President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Guess Who Went to Stonehenge?

President Obama just happened to be in the neighborhood

(Newser) - "Knocked it off the bucket list," said President Obama, referring to his visit to Stonehenge yesterday. "How cool is this?" he remarked while being led on a tour of the ancient stones tucked into the rolling green English landscape about 80 miles southwest of London. Obama carved...

Obama Delays Immigration Action Until After Election

President initially pledged to move by end of summer

(Newser) - Dropping his pledge to act by the end of summer, President Obama has decided to delay any executive action on immigration until after the November congressional elections, White House officials said. The move is certain to infuriate immigration advocates while offering relief to some vulnerable Democrats in tough Senate re-election...

Obama Lines Up 9 Allies Against ISIS

But next step is to get more Arab nations on board

(Newser) - After taking grief for saying the US lacks a strategy in the fight against the Islamic State, President Obama sought to fix that yesterday by lining up nine nations at the NATO summit in a new coalition. The other nine are Britain, Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and...

On Deck at NATO Summit: ISIS, Ukraine

World leaders will also discuss the current mission in Afghanistan

(Newser) - A NATO summit today in Wales originally meant to focus on the ongoing Ukraine crisis will shift gears to include high-level discussions on the American- and British-led push to address ISIS, reports the New York Times . President Obama and British PM David Cameron penned a joint letter in the Times ...

Sotloff Execution Video Is Real: US

'We will not be intimidated,' Obama says

(Newser) - The US has confirmed the authenticity of an ISIS video featuring journalist Steven Sotloff's beheading , with President Obama asserting that the recent executions only "stiffen our resolve" against the militant group. After intelligence officials analyzed the clip, Obama discussed it today in Estonia, the New York Times reports....

Feds Question Man After Alleged Obama Threat

They locate vehicle in Connecticut after alert; no charges so far

(Newser) - With President Obama visiting Rhode Island yesterday evening, the Secret Service issued alerts to police in Connecticut in New York to be on the lookout for someone headed their way in a blue Jetta who might be out to harm the president, reports NECN . State police in Connecticut located the...

Obama: Russia Is Clearly to Blame in Ukraine

Says he and Merkel agree, suggests more sanctions possible

(Newser) - President Obama suggested today that the US might impose new economic sanctions on Russia, blaming it squarely for the warfare in eastern Ukraine. But he ruled out any military options and proposed no shift in an American-led strategy that has yet to convince Moscow to halt operations against its far...

Obama May Skirt Congress on Global Climate Deal

With Senate a dead end, he plans pact that needs no ratification: NYT

(Newser) - President Obama is employing some "legal and political magic" as one expert puts it so he can create an international climate change agreement without Congress, the New York Times reports. This fancy footwork is in preparation for a 2015 UN climate change summit in Paris. Knowing that he has...

US Seeks Allies in ISIS Fight —but Not Assad

Obama may greenlight military action in Syria, expanded airstrikes in Iraq

(Newser) - After OKing airstrikes in Iraq and spy flights over Syria in an attempt to rein in ISIS, President Obama has started rallying international allies to expand efforts against the militant Sunni group—efforts that may include even more airstrikes in Iraq and possible military action in Syria, reports the New ...

House Ready to Drop $350K to Sue Obama

Lawyer David Rivkin is charging $500 an hour

(Newser) - The House of Representatives has lawyered up in its quest to sue President Obama , the National Journal reports, and it's not going to be cheap: David Rivkin was key to devising the House's case strategy in the first place. He'll be paid $500 an hour up to...

Obama Calls for Review of Police Gear

Ferguson puts spotlight on use of military equipment

(Newser) - Amid the uproar in Ferguson, President Obama is addressing concerns over military-grade equipment's availability to local police, officials tell the New York Times and CNN . Obama has ordered a review of policies surrounding the gear's use, questioning whether police are properly trained to use it as well as...

Obama's Ferguson Critics Are Off Base

Criticism that he's too wishy-washy about shooting is misguided: pundits

(Newser) - In the wake of the Michael Brown shooting , President Obama has taken flak for not speaking more forcefully—or more personally—about it. (Eric Holder, for instance, has recounted his own troubles with police as a black man in America.) Well, the president's critics are wrong, writes Charles...

Obama on Foley: We Will 'See That Justice Is Done'

Visibly angry, president vows Islamic State 'has no place in 21st century'

(Newser) - The "entire world is appalled" by Jim Foley's execution at the hands of the Islamic State, President Obama said today in a seething statement in which he vowed to "do what is necessary to see that justice is done." He took square aim at the terror...

US Hit 90 Targets in Mosul Dam Fight: Pentagon

President calls recapture of dam a 'major step forward'

(Newser) - President Obama hailed the recapture of Mosul dam today as a "major step forward" as a barrage of US airstrikes helped Kurdish and Iraqi forces score the biggest victory of its counteroffensive against the Islamic State militants. Obama also urged the badly fractured and largely dysfunctional Iraqi government to...

Obama: Eric Holder Is Going to Ferguson

Americans should 'listen and not just shout,' president says

(Newser) - Calling for understanding in the face of racially charged anger, President Barack Obama said today that the vast majority of protesters in a St. Louis suburb were peaceful, but warned that a small minority was undermining justice for the unarmed black man shot and killed by police. During a brief...

US Strikes Iraq With Land-Based Bombers

President Obama updates Congress with a letter

(Newser) - The US has expanded its air campaign in Iraq with attacks aimed at helping Iraqi forces regain control of the strategic Mosul dam. The White House said President Obama notified Congress today that the widened mission would be limited in duration and scope. The administration's letter to Congress said...

McCaskill: 'Demilitarize' Cops' Response in Ferguson

Obama calls for calm as Anonymous claims to ID officer

(Newser) - The unrelenting protests in Ferguson, Mo., after the police shooting of Michael Brown clearly have the full attention of Washington now. Both President Obama and Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill weighed in today, while Anonymous claimed to ID the officer who did the shooting. Details:
  • McCaskill: Speaking at a local church,

Friend: Teen Shot by Cops Cried, 'Stop Shooting!'

President Obama urges 'reflection, understanding' during probe

(Newser) - President Obama today reacted to the police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown , offering his and Michelle's "deepest condolences" and calling the teen's death "heartbreaking," the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. "I know the events of the past few days have prompted strong passions," he...

Obama to Critics: Syria Backlash Is 'Horses---'

Reacts to growing criticism over keeping distance

(Newser) - President Obama has faced some tough criticism lately over his reluctance to get more involved in Syria; not least among his vocal critics is Hillary Clinton . But it seems he's tired of the complaints from both parties. When Republican Sen. Bob Corker asked a wide-ranging and critical question about...

Obama Calls for New Iraqi Government

President says he and Joe Biden called al-Maliki's replacement

(Newser) - President Obama welcomed new leadership in Iraq as "a promising step forward" today amid a political and security crisis in Baghdad, saying the only lasting solution is the formation of an inclusive government. Obama did not mention Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki but clearly was addressing the embattled incumbent as...

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