President Obama

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Turbine Plan Near Kennedy Home Puts Obama in a Bind

Cape Wind has minimal environmental impact, but is opposed by Mass. Sen.

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy's desire for a sweet Cape Cod view will test Obama’s commitment to green energy, Jim Geraghty writes for the National Review. Kennedy has been trying to stop Cape Wind, a plan to install turbines near the Kennedy compound. An Interior Department review approved the project, but admitted...

Obama Already Stressed Out?

Mad turns satirical eye on new president

(Newser) - Crises at home and abroad seem to be taking a toll on President Obama already—at least through the lens of Mad Magazine’s cartoonists. The current issue depicts a stressed-out president—ashtray full, antacid flowing—poring over screaming headlines and classified reports. “The only thing the artist missed,...

Drum Major Suspended for Nodding at Obama

Member of Cleveland firefighters' group violated 'protocol and proper decorum'

(Newser) - A Cleveland man who marched as drum major with a firefighters band in last week’s inaugural parade has been suspended for a nod and a wave he gave to President Obama, the Plain Dealer reports. “This was a military parade. Protocol and proper decorum had to be followed...

Obama 'Wants Me to Fail': Limbaugh

Radio righty says he's more fearsome than GOP brass

(Newser) - The verbal back-and-forth between Barack Obama and Rush Limbaugh continued today, as the talk-show host shot back at the president for comments he made last week, the New York Post reports. Obama is “not a unifier and not bipartisan,” Limbaugh said, and “wants me to fail.”...

Babs Backs Holder for AG
 Babs Backs Holder for AG 

Babs Backs Holder for AG

Streisand urges fellow lefties to fight for Obama nominee

(Newser) - Barbra Streisand is using her star power to push for the speedy confirmation of Eric Holder as attorney general, Politico reports. In a letter, Babs asks like-minded people to sign a petition supporting a man who is “committed to liberty, the rule of law, and our constitutional rights.”...

Dems Expect Fundraising Decline

Only consolation: GOP will probably do much worse

(Newser) - The economic slowdown is having its expected effect on Democratic fundraising, and the added effects of “donor fatigue” and the magnetic force that draws campaign cash to Barack Obama could leave them pinched for the next election cycle, Politico reports. But things could be worse—like they are for...

Obama Lets States Tighten Fuel Standards

(Newser) - Barack Obama announced a drastic change in the nation’s energy policy today, beginning with an executive order allowing states to raise their fuel efficiency standards. "America will not be held hostage to dwindling resources,” Obama said. “Today I announce the first steps on our journey to...

Congress Mulls Salary Freeze
 Congress Mulls Salary Freeze 

Congress Mulls Salary Freeze

Both sides look to gain political capital in putting off raise

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s freeze on top White House salaries has put pressure on Congress to do the same for itself, reports Politico, but as with much on the Hill, that’s a lofty idea mired in the mud of political reality. Even those who support a pay freeze are scrambling...

Obama Tries to Re-Plant Netroots

(Newser) - Barack Obama is determined to turn the legions of Facebook friends and Twitter subscribers that got him elected into an effective force for his administration, the New York Times  reports. He’s already begun issuing his weekly addresses via YouTube video, rather than radio, and crafted a new group called...

Congress Wants to Boost Fed's Oversight Role

But giving the agency power could stretch it thin, expose it to politics

(Newser) - The Federal Reserve would become more powerful under a congressional plan to give it increased oversight of banks, investment firms, insurance companies, hedge funds, and other firms that have enough economic clout to affect the entire US financial system, reports the Washington Post. “We need to give some regulator...

All Options on Table in Fight to Halt Foreclosure
All Options on Table in Fight to Halt Foreclosure

All Options on Table in Fight to Halt Foreclosure

Obama considering moratorium, gov't-sponsored refinancing

(Newser) - The Obama administration is considering plans to stem the tide of foreclosures ranging from doubling the mortgage interest deduction to a six-month foreclosure moratorium to government-sponsored refinancing, reports the Los Angeles Times. But a strategy is still at least several weeks away and, regardless of what bandages are applied, “...

Now Blago's Comparing Himself to King

Blagojevich sees himself as a martyr as impeachment trial begins

(Newser) - Embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich considers himself in the same company as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Gandhi, reports the Chicago Tribune. With his impeachment trial in the Illinois state Senate set to begin today, Blagojevich, accused of plotting to sell President Obama's Senate seat, is amping up...

Gitmo Detainee Files a Mess
 Gitmo Detainee Files a Mess 

Gitmo Detainee Files a Mess

Obama officials condemn disorder; ex-Bushies cry blame game

(Newser) - The case files of many Gitmo detainees are incomplete, disorganized, or strewn around the executive branch, complicating President Barack Obama’s plan to close down the detention center, reports the Washington Post. Incoming officials discovered the chaos when given access after the inauguration. One former official says he sometimes had...

Vatican Blasts Obama Policy on Abortion

Backers say plan promotes women's health, fights AIDS

(Newser) - The Vatican today condemned President Obama's move to give federal funding to international groups that include abortions and abortion counseling with health care, the BBC reports. A Vatican official said the policy dealt a blow to those fighting "the slaughter of the innocents." Supporters of the move say...

Karzai Blames US in 16 Civilian Deaths

(Newser) - President Hamid Karzai condemned a US operation he said killed 16 Afghan civilians today, even as his Ministry of Defense sent Washington a draft agreement that seeks to give Afghanistan more oversight over US military operations. The increased rhetoric comes as hundreds of villagers denounced the American military during an...

Al-Qaeda Struggles to Rally Muslims Against Obama

Bush was much easier target for rallying support

(Newser) - In George W. Bush, al-Qaeda leaders had an easy figurehead to rally against. But championing the jihadist movement with Barack Obama in the White House is a different story, the Washington Post reports. Qaeda militants are firing insults at Obama, including “hypocrite," "house Negro,” and "...

Rahm Less Partisan, More Powerful

 Rahm Less Partisan, 
 More Powerful 

Rahm Less Partisan, More Powerful

Obama's no. 2 tones down trademark partisanship

(Newser) - President Obama’s chief of staff has a reputation as a feisty, vicious partisan, but he’s trying to tone it down as he takes a central role in the White House, writes Mark Leibovich in the New York Times. Never far from his boss, Emanuel is more “chief”...

Obama Moves Quickly to Overhaul Finance Rules

Details of plan to emerge by April when prez heads to London summit

(Newser) - The Obama administration aims to quickly beef up regulation of the US financial system to stave off economic implosion, the New York Times reports. Plans include tightening rules on hedge funds, credit rating agencies, and mortgage firms, and keeping a closer watch on financial instruments at the center of the...

Obama Approval Drops to 68%
 Obama Approval 
 Drops to 68% 

Obama Approval Drops to 68%

(Newser) - President Obama's poll numbers are sinking back into the stratosphere now that he's in office, Politico reports. The first Gallup poll since his inauguration gives Obama a 68% approval rating, down from 83% a week ago. Just 12% of the most recent sample disapproved of Obama. JFK holds the record...

Mitchell to Israel Within the Week

(Newser) - Newly appointed Middle East special envoy George Mitchell will make his first trip to Israel next week, possibly as early as Wednesday, the Jerusalem Post reports. Mitchell is expected to meet with top Israeli officials and leaders of the Palestinian Authority. The main priority will be ensuring that the current...

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