President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama on Daschle: 'I Screwed Up'

(Newser) - President Obama made the rounds of TV anchors today in the wake of Tom Daschle's withdrawal with a common message: "I'm here on television saying I screwed up," he said on NBC. In an interview with Fox, he amplified the message, Politico reports: "I consider this a...

NH Governor Picks Republican for Senate

(Newser) - For once, a Senate appointment went just as planned. New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch said today that Republican J. Bonnie Newman will replace Judd Gregg in the Senate once Gregg is confirmed as commerce secretary, the Boston Globe reports. Though Lynch is a Democrat and could have given his party...

Losing Daschle Hurts, but Won't Kill Health Plans

Replacing his political clout will be the biggest challenge

(Newser) - The loss of Tom Daschle is a blow to President Obama’s plans for health-care reform, but the administration still has the resources to get the job done, Jonathan Cohn writes in the New Republic. Daschle was not only to head the Department of Health and Human Services, but also...

What's the Fallout from Daschle's Withdrawal?
What's the Fallout from Daschle's Withdrawal?

What's the Fallout from Daschle's Withdrawal?

Major issues in the wake of Daschle's withdrawal

(Newser) - Tom Daschle gave up his nomination for Health and Human Services Secretary, raising a host of questions, Matthew Cooper writes at Talking Points Memo. Did an issue besides tax problems arise? Was the decision really Daschle’s, or the administration’s? Some other big issues:
  1. How many Obama nominees will

Daschle Withdraws Cabinet Bid

Tax flub claims another Obama nominee

(Newser) - Tom Daschle withdrew today from consideration for secretary of health and human services over controversial unpaid taxes, the Boston Globe reports. Daschle had retained the support of the Obama administration despite the flub, but quit seeking the post so as not to be a distraction, he said. President Obama regretfully...

Fierce? Nah, She's Just Too Good
 Fierce? Nah, 
 She's Just 
 Too Good 

music review

Fierce? Nah, She's Just Too Good

(Newser) - Beyoncé’s new album, I Am…Sasha Fierce, “is something of a mess," Sasha Frere-Jones writes in the New Yorker. Musically, Beyoncé belongs in the "Genius Lounge," but her fierce alter-ego only emerges on the record to offer tame advice. "The wild...

Rahm Eyes Future Return to Congress

He warns contender he may be back one day

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel may be enjoying his new White House gig, but he hasn't written off a return to Congress, reports the Chicago Tribune reports. Emanuel told Illinois State Representative John Fritchey—one of 11 Democrats bidding for his vacated  Chicago post—that "he may...

Many US Troops Home in a Year: Obama

President sees Iraqis ready to handle own security

(Newser) - President Obama promised today to bring a "substantial" number of troops home from Iraq before next year's Super Bowl, MSNBC reports. In an interview with Matt Lauer, Obama said Iraq's smooth provincial elections this weekend ensured the homecoming. He disclosed no details, but said he plans to “roll...

Obama OK With CIA Rendition
Obama OK With CIA Rendition

Obama OK With CIA Rendition

Prez allows abductions, transfers to continue, promises suspects won't be tortured

(Newser) - Torture techniques are out and Guantanamo Bay is facing closure, but Barack Obama is keeping one anti-terror tool: rendition, the Los Angeles Times reports. He signed an executive order allowing the CIA to continue the practice of secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to US-friendly nations. "You still...

What the Stimulus Package Would Get Us

$800 billion, $647-page tome means big gov't again

(Newser) - President Obama’s $800 billion stimulus plan—which stood at 647 pages when it passed the House last week—signals a return to “unabashed” big government, the Los Angeles Times reports. Here’s what it means:
  • For the next 2 years, individuals making under $75,000 will get a

Laid-Off? Be Your Own Boss

Interest in small business is booming as unemployment rises

(Newser) - The pink slips are flowing, but that’s not halting thousands from using severance packages and savings to found their own businesses, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The new gigs often bear little resemblance to past ones—one Wall Street exec now walks dogs—and differ from the economy at...

Daschle Waited to Tell Obama About Tax Glitch

HHS nominee knew his taxes needed fixing; didn't know how much

(Newser) - Health secretary-designate Tom Daschle didn’t tell the Obama administration that he owed years of back taxes until a month after he’d been nominated, the Washington Post reports. He paid $140,000 in taxes January 2 and told government leaders about it two days later. He had known his...

Obama Roasts DC's Starstruck Elite at Dinner

Celebuprez surprised to see Palin 'palling around with this crew'

(Newser) - Washington's elite came out for one of its swankiest events last night, but even political royalty got slightly starstruck by new crown prince Barack Obama, reports Politico. The new prez regaled some 200 DC bigwigs at the Alfalfa Club with a speech that roasted friends and rivals, including Sarah Palin,...

Now, Obama Awaits Overture From Iran
 Now, Obama Awaits 
 Overture From Iran 

Now, Obama Awaits Overture From Iran

(Newser) - While Barack Obama is not backing away from his campaign pledge to meet Iran without preconditions, the new administration is hoping Tehran will take the first step toward détente, Politico reports. “If countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from...

Wall St. Braces for Lower Pay, Less Risk-Taking

Gov't, public pressure forces shift in expectations

(Newser) - With the new president joining the chorus of outrage against bonuses for bailed-out Wall Street firms, bankers are grappling with the notion that long-held pay expectations will have to change, the Wall Street Journal reports. Eager to avert government crackdown, firms are expected to shrink and perhaps defer bonuses, to...

Super Bowl Shindig Mixes Parties, Loyalties

11 Dems, 3 Republicans to attend White House party

(Newser) - President Obama’s Super Bowl party will be bipartisan on two fronts: Republicans and Democrats alike are invited, and so are both Arizona and Pittsburgh fans. Still, the list leans to the left, with 11 Dems and 3 Republicans invited. They include Pennsylvania Sens. Bob Casey and Arlen Specter and...

Fidel Demands Gitmo Back
 Fidel Demands Gitmo Back 

Fidel Demands Gitmo Back

Former Cuban prez slams Obama over naval base, Mideast policy on web site

(Newser) - Fidel Castro is demanding that Barack Obama serve up a Guantanamo libre once the last US prisoner leaves, Reuters reports. Castro, posting on a Cuban government website, slammed as an "act of arrogance" Obama's comment that a giveback of Guantanamo would depend on US defense needs and might require...

Caucus Pushes for Black Commerce Secretary

Obama considering Symantec CEO—and a GOP senator

(Newser) - The Congressional Black Caucus is lobbying President Obama to name a black commerce secretary. The caucus is pushing for technology executive John Thompson, CEO of software security company Symantec and an Obama contributor, to fill the post, reports the Hill. Obama has so far appointed only four African Americans to...

Obama: $18B in Wall Street Bonuses 'Shameful'

President says he, Geithner will press executives on issue

(Newser) - President Obama denounced huge bonuses to Wall Street executives as “the height of irresponsibility” given the country’s economic hardship, the AP reports. Responding to news that financial firms paid out $18 billion in bonuses last year, Obama described the firms’ actions as “shameful” and vowed that he...

Gitmo Judge Refuses Obama's Order to Delay Trials

Delay in USS Cole case 'does not serve the interest of justice,' Army colonel says

(Newser) - The lead judge in the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals has refused President Obama’s order to suspend legal proceedings against one of the terror prison’s detainees, Reuters reports. Army Col. James Pohl said tribunal rules give him sole authority to delay litigation in the case of Abd al Rahim...

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