President Obama

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Obama Backs DC Home Rule
 Obama Backs 
 DC Home Rule 

Obama Backs DC Home Rule

President calls that question 'an easy one'

(Newser) - President Obama on DC home rule? "I'm in DC, so I'm for it," he said today at a Washington public school, DCist reports. In his first statements openly supporting home rule, he argued that DC residents pay taxes and "should be represented like everyone else,...

Veteran Gets Medal of Honor for Facing 'Onslaught'

Ryan Pitts receives highest decoration for battlefield valor

(Newser) - President Obama bestowed the Medal of Honor today on a former Army staff sergeant who fought off enemy fighters during one of the bloodiest battles of the Afghanistan war. Ryan Pitts is the ninth living recipient of the nation's highest decoration for battlefield valor for actions in Iraq and...

Obama to Putin, Rebels: What Are You Hiding?

Calls out Russia, rebels for impeding MH17 investigation

(Newser) - President Obama called out Vladimir Putin, Ukraine's pro-Russia militants, and the disgraceful handling of the investigation into the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 today, reports Politico . The president argued that investigators needed "immediate and full access to the crash site." "What exactly are they trying...

Obama Must Get Tougher Over 'Mr. Putin's War'

Washington Post, Wall Street Journal criticize US response

(Newser) - At his news conference yesterday , President Obama made clear that the US thinks pro-Russian separatists shot down the Malaysian Airlines jet, and that they likely did so using Russian equipment. But he left it at that. "What was missing from the president’s comments was a clear moral conclusion...

Obama to Sign Orders Protecting Gay Workers

(Newser) - President Barack Obama plans to sign executive orders prohibiting discrimination against gay and transgender workers in the federal government and its contracting agencies, without a new exemption that was requested by some religious organizations. Obama's action comes on the heels of the US Supreme Court's recent ruling in...

One American Among Those Killed on Plane

President Obama calls for ceasefire and 'credible' investigation

(Newser) - One American was among the 298 people killed in yesterday's Malaysia Airlines crash , President Obama revealed today. The passenger was identified as Quinn Lucas Schansman, though few details about him were immediately available. The US ambassador to the UN said today that the latest US intelligence suggests the plane...

US Imposes Toughest Sanctions Yet on Russia

But Europe is more restrained

(Newser) - The US and Europe imposed new economic sanctions on Russia today, with President Obama declaring that Russian leaders must see that their actions supporting rebels "have consequences." Though the American and European sanctions were coordinated, they nonetheless exposed fissures in what the West has tried to project as...

Texas Actress Gets 18 Years in Obama Ricin Threats

Shannon Richardson had tried to frame estranged husband

(Newser) - A Texas woman who had minor roles in The Walking Dead and the The Blind Side was sentenced today to 18 years in prison for sending ricin-laced letters to President Obama and Michael Bloomberg. A judge sentenced Shannon Guess Richardson , 36, in federal court in Texarkana on a federal charge...

Obama Needs a New &#39;Team of Rivals&#39;

 Obama Needs 
 a New 'Team 
 of Rivals' 

Obama Needs a New 'Team of Rivals'

White House can't be 'echo chamber for the president’s views': Fred Hiatt

(Newser) - When President Obama first took office, he was wise to install a " team of rivals ," from Hillary Clinton to Bush-era defense secretary Robert Gates, who ensured his views would be challenged. But his second-term staff appears to be more a "team of loyalists," writes Fred Hiatt...

Boehner: I'm Suing Obama Over ObamaCare

He says he's sticking up for Constitution

(Newser) - John Boehner is pressing ahead with his plan to sue President Obama —and he says he has now chosen a line of attack. The House speaker says the suit will focus on the president's decision to delay imposing penalties on firms that don't offer health insurance to...

Americans to Palin: Shut Up Already
 Americans to Palin: 
 Shut Up Already 

Americans to Palin: Shut Up Already

54% of voters have heard enough from Sarah Palin

(Newser) - More than half of Americans say it's about time for Sarah Palin to shut her pie-hole. On the heels of the former VP candidate calling for President Obama's impeachment , 54% of voters say they've heard too much from Palin already and would prefer that she be less...

Today&#39;s Teens Might Be Tomorrow&#39;s Conservatives
Today's Teens Might Be Tomorrow's Conservatives

Today's Teens Might Be Tomorrow's Conservatives

NYT's Upshot: They're coming of age in lousy times, with Democrats in control

(Newser) - The Upshot blog of the New York Times has an analysis sure to cheer the hearts of today's conservatives, and it's all rooted in one simple fact: The voters of tomorrow are coming of age in a generally lousy time with Democrats in control of the White House,...

Sarah Palin: We Must Impeach Obama Now

She blasts him on immigration, and that could be bad news for GOP

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has mentioned the idea of impeaching President Obama indirectly in the past, notes Politico , but there's nothing indirect about her new essay at :
  • "It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose

Newspaper Calls Obama the 'N-Word' in Headline

WestView News did it ironically, but people still mad

(Newser) - A New York City community newspaper is taking heat today for running the headline "The N***er in the White House," but without the asterisks—with a column that's pro-Obama, the Daily News reports. James Collier's ironically headlined piece in the WestView News attacks what he calls...

Obama to Send 200 More US Troops to Iraq

That brings total US forces there to nearly 800

(Newser) - President Barack Obama says he's sending about 200 more US troops to Iraq to protect Americans and the US Embassy in Baghdad. The announcement will bring to nearly 800 the total number of US forces in and around Iraq to train local forces, secure the embassy, and protect American...

New Airport Security Concern: 'Creative' Bombs

Intelligence indicates terrorists in Syria may be working on them

(Newser) - The US may boost security measures at its own airports—and call for improvements abroad—amid fears of attacks fueled by the crisis in Syria, ABC News reports. Terrorists in the country, according to new US intelligence, may be working on "creative" bombs targeting commercial planes, sources tell ABC....

Ex-Proctor & Gamble Exec Tapped to Lead VA

Robert McDonald graduated near top of class at West Point

(Newser) - President Obama plans to nominate former Proctor & Gamble executive Robert McDonald as the next Veterans Affairs secretary, as the White House seeks to shore up an agency beset by treatment delays and struggling to deal with an influx of new veterans returning from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. An...

Rove: Obama Overreach Worse Than King George
 Rove: Obama 
 Worse Than 
 King George 


Rove: Obama Overreach Worse Than King George

Says president's use of executive authority akin to 'imperial power'

(Newser) - Karl Rove has evaluated President Obama's use of executive authority, particularly as it relates to his delayed deportation of some illegal immigrants, and he has found it more egregious than that of a couple of guys named George. Referring to his old boss, Rove says the Bush White House...

White House Wants $500M for Syrian Opposition

Request to Congress says recipients will be vetted

(Newser) - President Obama promised back in May to help the Syrian opposition in its fight against Bashar al-Assad, and today he made that promise a lot more tangible. The White House asked Congress for $500 million to train and equip the opposition forces, reports USA Today . With the conflict spilling over...

Why Boehner's Plan to Sue Obama Won't Work

'Good luck with that,' say legal experts

(Newser) - John Boehner has declared that he wants to sue President Obama for abusing his executive authority, but most legal experts seem to think he's about as likely to prevail as he is to become the 2016 Democratic nominee. For starters, the House speaker plans to use legislation to gain...

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