President Obama

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Boehner: I'm Going to Sue Obama

House Republicans say president has abused his executive authority

(Newser) - John Boehner thinks President Obama has abused his executive authority so much that he plans to sue the White House, reports Fox News . Asked today whether he intended to pursue such a lawsuit, as has been rumored, the House speaker responded, "I am." He added, "This is...

Obama: Time for New Moms to Get Paid Leave

But funding maternity leave is a major problem

(Newser) - It's time for America to lose its status as the only industrialized country where new mothers don't get a single day of paid leave, President Obama says. "Many women can't even get a paid day off to give birth—now that's a pretty low bar,...

Back to Iraq? It&#39;s Up to Congress
 Back to Iraq? 
 It's Up to 


Back to Iraq? It's Up to Congress

Founding Fathers' decision allows for 'vigorous national debate': Rachel Maddow

(Newser) - As the US debates its future in Iraq, all eyes are on President Obama—but where we should be looking is Capitol Hill. Yes, congressional leaders recently said Obama needed no new authorization for further military action in Iraq. "But they're wrong," writes Rachel Maddow in the...

South Dakota GOP Votes to Impeach Obama

Resolutions cites Bergdahl trade

(Newser) - The South Dakota Republican Party has decided Rapid City is the place to get the ball rolling for the impeachment of President Obama. At the party's state convention Saturday, delegates voted 191-176 to impeach the president for violating his oath of office—specifically, by trading five Taliban combatants for...

US Sending 300 'Military Advisers' to Iraq

Obama says team will help Baghdad fend off insurgents

(Newser) - President Obama said today he's sending 300 US "military advisers" to Iraq as Islamic extremists threaten to overtake Baghdad , reports the AP . Obama reiterated that he will not send regular ground troops and dismissed a concern about "mission creep" in response to a question: "American combat...

Cheneys: 'No President Has Been So Wrong About So Much'

In op-ed, they slam Obama's moves in Iraq and elsewhere

(Newser) - Dick and Liz Cheney unload on President Obama in a Wall Street Journal op-ed today, accusing the president of squandering a hard-won victory in Iraq, shirking US responsibility to lead in the world, and allowing terrorists to rise again. "Rarely has a US president been so wrong about so...

Clinton: I Wanted to Arm Syrian Rebels

Poll gives mixed numbers on possible presidential run

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton had had her way, the US would have armed Syrian rebels "two-plus years ago," she says. The former secretary of state told CNN that she, the defense secretary, and the head of the CIA sought to arm moderates, but the president disagreed. "We pushed...

Obama May Create Earth's Biggest Ocean Sanctuary

Would use executive authority to expand Bush-created monument

(Newser) - In 2009, President Bush created an 87,000-square-mile marine sanctuary in the Pacific. Now, his successor wants to expand the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument to 782,000 miles, a move that would double the area of protected ocean worldwide, the Washington Post reports. The marine sanctuary would be...

New Executive Order to Give LGBT Rights a Boost

Obama to ban LGBT discrimination for federal contractors

(Newser) - President Barack Obama plans to sign an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of their sexual orientation, a White House official said today. The move follows years of pressure from gay rights groups for Obama to act on his own while a broader employment...

Obama Intervenes to End Philadelphia Transit Strike

Workers back as of this morning

(Newser) - Commuter rail service in the Philadelphia area was restored early today, just hours after workers returned to their jobs following a brief strike that was ended when President Barack Obama intervened, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority officials said. SEPTA spokeswoman Jerri Williams says all workers scheduled for morning shifts today showed...

Obama to UC Students: Time to Take on Climate

President announces $1B natural-disaster fund

(Newser) - Offering a commencement address at UC Irvine today, President Obama sought to energize students for the fight against climate change. "The question is not whether we need to act,” the president said, noting that any debate has been "put to rest." "The question is whether...

Obama: We'll Help, but This Is Iraq's Problem to Solve

Repeats that US won't send ground troops

(Newser) - President Obama reiterated today that the US will not be sending ground troops to Iraq and emphasized that Iraq has to take the lead role in turning back insurgents who threaten to overrun the country . In a brief press conference, Obama said his national security team is reviewing other ways...

US: We'll Help Iraq, but No Ground Troops

Beyond that, Obama says 'all the options' are on the table

(Newser) - As insurgents aligned with al-Qaeda continue to make huge gains in Iraq, President Obama said today that the US is poised to provide military help of some kind, reports the LA Times . "I don’t rule out anything because we do have a stake in making sure that these...

Obama Made the Right Decision on Bowe Bergdahl
Obama Made the Right Decision on Bowe Bergdahl

Obama Made the Right Decision on Bowe Bergdahl

David Brooks and Charles Krauthammer defend the move

(Newser) - President Obama is taking much flak over his decision to negotiate with the Taliban for the freedom of Bowe Bergdahl , but two columnists on the right come to his defense today. "Obama made the right call," writes David Brooks in the New York Times . Even if Bergdahl is...

American Jailed in Egypt to Obama: Help Me

Mohamed Soltan was arrested amid protests last year

(Newser) - A 26-year-old Egyptian American was imprisoned in Egypt last summer, and he's calling on President Obama to help him regain his freedom. Mohamed Soltan recorded a video addressed to the president earlier this year; it was smuggled out of prison in Cairo before his sister handed it to the...

France Throws 2 Dinners to Separate Testy Obama, Putin

Hollande avoiding an awkward moment

(Newser) - International tensions are resulting in a very full stomach for French President Francois Hollande. During a commemoration of D-Day, he'll have two separate dinners Thursday night: one with President Obama, and one with Vladimir Putin, the AP reports. The two leaders are among at least 18 visiting in honor...

Obama's Foreign Policy: 'Don't Do Stupid Sh*t'

Uncouth doctrine intended to avoid wars

(Newser) - Obama has formulated his foreign policy doctrine down to one pithy, and for most newspapers unprintable, phrase: "Don't do stupid shit." White House aides have been dropping that bon mot in conversations with journalists over the past month or so, Politico observes, detailing a half-dozen news articles...

Obama: Shinseki Is Out at VA

Says embattled department chief offered his resignation

(Newser) - Eric Shinseki is out as leader of the VA. President Obama today said he accepted the Cabinet secretary's resignation "with regret" in the wake of the scandal over shoddy medical care for the nation's veterans, reports CNN . Obama said Shinseki told him he didn't want to...

America Mourns Its &#39;Fierce&#39; Poet
 America Mourns 
 Its 'Fierce' Poet 

America Mourns Its 'Fierce' Poet

Luminaries lines up to pay homage to Maya Angelou

(Newser) - Writer, inaugural poet, storyteller, mentor, civil rights activist, Grammy winner, journalist, streetcar conductor, and even madam—Maya Angelou wore a vast rainbow of hats during her 86 years, and Americans wasted no time today in paying homage to the fiercely eloquent force of nature. Without ado:
  • President Obama: Citing "

Obama to Keep 9.8K Troops in Afghanistan

But next Afghan leader has to sign the BSA

(Newser) - On the heels of his surprise visit to American troops in Afghanistan , President Obama today will put the number of troops he intends to keep there at 9,800, with the intent to call most of those home by 2016. But there's a "but": Kabul, soon to be...

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