President Obama

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Networks Complain About Obama Hour
Networks Complain About Obama Hour

Networks Complain About Obama Hour

Broadcasters say 'overexposed' prez wastes valuable time

(Newser) - Networks are not happy about the primetime hour that President Obama's July 22 news conference took up, reports Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. Rahm Emanuel called the top brass at all three networks to ensure they carried the event. The networks both resent the pressure and complain that they’...

US to Pressure Brits for More Troops in Afghanistan

(Newser) - The US is expected to push for more British troops to help fight the Taliban in Afghanistan, a move certain to be unpopular with the British public, reports the Guardian. NATO Gen. Stanley McChrystal will likely recommend to President Obama that the current total of 150,000 Afghan troops should...

Michelle O. 'Doing a Great Job:' Laura Bush

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's performance as first lady is getting high marks from her predecessor, Laura Bush. Speaking after a change-of-command ceremony for the USS Texas submarine in Connecticut, Bush said today she's watched the current first lady from afar and is impressed.

House Votes to Add $2B to Clunkers Program

(Newser) - The House voted today to beef up the "cash for clunkers" program to the tune of $2 billion, but that doesn’t mean shoppers and dealers are any clearer on the federal program, the Detroit Free Press reports. “It is an absolute total mess,” one dealer says....

Top Obama Birthday Gifts

(Newser) - President Obama’s birthday is right around the corner—no matter where Lou Dobbs thinks he was born—but what do you get the leader of the free world? Politico asked various Washingtonians their thoughts for Tuesday's big occasion. Some notable responses:
  • Joe Biden: “It’s a surprise!”

Beer Summit Is Ho-Hum; Gates, Crowley to Talk Again

(Newser) - Turns out the president was right: the beer summit was pretty boring. In fact, it wasn't even the first time Skip Gates and Officer Crowley had gotten together after the arrest. "Even before we sat down for the beer, I learned that the two gentlemen spent some time together...

White House Invites CEOs for Lunch—Then Bills Them

(Newser) - Four top CEOs who sat down to lunch with President Obama at the White House have an unusual memento: the bill for their meals. White House staffers collected the credit card numbers of the executives from Coke, Xerox, AT&T, and Honeywell so they could pay up afterward, Politico reports....

It's Beer Time at White House
 It's Beer Time at White House 

It's Beer Time at White House

(Newser) - It's happy hour at the White House. President Obama, Joe Biden, Henry Louis Gates Jr., and James Crowley are clinking beer glasses in the White House Rose Garden, but alas, the media isn't invited to listen in. Earlier, the president sought to tamp down expectations, noting that he's "fascinated...

Medals of Freedom Will Go to Milk, Kennedy, Poitier

(Newser) - This year's Medal of Freedom recipients share a capacity to change the world, President Obama said today in naming the eclectic group. Among the 16 honorees are Sen. Ted Kennedy, slain gay-rights activist Harvey Milk, actor Sidney Poitier, tennis great Billie Jean King, and retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day...

HBO Campaign Doc Shows Same Cool Obama
 HBO Campaign Doc 
 Shows Same Cool Obama 

HBO Campaign Doc Shows Same Cool Obama

(Newser) - A new documentary on Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign depicts not much more or less than the restraint and measured response we’ve come to associate with our president, Ted Johnson writes for Variety. HBO’s By the People, to air Nov. 3, was not intended as an “exposé...

Our Decrepit Democracy Can't Fix Health Care: Klein

(Newser) - Powerful special interests are killing health-care reform, which is par for the course in Congress, writes Joe Klein of Time. “We’ve gotten rusty at legislating,” says one Tennessee Democrat. That’s overly kind, Klein retorts. The only bills that pass these days are essentials like budgets and...

Obama's Kitchen Has Too Many Chefs
Kitchen Has
Too Many Chefs

Obama's Kitchen Has Too Many Chefs

President's 32 czars an 'end-run' around Congress: Cantor

(Newser) - President Obama has broken his promise to restore the power of Congress “by appointing a virtual army of ‘czars,’” Republican Eric Cantor writes in the Washington Post. The administration now has at least 32 czars—more than Russia ever did—with each spearheading major policy initiatives....

Anti-Business? Didn't I Just Bail You People Out?
Anti-Business? Didn't I Just Bail You People Out?

Anti-Business? Didn't I Just Bail You People Out?

Obama rips financial- industry critics, refutes 'stereotypes' on Dems

(Newser) - President Obama says anyone calling him “anti-business” has an awfully short memory. “It was just three or four months ago when, at great political expense, we yanked them out of the fire,” he tells BusinessWeek in a lengthy interview. And of Chrysler and General Motors bondholders, “...

Trouble Brews Over Prez Foreign Beer Pick

(Newser) - President Obama's next round of peacemaking beers at the White House might have to include US brewery owners, reports the Wall Street Journal. The cooling off confab today will be providing busted Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates and cop James Crowley's favorite brews Red Stripe and Blue Moon, and some...

Cops Suspended for Running Background Check on Obama

(Newser) - Two Atlanta-area police officers have been placed on paid leave for running a background check on President Obama, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The Secret Service was notified after the president's name was sent to the National Crime Information Center from a computer in the cops' police car. The Internal...

Obama Slips in New Polls
 Obama Slips in New Polls 

Obama Slips in New Polls

(Newser) - Two big polls are out with the same general conclusion: President Obama is losing support for his health care overhaul among the public, and his approval rating is settling in to mere mortal levels. A Wall Street Journal/NBC survey puts his approval rating at 53%, down 3 points in a...

Obama TV Has Become a Snore
 Obama TV Has 
 Become a Snore 

Obama TV Has Become a Snore

(Newser) - Say what you want about President Nixon, but at least his press conferences were entertaining. “It was the Colosseum, and everybody’s thumb was down,” recalls staffer Pat Buchanan. “It was something worth watching.” The same can’t be said of President Obama’s all-too-frequent appearances....

Doting Obamas 'Demote' Pooch Wrangler

(Newser) - Dale Haney has been wrangling White House animals since 1976, but these days his responsibilities are much diminished, insiders tell US News & World Report. “He doesn’t see Bo as much because the girls and Mrs. Obama, the whole family, is taking care of Bo, so Dale has...

Obama's Health Plan Will Crack Whip on States

States mishandle Medicaid, get bullied by private firms: doctor

(Newser) - Doctors nationwide are “outraged” by President Obama’s health care plan, but “I call it progress,” writes one Missouri physician for Salon. The reform would take oversight out of the hands of states, which seemingly specialize in “lax regulation of private insurers” and poor handling of...

Health Care Needs a Real Free Market
Health Care Needs a Real Free Market

Health Care Needs a Real Free Market

But it's a scary idea, to consumers and politicians alike: Klein

(Newser) - America’s best shot for a new, better health care system lies in a strong health care exchange, argues Ezra Klein in the Washington Post. “Compared with the crazy-quilt system we have now, the idea is weirdly simple:” A single market where consumers can shop for plans and...

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