President Obama

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DC Deficit Fixer: Print on Both Sides of Paper

$102M in painfully obvious cuts shows how outdated gov't is

(Newser) - A short while ago, President Obama called on his Cabinet to make budget cuts in their departments totaling $100 million. They came up with $102 million, but some of the cuts were so obvious one wonders why it took a presidential edict to elicit them, the Wall Street Journal notes....

Obama Plans 8-Point Health Pitch

Aims for clear message amid policy debate

(Newser) - President Obama is taking a repackaged health care message on the road in North Carolina and Virginia today, where he'll unveil an eight-point plan intended to cut wonkish policy to the chase for voters. While the Washington Post can't come up with a catchy moniker for the plan, it lays...

National Review Calls Birther Claims 'Foolishness'

(Newser) - The editors of the National Review want nothing to do with this "foolishness" over President Obama's citizenship. Though "a few misguided souls among the Right have indulged it," the idea that Obama isn't a citizen is mere "myth." The birth certificate he's produced is legit,...

Beck: Obama Is a 'Racist'
 Beck: Obama Is a 'Racist' 

Beck: Obama Is a 'Racist'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck today called President Obama “a racist,” Politico reports. The Fox News commentator accused the president of having a “deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture” during a discussion of the Skip Gates scandal on a Fox show. When his interlocutor pointed out that...

Dumbest Arguments Against Health Reform
 Dumbest Arguments 
 Against Health Reform 

Dumbest Arguments Against Health Reform

(Newser) - “The opponents of reform are getting serious now,” Paul Waldman writes of the health care debate for the American Prospect, “and they've turned the volume on their megaphones of mendacity up to 11.” Herewith, some of the most cringe-inducing arguments against:
  • It's not broken: Progressives dismiss

Hawaii: For the Last Time, Obama Was Born Here

(Newser) - The birther movement may have conservatives whipped into a hopeful frenzy that President Obama was born abroad, but Hawaiian officials have had just about enough of that, the AP reports. Top state health officials have again produced Obama's birth certificate. I "have seen the original vital records maintained on...

Barack Stars in Superhero Ink

(Newser) - Bam! Biff! Pow! President Obama might be struggling over health care reform, but he's going gangbusters in comic books, reports the New York Daily News. No longer content to play second fiddle to Spidey, the comic version of Barack Obama is now grabbing top billing in a new series of...

A President, a Prof, and a Cop Walk Into the White House ...

Trio will have that beer Thursday evening

(Newser) - President Obama has set a date for a conciliatory beer with a Cambridge police sergeant and the Harvard professor he arrested, ABC News reports. James Crowley and Henry Louis Gates will visit the White House Thursday for a frosty brew and some racial reconciliation. On the menu, according to CNN,...

Communication Is What Ails Obama on Health Reform
Communication Is What Ails Obama on Health Reform

Communication Is What Ails Obama on Health Reform

(Newser) - President Obama’s failure to get health-care reform on a faster track, despite early legislative victories, is a personal one, Sam Youngman writes in the Hill. “While it is shocking to consider that Obama is anything less than one of the best communicators in modern political history,” Youngman...

He Can't Say It Like He Wants to Anymore
 He Can't Say It 
 Like He Wants to Anymore

He Can't Say It Like He Wants to Anymore

(Newser) - President Obama has backed off a bit on his “acted stupidly” comments concerning the arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates, saying they were not properly “calibrated.” But, aides say, it “was not a slip of the tongue,” Peter Baker writes in the New York ...

5 Barriers to Obamacare
 5 Barriers to Obamacare 

5 Barriers to Obamacare

(Newser) - Both chambers of Congress will likely miss President Obama’s August deadline for a health care reform bill, slowing “the momentum behind the president's top priority,” Jay Newton-Small writes in Time. “Why can't a popular president with poll numbers in the 60s and super majorities in both...

Obama Calls for Era of Cooperation With China

(Newser) - President Obama opened bilateral talks with China today with a friendly speech, saying the US-China relationship would “shape the 21st century” and highlighting areas in which the nations have common interests, like nuclear proliferation, terrorism, and the global economy. He also touched on climate change, noting that the US...

Why Are Blue Dogs Derailing Health Reform?

(Newser) - The Blue Dogs are threatening to sink health care reform in the House for reasons that don't seem to add up, Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times. The coalition of conservative Democrats—whose support President Obama needs—is crying loudly about fiscal responsibility, Krugman writes, while at the...

Barnes: Obama's an 'Economic IIliterate'

(Newser) - President Obama has big plans for the economy, and that’s too bad because he knows nothing about it, Fred Barnes writes in the Weekly Standard. All of his proposals and angry jabs at Wall Street are counter to his professed interest in growth and job creation. “Obamanomics pays...

Gates, Cambridge Cop: Sure, We'll Have That Beer

(Newser) - Henry Louis Gates Jr. and the Cambridge cop who arrested him both say they will take up President Obama on his offer to have a beer at the White House. "It is time for all of us to move on, and to assess what we can learn from this...

Obama: Health Bill Will Help Small Businesses

(Newser) - President Obama sought to win over small-business owners in his push for health care reform today, Politico reports. The president, whose planned overhaul has come under fire from the US Chamber of Commerce and other business organizations, cited a White House study showing that small businesses pay much more per...

Obama Regrets 'Acted Stupidly' Jab at Cops
Obama Regrets 'Acted Stupidly' Jab at Cops

Obama Regrets 'Acted Stupidly' Jab at Cops

Prez: I could have 'calibrated' remarks on Gates arrest differently

(Newser) - President Obama today backpedaled from his comment that the Massachusetts police who arrested Henry Louis Gates Jr. “acted stupidly,” the New York Times reports. In an unannounced appearance at the daily White House briefing, Obama said he “could have calibrated” his words more carefully in speaking on...

On Race Issues, Meet the Real Obama

(Newser) - The Gates controversy might finally change—for the better—the way the media portray President Obama on race issues, writes Brent Staples in the New York Times. "Up to now, he has been consistently and wrongly portrayed as a stern black exceptionalist who takes Negroes to task for not...

Mass. Police Unions Want Apology From Obama

(Newser) - Massachusetts police unions today called on President Obama, Gov. Deval Patrick, and others to apologize for criticizing the cops who arrested Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, the Boston Globe reports. “The president should make an apology to all law-enforcement personnel throughout the entire country,” said one Cambridge policeman....

Noonan: Obama Misjudged America

'Common sense' could defeat reform

(Newser) - For once, President Obama’s “fine-tuned antennae” seem to have betrayed him: it looks as though he’s “misjudged the nation’s mood” on health care reform, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. We’re seeing opposition to the plan, even if it’s not yet...

Stories 3901 - 3920 | << Prev   Next >>