President Obama

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GOP Proposes Alternative Stimulus
GOP Proposes Alternative Stimulus

GOP Proposes Alternative Stimulus

$478B plan, about half the cost of Obama's, said to create 6.2M jobs

(Newser) - House Republicans, fresh from unanimously opposing President Obama’s stimulus package, have proposed their own rescue bill, even as the White House promises retaliation, Politico reports. GOP leaders say their version would cost $478 billion—just over half the Obama price tag—and create 6.2 million jobs, a third...

Palin to Take Stage With Obama
 Palin to Take Stage With Obama 

Palin to Take Stage With Obama

Former rivals to appear at 'lighthearted' DC dinner

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Sarah Palin will butt heads once again, but this time the atmosphere will be a touch lighter. The two will appear onstage Saturday in Washington at the Alfalfa Club dinner, a 96-year-old gathering of 200 bigwigs that exists only for the event, Politico reports. The group has...

Obama Signs Ledbetter Act as His First Bill

Law allows suits for decades-old pay discrimination

(Newser) - President Obama signed his first piece of legislation today, selecting an equal pay bill that makes it easier for women to sue for decades-old discrimination. Lilly Ledbetter—who for 19 years endured a pay discrepancy at Goodyear—stood at his side as the president signed the Fair Pay Act named...

In Obama's White House, Informality Rules

New prez jettisons Bush's insistence on jacket and tie

(Newser) - When George W. Bush was in charge, no one was allowed to enter the Oval Office without a suit and tie—and 43 even demanded business attire on weekends. Barack Obama's White House is a more casual place, where even the president himself works in shirtsleeves, the New York Times...

GOP Stimulus Stonewall Spells Trouble for Prez
GOP Stimulus Stonewall Spells Trouble for Prez

GOP Stimulus Stonewall Spells Trouble for Prez

Obama team surprised by unified Republican opposition in House

(Newser) - Barack Obama's failure to snag a single vote from House Republicans for his economic stimulus package underlines the tough task the president faces in winning bipartisan support for his plan, notes Politico. Obama aides were surprised by the vote but expressed confidence that some Republicans will eventually come around.

House Passes Stimulus; No Republicans Back It

(Newser) - The House this evening passed President Obama's $819 billion stimulus plan on a party-line vote of 244-188, CNN reports. In a potentially troubling sign for the president, no Republicans voted to back the plan, which calls for $544 billion in spending and $275 billion in tax cuts. Eleven Democrats also...

US Drafts Letter to Iran to Mend Ties

Development could lead to direct talks between old enemies

(Newser) - Barack Obama is moving his efforts to improve relations with Iran beyond mere speech-making, the Guardian reports. The State Department is drafting a letter to Iranian leaders to assure them the US is not looking to overthrow the curent regime, just change its behavior. The letter—a response to a...

Senate Committee OKs Holder for Attorney General

Cornyn, Coburn dissent in 17-2 vote; full body could confirm tomorrow

(Newser) - Senate Republicans did little to stop the progress of Barack Obama's choice for attorney general, with the Judiciary Committee voting 17-2 today to endorse Eric Holder; John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Republicans both, were the lone dissenters. The Senate could vote as early as tomorrow to...

Sox Want to Make Obama Cap
 Sox Want to Make Obama Cap 

Sox Want to Make Obama Cap

President's South Side Chicago fave plans hat to celebrate 'first fan'

(Newser) - The Chicago White Sox are planning an Obama-themed hat to celebrate the historic victory of the team’s most famous fan, the Sun-Times reports. If the White House approves, the Sox will release a version of their classic cap with the “O” logo featured in campaign ads. Obama sporting...

Put a Ring on This: Obama Likes 'Single Ladies'

No, silly—the Beyoncé song (and video!)

(Newser) - Maybe at the next inauguration, Barack Obama will provide the musical entertainment. As the then-president-elect hobnobbed with the stars who appeared at the Jan. 18 concert at the Lincoln Memorial, John Legend caught him on video as he and wife Michelle greeted Beyoncé. “Mr. President, you didn’t tell...

Ice Shuts School, Baffles Obama Girls

Chicago natives have played in worse weather, prez says

(Newser) - The ice storm plowing through Washington has many grown-ups wary of stepping outside, but it hasn’t fazed the first daughters, Politico reports. The Midwesterners were unimpressed that their school closed, President Obama said today, noting that Chicago schools never close. “My 7-year-old pointed out that in Chicago you’...

Biden Apologizes to Roberts
 Biden Apologizes 
 to Roberts 

Biden Apologizes to Roberts

Oddly, nobody is surprised by veep's gaffe

(Newser) - The sun rose in the east today, and Joe Biden apologized for a hokey joke. The VP called Chief Justice John Roberts to say he was sorry for his crack about the flubbed inaugural oath, the Christian Science Monitor reports. “My memory’s not as good as Justice Roberts,...

War, Not Nation-Building, Will Be Obama's Top Afghan Goal

Objectives could strain, even break, US ties with President Karzai

(Newser) - In a departure from Bush policies, the Obama administration intends to ramp up military operations in Afghanistan at the expense of reconstruction, the New York Times reports, shifting the burden of civil work to NATO allies. “If we set ourselves the objective of creating some sort of Central Asian...

Amended Stimulus Plan Hits House Today

Bipartisan consensus thought unlikely despite Obama efforts to woo GOP

(Newser) - Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan hits the House floor today after tweaks aimed at assuaging conservatives on both sides of the aisle, Politico reports. Many critics remained wary of the package, but some—including the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee—appeared swayed by Obama's argument that the plan...

House GOP Pounces on Visiting Obama

President 'all form—not substance' on stimulus, one lawmaker says

(Newser) - President Obama’s visit with House Republicans on Capitol Hill today, intended as an olive branch, instead turned into a forum for grievances about Obama’s stimulus proposals, Politico reports. The GOP is steadfast in its push for more tax cuts, but Obama isn’t budging, either. “Feel free...

Boehner Rejects Stimulus as Obama Heads to Hill

Minority whip gets in line ahead of tomorrow's vote

(Newser) - President Obama is headed to the Capitol today to chat up House Republicans on the stimulus bill, but they may be tough to sway: House Republican Leader John Boehner has told them to vote against Obama’s pet package tomorrow, Politico reports. Minority whip Eric Cantor seconded the motion in...

Palin Ramps Up Presidential Push

Alaska gov. will attend key pols dinner in DC, launches political action committee

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is headed to Washington this weekend, for an invitation-only dinner for political stars—an event President Obama is likely to attend, the New York Post reports. It’s the latest sign the Alaska governor is eying a Republican presidential bid—she’s also launching a political action committee,...

Team Obama Nixes Citi's Private Jet Buy

Treasury tells bailed-out bank to ditch $50M plane

(Newser) - Hours after the New York Post trumpeted Citigroup's plan to go through with the purchase of $50 million, French-made private jet yesterday, Citigroup got a call from Treasury telling the bank to think again. The Obama administration has made a lot of noise about enforcing accountability on bailout funds, Politico...

'We Are Not Your Enemy,' Prez Tells Muslims

President pledges on Arab TV to rebuild ties to Muslim world

(Newser) - Barack Obama reassured the Muslim world that "Americans are not your enemy" in his first formal TV interview as president, presented on an English-language Arabic news channel. The president pledged that he would "get engaged right away" on Middle Eastern issues and repeated his campaign promise to travel...

Turbine Plan Near Kennedy Home Puts Obama in a Bind

Cape Wind has minimal environmental impact, but is opposed by Mass. Sen.

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy's desire for a sweet Cape Cod view will test Obama’s commitment to green energy, Jim Geraghty writes for the National Review. Kennedy has been trying to stop Cape Wind, a plan to install turbines near the Kennedy compound. An Interior Department review approved the project, but admitted...

Stories 4801 - 4820 | << Prev   Next >>