President Obama

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Senate Confirms Sotomayor
 Senate Confirms Sotomayor 

Senate Confirms Sotomayor

(Newser) - The Senate confirmed Sonia Sotomayor today as the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court. The vote was 68-31 for Sotomayor, President Barack Obama's first high court nominee. She becomes the 111th justice and just the third woman to serve. Democrats praised the 55-year-old Sotomayor as a mainstream moderate. But...

Obama Approval Down to 50%
 Obama Approval Down to 50% 

Obama Approval Down to 50%

Only 38% approve of his handling of health care, a Quinnipiac poll shows

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating took another dip this week, as health care reform and the deficit continue to trouble some Americans, Bloomberg reports. Exactly half the registered voters surveyed said they approve of the job Obama is doing, according to a Quinnipiac poll released today. That's down from an...

Birther Boss Is This Year's August Nutjob

Birther boss Orly Taitz gets undue mainstream coverage

(Newser) - With its chronic deficiency of serious news, this is the month when, each year, the crazies—call them “August personalities”—get a chance to shine, writes Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times. “August personalities tend to have both an ax to grind and a chip on...

What Truce? O'Reilly, Olbermann Back in the Ring

Olbermann calls O'Reilly 'worst'; O'Reilly attacks GE

(Newser) - The feud between Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann continues, despite word of a peace deal: On Monday Olbermann said there was no truce and awarded O’Reilly the silver medal for “World’s Worst Person.” Then he gave the gold to Fox News honcho Rupert Murdoch. O’...

Slimming Down US Won't Cut Health Costs

Or reject 'collectivist thinking' and let people make own choices

(Newser) - The Obama administration claims the anti-obesity bent of its health care plan will lower overall costs by making America thinner. “It won’t,” Jacob Sullum writes in Reason. Even if the government succeeds in slimming down the US—unlikely in Sullum’s opinion—the longer-lived result will actually...

Mom Fears for Rihanna's Life
 Mom Fears 
 for Rihanna's Life 

Mom Fears for Rihanna's Life

Singer wants restraining order against Brown gone

(Newser) - As Chris Brown awaits sentencing today, Rihanna is again trying to squash a court order requiring him to stay 50 yards away, her lawyer tells People. Meanwhile, her mother is afraid she’s “playing Russian roulette with her life” by allowing Brown to keep his “power over her,...

In Kenya, Clinton Blasts Graft, Corruption

Says government responsibility key to 'economic progress'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton criticized Kenya today for rampant graft and corruption as she made the case that business and trade across Africa cannot grow without good governance and solid democracy. In President Obama's ancestral homeland, the secretary of State said, "True economic progress in Africa will depend on responsible governments...

New DNC Ad Slams GOP's 'Angry Mobs'

Dems use town hall protests to fire back

(Newser) - In a new online ad, Democrats return fire at “angry mobs” driven by the Republican Party, the Huffington Post reports. “They lost the election. They lost on the Recovery Act, the budget and children’s health care,” says the ad. “Now, desperate Republicans and their well-funded...

Ad Risks Prez Wrath by Targeting Daughters

Ad girl wants same meals Obamas get

(Newser) - A new ad campaign's focus on Malia and Sasha Obama is expected to infuriate the White House, Politico reports. The ads, from a group pushing to have more vegetarian meal options in public schools, are running on public transit in Washington and feature a young girl asking: "President Obama’...

Places the Obamas Should Visit Instead of the Vineyard

New Orleans or Baltimore could use a presidential visit

(Newser) - Though he grants that the president may just want some peace and quiet from his upcoming vacation to Martha’s Vineyard, Max Linsky is disappointed by the choice “for a president keenly aware of symbolism,” he writes for the Stimulist. He suggests alternatives:
  • California. The state’s budget

On Shared Birthday, Obama Surprises Reporter Thomas

Veteran White House reporter asks for 'a real health care reform bill'

(Newser) - President Obama celebrated his own birthday today by leading the White House press corps in singing Happy Birthday to veteran reporter Helen Thomas. Obama is 48 today; Thomas turns 89.

'Kenyan' Obama Birth Certificate Is Mine: Aussie

Forgery by birthers 'so laughable it’s ridiculous'

(Newser) - President Obama’s “Kenyan” birth certificate, posted online by lawyer Orly Taitz, has been debunked as a forgery, and the original document—an old Australian certificate—it was based on has even been discovered. The Australian Broadcast Channel tracked down David Bomford, the man whose genuine birth certificate was...

Fickle Voters Are Change Obama Can Believe In

We're ready to change politics, religion, relationships at the drop of a hat

(Newser) - Whether it’s religion, relationships, or politics, Americans are getting more fickle, experts say. Seniors citizens are more open to divorce, college students are more open to changing schools, and more than 40% of Americans will switch religions, notes one pollster. All this could be bad news for President Obama,...

BofA, Wells Fargo Rank Worst for Loan Modifications

Treasury report rates banks' performance

(Newser) - Bank of America began modifying just 4% of its loans eligible under the Making Home Affordable Act, according to a Treasury report on big banks' performance, while Wells Fargo started just 6%. JPMorgan Chase led the pack with 20%, Bloomberg reports, while Citigroup had 15%. “Some of the servicers...

White House Fires Back at Drudge on Health Care

Responds to video showing Obama discussing 'eliminating' private insurance

(Newser) - The White House released a video response today to a Drudge Report posting labeled “Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance.” The communications director for the White House Office of Health Reform says the clip is taken “out of context”...

Birther Comes Unglued on MSNBC
Birther Comes Unglued on MSNBC

Birther Comes Unglued on MSNBC

Orly Taitz calls host a 'Brownshirt' in fight over Kenyan birth certificate

(Newser) - Leading birther Orly Taitz had a shouting match with David Shuster on MSNBC yesterday, prompted by a document purporting to be proof President Obama was born in Kenya. The attorney called Shuster one of Obama's "Brownshirts in the media" before the feed was finally cut off, the Christian Science ...

Secret Service 'Stretched by Dozens of Daily Prez Threats'

(Newser) - The Secret Service is struggling to cope with a huge number of threats being made against President Obama, according to the author of a new book on the agency. Threats against the president have quadrupled since Obama took office to some 30 a day, few of which are publicized for...

McCain Will Vote Against Sotomayor

Senator unable to support a 'judicial activist'

(Newser) - John McCain says he'll oppose Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor when the Senate votes on her confirmation this week. Despite Sotomayor's efforts to distance herself from her record, the Arizona Republican said today, Sotomayor is a judicial activist who has used her position as a judge to try to change...

LA Plastered With Obama 'Joker' Posters

(Newser) - Posters of President Obama in Heath Ledger-like Joker makeup from The Dark Knight with a caption reading “Socialism” have sprung up in Los Angeles and Atlanta, the Daily Contributor reports. Similar posters online have the caption “why so socialist?” The guerilla art attacks, not yet claimed by any...

5 Things to Watch During Critical August Break
 5 Things to Watch During 
 Critical August Break
forget the beach

5 Things to Watch During Critical August Break

Health care takes center stage in 'consequential' recess

(Newser) - With health care reform hanging in the balance, the August congressional recess is likely to be a lot less relaxing than usual, writes Glenn Thrush in Politico. What to watch:
  1. Health insurers’ response to Nancy Pelosi’s singling them out as the "bad guys" on soaring health care costs.

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