Reappoint Bernanke: Krugman

(Newser) - If there’s any justice, Ben Bernanke will get another go-around at the helm of the Federal Reserve, Paul Krugman tells Bloomberg. “He’s earned the right to a second term,” the Nobel laureate says. “When the banking system failed to deliver capital where it was needed,...

Lefty Talking Heads Fan 'Birther' Flames

Debunked rumor gets far more play on MSNBC than on Fox

(Newser) - When CNN correspondent Candy Crowley mentioned birthers on Lou Dobbs’ show last week, the host panicked. “Don’t say ‘birthers,’ whatever you do,” he said. “Not on this broadcast.” Dobbs has become a much-ridiculed face of the birther movement, but he's discussed the issue...

Health Care Battle Stymies Obama Campaign Machine

(Newser) - Now that he’s in office, President Obama is having a lot of trouble mobilizing the grassroots network that helped put him there, the Los Angeles Times reports. With Republican health care opponents operating like a well-oiled, talk-show-fueled machine, Organizing for America (aka Obama for America) is stuttering—in part...

Duncan Poised to Be Most Powerful Ed Sec Ever

Tight with prez, Duncan holds keys to $5B in stimulus funds

(Newser) - Tight with President Obama and with $5 billion at his disposal, Arne Duncan may become the strongest education secretary in history, writes Nia-Malika Henderson for Politico. “Never ever have they had $5 billion to decide what to do in the education system,” says an education advocate. And it’...

Rather: Prez Must Save Newspapers
 Rather: Prez 
 Must Save 


Rather: Prez Must Save Newspapers

Corporate interests, internet advertising crippling industry

(Newser) - The media's troubles mean that "this country is in trouble," writes Dan Rather, and no academic study or think-tank report is going to save the industry. We need no less than a “nonpartisan, blue-ribbon” presidential commission “to address the perilous state of America’s news media,...

Death Panels? Really, Sarah?


Death Panels? Really, Sarah?

(Newser) - So now Sarah Palin alleges that President Obama's "death panels" might have killed Trig had they been in place. "Where to start?" wonders Joan Walsh in Salon. "Palin's entire statement is so ignorant, so bollixed rhetorically and morally, it hurts to read it." Most "health...

Socialist? Worse, He May Be a 'Corporatist': Frank Rich

(Newser) - Republicans sometimes trot out the word "socialist" to slam President Obama, but they've got it exactly backward, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times. The bigger fear—the one causing disillusionment and justified cynicism among his supporters—"is that he might be just another corporatist, punking voters...

Obama: Ignore Reform 'Rumors'

(Newser) - President Barack Obama asked Americans to put no stock in "outlandish rumors" that health care reform will "promote euthanasia, or cut Medicaid, or bring about a government takeover of health care," in his weekly radio and Internet address today. "That's simply not true." Politico noted...

Palin: Obama's Health Plan Is 'Downright Evil'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has denounced the Obama administration's plans for health care reform as "downright evil" in a posting on her Facebook page, TPM reports. "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand...

Sotomayor Oath to Be Televised
 Sotomayor Oath to Be Televised 

Sotomayor Oath to Be Televised

Republicans feel they have dealt a blow to judicial empathy

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor will be sworn in to the Supreme Court on national television tomorrow morning, marking the first time the judicial oath administration has been broadcast, the Washington Post reports. The ceremony will take place at the Supreme Court in Washington, DC, following the practice of Samuel Alito, who broke...

Obamas Will Visit Yellowstone, Grand Canyon

(Newser) - President Obama will visit two national parks during a family trip to the Mountain West next week, the Denver Post reports. The first family will travel to to Colorado and Montana in addition to Wyoming, home of Yellowstone, and Arizona, where they'll see the Grand Canyon.

Nowadays, Everyone's a Foodie
 Nowadays, Everyone's a Foodie 

Nowadays, Everyone's a Foodie

What does the term 'food snob' mean anymore?

(Newser) - Trends being what they are, the definition of "foodie" has always been a moving target, and these days, the term seems broader than ever. “You used to be a food snob if you knew all the different kinds of truffles and foie gras,” one expert tells...

White House Sought to Weaken Whistleblower Law
White House Sought to Weaken Whistleblower Law

White House Sought to Weaken Whistleblower Law

(Newser) - The Obama administration appears to have attempted to water down the whistleblower protection law the president himself championed on the campaign trail. In an e-mail obtained by the Washington Times, a lawyer in the White House counsel's office sent a new draft of the bill to the Senate. That draft...

Stimulus Worked: Economists

 Stimulus Worked: 

Stimulus Worked: Economists

Good news for prez ahead of today's job-loss report

(Newser) - President Obama’s stimulus package appears to have helped the economy bottom out more swiftly, an economists’ report says. Analysts hold that the stimulus boosted economic growth by about a percentage point in the second quarter—not enough to keep the economy from shrinking but enough to slow the pace...

Time May Be Right to Talk Raising Taxes

In poll, less than half of Americans say they pay too much

(Newser) - If the administration must raise taxes, now could be its big chance, NPR reports. Only 46% of Americans in a recent Gallup poll said their taxes were too high—the smallest fraction since 1961. “Americans, relatively speaking, are more satisfied with the amount of taxes they pay than they...

No Joke: O'Reilly Pens Essay Praising Obama

Fox host calls president an inspiration to young Americans

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly has written a glowing tribute to President Obama that will run in this Sunday's Parade magazine, Politico reports. The Fox host, who doesn't pull any punches when blasting the president's policies, holds Obama's life story and achievements up as an inspiration to young Americans in the essay, titled...

Obama Hails 'Historic' Sotomayor Confirmation

(Newser) - Barack Obama is lauding the barrier-breaking confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court. “With this historic vote, the Senate has affirmed that Justice Sotomayor has the intellect, the temperament, the history, the integrity and the independence of mind to ably serve on our...

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