President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

White House Accidentally Outs Kabul CIA Chief

Name included in list of officials for Obama visit

(Newser) - The identity of the highest-ranking CIA agent in Afghanistan was leaked to the media this weekend—by the White House itself. The error occurred in a list of top officials who were joining President Obama during his visit to Kabul yesterday. The military gave the list to the White House...

Obama Drops In on US Troops in Afghanistan

Surprise visit his 4th; won't meet with Karzai in clear snub

(Newser) - President Obama secretly slipped into Afghanistan under the cover of darkness today for a weekend visit with US troops serving in the closing months of America's longest war. Air Force One landed at Bagram Air Field, the main US base in Afghanistan, after an overnight flight from Washington. Obama...

Obama: 'I Will Not Tolerate' VA Abuse

Urges patience despite calls for 'swift reckoning'

(Newser) - President Obama's silence on the reported VA hospital scandal is over. Speaking today, he said he "will not stand for" alleged misconduct, including "cooking the books" to hide delays in care, some of which allegedly led to patient deaths. "If these allegations prove to be true,...

Obama's Mad About VA Scandal? Yeah, Right

This controversy isn't GOP-concocted: Ron Christie and Eugene Robinson

(Newser) - Columnists on both the right and left are fuming about reports of secret Veterans Affairs hospital delays said to have resulted in 40 deaths. Both Ron Christie and Eugene Robinson note that while issues like Benghazi and IRS targeting may have been "witch hunts," this is a genuine...

Top NH Cop Resigns After Calling Obama the N-Word

Robert Copeland has so far refused to apologize

(Newser) - A New Hampshire police commissioner has resigned after he admitted using a racial slur to describe President Obama, a Wolfeboro town official said today. Robert Copeland, 82, resigned last night from the post to which he was re-elected in March, putting to rest a controversy that drew national attention and...

Adviser: Obama 'Madder Than Hell' Over VA Scandal

Denis McDonough says he's got the scars to prove it

(Newser) - White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough today summarized the commander-in-chief's feelings on the VA scandal pretty pointedly: "The president is madder than hell, and I’ve got the scars to prove it, given the briefings I’ve given the president. Nobody is more outraged about this problem,...

Man Who Planned to Kill His Way to Obama Gets Death

James McVay killed elderly SD woman, stole her car

(Newser) - A man who murdered an elderly South Dakota woman in what he described as the first step in a plot to kill and steal his way to Washington and assassinate President Obama has been sentenced to death. After walking away from a minimum-security prison unit, James McVay drank alcohol and...

North Korea Defends Its Awful Obama Comments

US calls comments in state media 'particularly ugly'

(Newser) - Pyongyang isn't exactly losing sleep over the torrent of racist insults it hurled at President Obama—instead, it calls the comments "a proper reaction to him who malignantly insulted and slandered the dignified" North Korea. The offensive language was attributed in state media to officials and a worker,...

Kim Kardashian Gets Presidential Rejection

No thanks, Obama doesn't want to meet her

(Newser) - Kim Kardashian and President Obama were at the same ritzy LA event Wednesday night, and Kim really wanted to meet the leader of the free world ... but the feeling wasn't mutual. She "enlisted one of her minions to scout out the opportunity to meet him" at Steven Spielberg'...

Zingers Fly at &#39;Nerd Prom&#39;
 Zingers Fly 
 at 'Nerd Prom' 


Zingers Fly at 'Nerd Prom'

President Obama, Joel McHale crack wise at White House Correspondents' Dinner

(Newser) - The annual media spectacle in which the cadre of reporters assigned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. throws itself a glitzy party, mingles with Hollywood's bored and/or elite, and gazes deeply into its own navel is in the books. Highlights from the White House Correspondents' Dinner, aka "nerd prom,"...

White House Tells Colleges How to Deal With Rape

Task force presents university guidelines, launches website

(Newser) - The White House has pulled together its two cents on how US colleges should step up their fight against rape, with an Obama administration task force yesterday issuing guidelines for action. Among them: survey students anonymously on sexual assault, do a better job of keeping reported assaults confidential, and teach...

US, Philippines Sign Pact to Boost Military Presence

New 10-year deal signed as Obama visits

(Newser) - The US military will get greater access to bases across the Philippines under a 10-year agreement signed today in conjunction with President Obama's visit, in a deal seen as an effort by Washington to counter Chinese aggression in the region. The US ambassador and the country's defense secretary...

North Korea's Goal: an Army to Beat America's

Kim Jong Un tells officers to prepare for 'impending conflict'

(Newser) - North Korean leaders amped up the rhetoric today, calling President Obama a "pimp" and saying the nation's army must become strong enough to defeat the United States. Leader Kim Jong Un told military officers to improve the Korean People's Army so it can "win one victory...

Obama: Sterling Tape 'Incredibly Offensive'

Magic Johnson also swipes back

(Newser) - The racist and alleged comments of LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling have attracted the wrath of some really big names, including the leader of the free world. "The owner is reported to have said some incredibly offensive racist statements that were published," Obama said today in Malaysia, as...

Mr. President, Refusing to Pay Your Interns Is Elitist

Obama should 'lead by example' here, writes essayist

(Newser) - President Obama is raising the minimum wage for many federal employees, but Stephen Lurie wonders in the Washington Post why he continues to keep White House internships unpaid. To those who argue that these young workers get an invaluable experience that goes beyond money, Lurie poses a question: Who can...

North Korea Ups Activity at Nuke Site, Says South

Obama set to visit South Korea Friday

(Newser) - North Korea is boosting "activities" at its Punggye-ri nuclear test site, South Korea says, though Seoul is keeping details classified. The South says it's "currently detecting a lot of activity in and around the Punggye-ri nuclear test site," and is tracking the situation as it ensures...

Obama: 8M Have Signed Up for Insurance

He urges Democratic candidates to embrace it

(Newser) - President Obama made an unscheduled stop at the White House briefing room today to boast about a new ObamaCare milestone—8 million enrollees. That exceeds the original projection of 7.5 million, reports the Washington Post . "This thing is working," said Obama. The president added that 35% of...

Sebelius: I Was Not Pushed Out

 'Wasn't an 
'meet the press'

Sebelius: Staying 'Wasn't an Option'

Stepping down was entirely her choice

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius went on NBC's Meet the Press today, where she made it clear that stepping down as Health Secretary was entirely her choice—a choice she made during the last presidential election. She didn't want to "leave along with a lot of my colleagues who left...

Obamas Pay $98K in Taxes on $481K of Income

They donate $59K to charities

(Newser) - President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama paid $98,169 in taxes on $481,098 income last year, according to tax returns the White House released today. They paid an effective federal income tax rate of 20.4%. The 42-page document shows the Obamas reported donating $59,251 to 32...

Obama Signs Exec Orders to Boost Equal Pay

Twin moves seek to reduce gender pay divide

(Newser) - On National Equal Pay Day, President Obama is taking action to fight the gender wage gap among federal contractors. Today, he signed an executive order requiring the companies to publish their wage data by gender and race, thus pushing them to adhere to laws on equal pay, al Jazeera America...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>