President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Public Advocate Likely to Join Secret Spy Court

Obama expected to approve change in wake of NSA revelations

(Newser) - President Obama will lay out changes to the nation's surveillance practices later this month, and the Los Angeles Times reports that it's likely he will accept a key recommendation from a presidential panel on the topic: He will appoint what amounts to a public advocate to argue against...

Obama, It's Time to Pardon More Regularly

No more last-minute or Christmas pardons: PS Ruckman Jr.

(Newser) - President Obama is "one of the least merciful presidents in the history of the United States," writes PS Ruckman Jr. for CNN . He's so far granted just 52 pardons, which puts him ahead of the first two US presidents (one of whom only served one term), a...

US Sending Troops to South Sudan

Americans there need more protection, says President Obama

(Newser) - Washington is getting in deeper: About 150 US troops are heading toward South Sudan today to help secure the US embassy and evacuate more Americans from the war-torn country, military officials said. The troops will likely first travel to Djibouti via Spain, CNN reports. The move follows a letter from...

Reporter to Obama: Is This Your Worst Year?

'That's not how I think about it,' he says at year-end news conference

(Newser) - President Obama held his year-end press conference today, and the tone got set with the very first question, from AP reporter Julie Pace: All things considered, "has this been the worst year of your presidency?" The president laughed and said, "That's not how I think about it....

Obama Commutes 8 Crack Cocaine Sentences

They were unfairly sentenced under harsh laws, says the president

(Newser) - Eight people who have been imprisoned for at least 15 years over non-violent crack cocaine offenses got welcome news from President Obama today: He's commuting their sentences, reports NBC News . The move is part of the Obama administration's push to correct what it sees as unfair federal drug...

Obama to Skip Olympics, Send Gay Delegates

Napolitano to head up delegation as VP, first lady will also skip

(Newser) - For the first time since 2000, neither the US president, first lady, vice president, nor a former president will be attending the Olympic Games. But the US is sending a delegation to Sochi—a delegation that includes two openly gay athletes, the AP reports, calling it "a clear message"...

Haters Really Hate Democrats: Poll

They're sick of both parties, Obama, but going to vote GOP

(Newser) - Had it up to here with the president and both parties on the Hill? You're a "hater," according to a new poll, and odds are, if there were an election today, you'd vote for a Republican in your House district. Some 72% of haters would choose...

Senate OKs New Homeland Security Chief

Jeh C. Johnson confirmed with help from new filibuster rules

(Newser) - Democrats used their newly initiated lower threshold for defeating filibusters yesterday to win Senate confirmation of President Obama's nomination of former top Pentagon lawyer Jeh C. Johnson to be secretary of Homeland Security. On a 57-37 vote, Democrats broke a GOP blockade against Johnson before the Senate minutes later...

Obama Wins &#39;Worst Year in Washington&#39;

 Obama Wins 
 'Worst Year in 

Obama Wins 'Worst Year in Washington'

Scandals, ObamaCare steamrolled high hopes: Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - It's been a tough year for plenty of Beltway insiders—even Sunny the dog . But in Chris Cillizza's estimation, one figure stands above—or perhaps below—the rest: the president himself, who had 2013's "Worst Year in Washington." "When historians write the story of...

Obama White House Photos Are Pure &#39;Propaganda&#39;
Obama White House Photos Are Pure 'Propaganda'

Obama White House Photos Are Pure 'Propaganda'

AP photo chief criticizes restrictive policy on news photographers

(Newser) - It's true that the Obama White House releases boatloads of photos of the president at work and play, but the director of photography at AP has a not-so-flattering description of the end result: "propaganda." In a New York Times op-ed railing against the Obama administration's "...

Is the Obama-Castro Handshake a Big Deal?

Right fumes over gesture at Mandela memorial

(Newser) - At Nelson Mandela's memorial, President Obama shook hands with the Cuban president, and the media is in a tizzy about it. "The handshake between Obama and Raúl Castro makes the stomach turn," writes Mona Charen at the National Review . "The nature of the Cuban regime...

Obama: Mandela 'Makes Me Want to Be a Better Man'

Bushes join Obamas on flight to memorial service

(Newser) - President Obama offered a stirring eulogy to his personal hero Nelson Mandela in South Africa today, calling him "a giant of history." Some highlights of the speech (the full text of which is here ):
  • Obama said it was tempting to imagine Mandela as a perfect icon. "

Seymour Hersh: Obama Lied About Syria

President didn't mention that jihadists may have gassed Syrians

(Newser) - President Obama lied about the chemical weapons attack that killed hundreds of Syrians in August—or at least spoke way out of school, writes Seymour Hersh in the London Review of Books . "In some instances, he omitted important intelligence, and in others he presented assumptions as facts," writes...

Bush, Clinton, Obama to Attend Mandela Service in South Africa

Obama, Bush will travel together on Air Force One

(Newser) - President Obama and his two immediate predecessors will all head to South Africa as it memorializes Nelson Mandela , CNN reports. "President and Mrs. George W. Bush have gratefully accepted the president and Mrs. Obama's invitation to accompany them to South Africa on Air Force One," says a...

Turns Out, Obama Met His Uncle After All

In fact, he lived with him in Cambridge, says White House in correcting the record

(Newser) - Whoops. The White House had to make a strange about-face today and acknowledge that President Obama has, in fact, met his Uncle Omar . Not only that, but the younger Obama actually lived with his uncle for a few weeks in Cambridge in the 1980s, reports the Boston Globe . The tidbit...

Obama: Mandela 'Belongs to the Ages'

President says Mandela's example made his own life possible

(Newser) - President Obama today paid homage to Nelson Mandela shortly after the former South African leader's death was announced , reports Politico and AP . "He no longer belongs to us," said Obama. "He belongs to the ages." Some other highlights:
  • Mandela was “a man who took

Barack Obama's Retirement Plan: Host SportsCenter

President has ESPN ambitions

(Newser) - So what are President Obama's plans after he exits the White House? Before he gave a recent speech at DreamWorks Animation, Obama told a bunch of entertainment bigshots at a briefing: "At least I know what I want to do when I retire … host ESPN SportsCenter's...

52% of Young Adults Want to 'Recall' Obama

Few plan to enroll in ObamaCare: Harvard data

(Newser) - A new poll has some worrying news for a president long popular with young people. Some 52% of 18- to 24-year-olds would vote to recall President Obama if that were an option, Mediaite reports. Just 41% of 18- to 29-year-olds, or millennials, approve of the job he's doing in...

'We're Not Repealing It as Long as I'm President'

Obama launches new defense of ObamaCare

(Newser) - With showing signs of improvement ( mostly ), President Obama got back into what Politico calls "sales mode" today about ObamaCare. He began what is expected to be a three-week push designed to get people to focus on the law's benefits instead of its website glitches....

&#39;Fixed&#39; ObamaCare Is Really &#39;Mission Accomplished&#39;
This Is Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' Moment

This Is Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' Moment

WSJ , Daily Caller compare launch to Iraq

(Newser) - We've already heard ObamaCare compared to Hurricane Katrina ; now, as the site proclaims improvements , pundits are drawing parallels to the Iraq War. In the Wall Street Journal , editors write that "the only thing missing from Sunday's relentlessly upbeat progress report was President Obama in front of a...

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