President Obama

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Clinton Knocks White House 'Failure' in Syria

And suggests she'll run in 2016?

(Newser) - In a new Atlantic interview, Hillary Clinton has underlined her differences with President Obama on foreign policy—particularly when it comes to Syria. Clinton pointed to the administration's limited involvement in Syria as a major factor in the Islamic State's surge to power in Iraq, Politico notes. "...

Obama: Iraq Intervention Will Be 'Long Term'

'I don't think we're going to solve this problem in weeks,' he says

(Newser) - While President Obama reiterated today that he won't let the US get dragged back into a ground war in Iraq, he said the newly restarted airstrikes won't be ending anytime soon, reports the New York Times . “I don’t think we’re going to solve this problem...

Obama's Big Foreign Policy Regret? Gadhafi

Not the ousting of him, but its aftermath, he tells Thomas Friedman

(Newser) - In a wide-ranging interview with Thomas Friedman of the New York Times , the president reveals what might be his biggest regret in foreign policy: Libya. Obama says the US made the right move in joining the coalition to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi, but it didn't do enough to manage the...

US Launches 2nd Round of Airstrikes on ISIS

Attacks strike mortar and convoy near Irbil, officials say

(Newser) - American officials say the US launched a second round of airstrikes against Islamic State targets near Irbil today, using drones and fighter jets. The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the strikes by name, say unmanned aircraft struck a mortar near Irbil and...

US Launches Airstrikes on Iraq Militants

American jets hit Islamic State artillery near Irbil

(Newser) - The US launched airstrikes against Iraq's Islamic State militants this morning. "US military aircraft conduct strike on ISIL artillery," tweeted Rear Adm. John Kirby. "Artillery was used against Kurdish forces defending (Irbil), near US personnel." He confirms that F/A-18 jets dropped a pair of laser-guided...

Why Obama Approved Airstrikes in Iraq

Extremists' rapid push north forced his hand, say analysts

(Newser) - President Obama gave the green light last night for the US military to launch airstrikes in Iraq, but why now? Some explanations:
  • Twofold mission: The US has already dropped food and supplies to Iraqis trapped on Mount Sinjar by extremist fighters from the Islamic State, or ISIS, and it may

Obama Authorizes Airstrikes in Iraq

US also begins humanitarian aid drops to trapped Iraqis

(Newser) - President Obama said tonight he has authorized the US military to carry out airstrikes in Iraq against Islamic militants if necessary to protect American personnel in northern Iraq. He emphasized, however, that no ground troops would be sent back to Iraq. Obama also said the US has begun humanitarian aid...

Cop: Obama Ignores the Constitution, So I Will Too

Officer Richard Recine resigns after heated remark

(Newser) - A New Jersey police officer has resigned after saying that he can ignore a citizen's Constitutional rights—because President Obama has already "decimated the friggin' Constitution." Special Police Officer Richard Recine made the heated remark Monday in a confrontation with a resident of Helmetta, NJ, who had...

Obama Mulls Airstrikes, Aid to Help Trapped Iraqis

Decision on Yazidi surrounded by Islamic State expected 'imminently'

(Newser) - Both passive and active options are on the table as President Obama decides how to handle the humanitarian catastrophe developing at Iraq's Mount Sinjar , says a senior administration official who spoke to the New York Times . The passive alternative: Airdrops of food and much-needed medicine to the 40,000...

US Spent $11B Spinning Wheels on High-Speed Rail

Obama's 2011 promise was 'unadulterated hype,' critics say

(Newser) - Since 2009, $11 billion has gone toward speeding up passenger trains in the US, yet there's little to show for it, the New York Times reports. Though the Obama administration isn't wholly to blame—GOP opposition, community protests, and lawsuits have also ridden the brakes—an expert says...

Record Number Fear Their Kids Will Be Worse Off

76% of adults think next generation will have worse life than them: poll

(Newser) - Americans are riddled with anxiety about financial prospects for their children—and the majority of them are pointing the finger at DC pols for their worries. A Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll of 1,000 adults found that a record 76% of them don't think today's kids will...

Obama Offers Rare Personal Toast on Africa

Speaks of family history at US-Africa Summit dinner

(Newser) - President Obama isn't known for getting particularly personal at the podium, Politico notes, but in a speech at the US-Africa Summit , he offered up his own story. "I stand before you as the president of the United States and a proud American. I also stand before you as...

Obama Poised for Major Move on Immigration

Action could protect 5M here illegally: Washington Post

(Newser) - After rejecting a House-passed immigration bill , President Obama has pledged to act on the issue alone—and the Washington Post has the details of his thinking. Spurred in part by the huge influx of child immigrants from Central America, Obama is considering measures that could offer millions of undocumented immigrants...

House OKs $694M Border Bill, Obama Says No

'I'm going to have to act alone,' president says

(Newser) - House Republicans revived their bill on the US-Mexico border crisis in dramatic fashion today, passing it on a near party-line vote after winning over conservatives with tough new provisions that could threaten deportation for hundreds of thousands of immigrants already working in this country legally. President Barack Obama condemned the...

Obama: After 9/11, We 'Tortured Some Folks'

President says it more explicitly than before

(Newser) - The US tortured al-Qaeda detainees captured after the 9/11 attacks, President Obama said today, in some of his most expansive comments to date about a controversial set of CIA practices that he banned after taking office. "We tortured some folks," Obama said at a televised news conference at...

Full House Approves Lawsuit Against Obama

Republicans say president exceeded his authority on ObamaCare

(Newser) - A sharply divided House today approved a Republican plan to file a federal lawsuit against President Obama. The suit will contend that Obama has exceeded his constitutional powers in the way he has enforced the 2010 health care law. The vote was 225 to 201. Republicans say Obama has gone...

White House: Cut Carbon Now, or Pay $150B a Year Later

Climate change costs could jump 40% each decade

(Newser) - When it comes to climate change, the United States can pay to cut carbon emissions now, or we can pay about $150 billion a year down the road as costs soar by about 40% a decade, according to a White House Council of Economic Advisers analysis out today, as per...

What Obama's Phone Calls Reveal

He's been talking a lot, but mostly to allies

(Newser) - As international crises pile up, President Obama has been spending a lot of time on the phone: White House records show that the president has made more calls to world leaders this month than in any other month except November 2012, when he was returning calls of congratulations on his...

Boehner to WH: Stop Saying I Want Impeachment

Lawsuit filed by House speaker will motivate GOP to go after prez, says Obama aide

(Newser) - There’s nothing to suggest that John Boehner has changed his mind since the last time he said he doesn’t want to impeach the president—but that didn’t stop a senior White House aide this morning from saying he thinks the door for Republicans to make that happen...

Medal of Honor Recipient Visits NYSE, Breaks Gavel

Staff Sgt. Ryan Pitts helped close down the exchange with a bang

(Newser) - On Monday, former Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Pitts walked up to President Obama, shook his hand, and humbly accepted his Medal of Honor . Obama might have gotten off lightly because yesterday Pitts used that same hand to close the New York Stock Exchange with its ceremonial gavel, and the gavel...

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