President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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US Airstrikes Signal Tough Approach in Pakistan

(Newser) - US airstrikes on suspected terrorist camps in Pakistan yesterday signal that the Obama administration will continue the aggressive US strategy against extremists in the region, the Washington Post reports. In fact, early signs suggest a tougher approach—and less patience—with the Pakistani government. The attacks, carried out by Predator...

Obama: Stimulus Isn't Just a Short-Term Fix

He lays out long-term benefits of his plan

(Newser) - In a bid to build popular support, President Obama revealed more details of his economic stimulus plan today, as debate between Democrats and Republicans in Congress over the package raged on, the New York Times reports. Obama painted the measure as an investment in the country’s future, not just...

Obama to GOP: Turn Off Limbaugh

Rush isn't helping to 'get things done'

(Newser) - Meeting with GOP lawmakers to discuss his stimulus plan yesterday, Barack Obama took the opportunity to zing Rush Limbaugh, who said earlier this week that he wasn't one of those conservatives rooting for the new president to succeed, despite their differences. "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and...

Brown Bags First Euro Call, Visit From New President

Obama rings Britain's Brown to discuss Afghanistan, economy

(Newser) - Gordon Brown was the proud recipient of Barack Obama's first European phone call as president, the Guardian reports. The two leaders spoke for 15 minutes and discussed the need to make Afghanistan a priority. Obama, whose first overseas calls as president were to Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli...

Google Will Have the President's Ear

Company may capitalize on the benefits of backing a winner

(Newser) - Google may be the company that needs to do the least searching for influence with the new president, reports the Los Angeles Times. The company was one of the biggest contributors to Barack Obama's candidacy, and four Google execs were on the transition team. The search giant's agenda—widening high-speed...

Leave Space to Robots
 Leave Space to Robots

Leave Space to Robots

President Obama would be well-served by removing costly manned exploration goals

(Newser) - Barack Obama is poised to chart a new direction for America’s exploration of the final frontier, writes the Economist. While George W. Bush supported continuing manned space exploration in the tradition of the previous century, Obama is considering scrapping some of NASA’s planned upgrades to the space shuttle...

Obama Lifts Abortion 'Gag Rule'

(Newser) - President Obama today overturned the “gag rule” prohibiting the US from funding groups that provide abortions or abortion counseling overseas, Reuters reports. The policy has been enforced and rescinded depending on the Oval Office occupant since it was instituted under President Reagan. Unlike yesterday's high-profile signing ceremony, today's executive...

Obama Tells GOP Foes on Stimulus: 'I Won'

(Newser) - President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus plan today, then calmly reminded them that "I won," Politico reports. The GOP is seeking more middle-class tax cuts, among other things, and says the spending package is too large. Further negotiations are planned, but Dems appear to be...

Flight 1549 Co-Captain: 'I'm Just an Airline Pilot'

Copilot reports Obama is a 'very, very nice guy'

(Newser) - He helped saved 155 people with the successful water landing of US Airways Flight 1549, but co-pilot Jeff Skiles says he was only doing his job. "I'm just an airline pilot, and that's what we do,” Skiles told the New York Post. "We weren't doing anything any...

Obama's Gitmo Order Isn't What It Seems
Obama's Gitmo Order Isn't
What It Seems

Obama's Gitmo Order Isn't What It Seems

Experts see potential loopholes, gray areas in revised policies

(Newser) - With a stroke of the pen, President Obama rewrote American detention and interrogation policy yesterday. Or not, writes Josh Gerstein for Politico. He offers reasons not to overstate Obama’s policy changes:
  • "Everyone has to follow the Army Field Manual—for now…": Obama is convening a group to

Not Everyone 'Fawning' Over Prez Obama

Tongue-in-cheek column mocks critics

(Newser) - You might be euphoric after Barack Obama’s inauguration, but “not everyone feels the ‘Obama high,’” writes Lloyd Garver on the Huffington Post. These “Democrat-haters” who “enjoy puncturing balloons of hope” probably viewed Inauguration Day through slightly less rose-colored glasses than you did: For...

Obama's First Law Will Fight Wage Discrimination

(Newser) - A wage-discrimination bill that heralds the pro-labor policies of the Democratic-controlled Congress and White House cleared the Senate on a 61-36 vote today and could be on President Obama's desk within days. The legislation reverses a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that narrowly defines when workers can claim wage discrimination, even...

36 Years After Roe, Obama Affirms Support for Choice

Thousands protest on anniversary of landmark abortion ruling

(Newser) - President Obama acknowledged the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade today by reaffirming his support for the abortion rights that ruling secured, CBS reports. “I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose,” Obama said in a statement, adding that, regardless of political persuasion, reducing unwanted...

Crocker Cautions Against Abrupt Iraq Withdrawal

Ambassador cautions that al-Qaeda will take advantage of power vacuum

(Newser) - The US ambassador to Iraq warned today against an abrupt troop withdrawal, saying it would invite foreign fighters, CNN reports. If we “decide suddenly we’re done, they would certainly work to use space that opened up,” Ryan Crocker said of al-Qaeda. Crocker, who will step down shortly,...

Matthews Takes Record for Hot Air at Chilly Inauguration

MSNBC host's 'sizzling free-associations' provided some hot air in chilly DC

(Newser) - It's a good thing Chris Matthews didn't run for the Senate after all, Jack Shafer writes for Slate, after listening to the MSNBC star let his mouth run wild Inauguration Day. "Drawing from a larder filled with old anecdotes, unreliable metaphors, wacky intuition, and superficial observations, the always-animated Matthews...

Mitchell, Holbrooke Named Special Envoys

Former senator gets Mideast portfolio; ex-ambassador Afghanistan and Pakistan

(Newser) - President Obama and newly minted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton moved quickly today to build the administration’s diplomatic efforts, naming George Mitchell and Richard Holbrooke special envoys, Reuters reports; both appointments were expected. Former Sen. Mitchell will focus on facilitating peace talks between Israel and Palestine, while ex-UN ambassador...

First White House Briefing Addresses Gitmo, Oath

Lots of questions, little actual news as Gibbs meets the press anew

(Newser) - White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs met his audience for the first time, covering everything from President Obama’s oaths to the economy to torture, the Chicago Tribune reports. Gibbs faced questions about the administration’s hiring of a lobbyist, against previously stated rules—“Any standard is not perfect”...

McGovern to Obama: Call 'Time-Out on War'

War not the best solution to terrorism, ex-candidate argues

(Newser) - George McGovern would like to take the “war” out of the war on terror. The 1972 Democratic presidential nominee, writing in the Washington Post, cautions President Obama against diving headlong into Afghanistan, a battleground that has broken two empires already. “Let me suggest a truly audacious hope for...

Closing Gitmo Will Be Tough
 Closing Gitmo Will Be Tough 

Closing Gitmo Will Be Tough

Detainees should be tried or released, but dangerous ones worry Obama, lawyers

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s pledge to close Guantanamo Bay has been widely hailed, but it’s not going to be easy, the Christian Science Monitor reports. There’s broad agreement that many detainees can be tried in federal or military courts, while others can be released. But some are deemed too...

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For
10 Democrats
Obama Must
Watch Out For

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For

Conyers, Feinstein, Biden could be pains in president's rear

(Newser) - The good vibrations can’t last forever. Sooner or later,  President Obama is bound to run afoul of members of his own party. Glenn Thrush, in Politico, scopes out the suspects:
  • John Conyers: The irrepressible House Judiciary chairman wants to investigate the US attorneys scandal and other potential Bush-era

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