President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama&#39;s Secretive Ways Pay Off With Iran Deal
Obama's Secretive Ways
Pay Off With Iran Deal

Obama's Secretive Ways Pay Off With Iran Deal

David Ignatius: He works best 'out of sight'

(Newser) - President Obama has a "secretive, cerebral style of governing" that doesn't always pay dividends, writes David Ignatius at the Washington Post . Sometimes, however, it's just the thing—as with the newly struck deal with Iran on its nuclear program. Months ago, Obama sent two top aides to...

NSA Chief Offered to Quit, Obama Said No: Report

Agency struggles to get back on its feet after revelations

(Newser) - With the NSA reeling from Edward Snowden's leaks, its leader offered to step down—but the White House quickly put the kibosh on that idea, an administration source tells the Wall Street Journal . Gen. Keith Alexander's offer followed Snowden's entrance into the spotlight in June, notes the...

See This Year's Medal of Freedom Winners

Bill Clinton, Oprah, Gloria Steinem among recipients

(Newser) - President Obama today recognized 16 Americans with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, an award whose modern version was created by John F. Kennedy. Among the honorees were Bill Clinton, Oprah, and Gloria Steinem. In addition to those pictured, astronaut Sally Ride, former Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye, and civil rights leader...

Hey, Pundits: Think Before You Say 'Nazi,' 'Katrina'

Bush was no member of Third Reich; ObamaCare is no deadly storm: Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - Ask a pundit, and you might learn that ObamaCare is this president's Katrina; or, as Sarah Palin recently attested, that that national debt is like slavery. Plenty of others have called George W. Bush and/or President Obama a "Nazi." It's time to rein in these comparisons,...

Afghans Demand Obama Write 'Contrite' Letter

In exchange, US troops who stay behind will be able to raid houses

(Newser) - The US has just about cinched a deal with Afghanistan regarding the US military presence in the country after next year's big withdrawal—and it hinges on President Obama writing a letter acknowledging US "mistakes" in the war, reports the Wall Street Journal . (The New York Times has...

Obama Blasts GOP as It Blocks 3rd Top Court Pick

Calls obstruction 'completely unprecedented' as 3rd nominee in a month foiled

(Newser) - Senate Republicans blocked President Obama's third straight nominee to a key appellate court yesterday, continuing a fight that has stoked partisan tensions in the Senate. Robert Wilkins, a District Court judge in Washington who in 2010 was confirmed by the Senate on a voice vote, was nominated to fill...

The Kanye-Obama Feud Continues

West also addresses Confederate flag controversy

(Newser) - There's little love lost between Kanye West and President Obama , and West has issued the latest salvo: In an interview with Hot 107.9 this morning, West said he felt used by the president and is basically over him, the Washington Times reports. "I’m not gonna mention...

For 2M Jobless, Benefits Set to Dry Up

Congress isn't looking likely to pass an extension

(Newser) - Some 1.3 million Americans could lose their unemployment benefits at the end of the year, with another 850,000 seeing benefits expire in March 2014 if Congress doesn't extend an emergency plan that ends Dec. 31. And though congressional Democrats and the White House are urging an extension,...

Health Insurers Not Thrilled With Obama's Quick Fix

And some states are refusing to implement it

(Newser) - Following a meeting on President Obama's health plan fix yesterday, insurers said they'd work to maintain health exchanges and avoid cancellations—but they were frustrated. Though the president of the industry trade organization cited a "very productive" meeting, plenty of execs were annoyed that Obama hadn't...

How Obama Outwits Spies: With a Tent
 How Obama 
 Outwits Spies: 
 With a Tent 
in case you missed it

How Obama Outwits Spies: With a Tent

Top officials use anti-spy shields overseas

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi wasn't the only world leader who brought a tent everywhere. At the urging of security officials, President Obama and other senior American lawmakers and military officials take "security tents" with them when they travel overseas, the New York Times finds. The tents, which can be erected...

Obama's Authority, Legacy Are on the Line

Susan Page thinks the health care debacle will be defining

(Newser) - President Obama's apology yesterday was "extraordinary," and about much more than just a specific Affordable Care Act glitch, writes Susan Page at USA Today : "It was about turning around a downward slide that could threaten the future of his presidency." His administration's own missteps...

39 House Democrats Join GOP to Pass ObamaCare Fix

Measure seen as attempt to torpedo health law

(Newser) - More bad news for President Obama on ObamaCare today: The House passed legislation widely seen as undermining the health-care law, and 39 Democrats joined Republicans in favor, reports the Washington Post . The bill from Michigan Republican Fed Upton would guarantee that people whose policies got canceled under ObamaCare would be...

Sources: You May Be Able to Keep Your Plan

Source tells CNN current plans will be renewed for one year

(Newser) - President Obama may able to strip those Pinocchios from his record: A Democratic official tells the Wall Street Journal that the White House will allow insurers to continue to offer the "substandard" plans that have been canceled, to the distress of many, as a result of ObamaCare. CNN is...

Dems Plot Mutiny Over 'Keep Your Plan' Fail

Calls for prez to make good on ObamaCare promise grow among own ranks

(Newser) - The ObamaCare rollout has been a mess , and many congressional Democrats are readying the lifeboats in advance of abandoning ship. Writing for Yahoo News , Chris Moody says they're "scrambling to cover their hides before next year’s midterm elections." The Hill's headline paints a slightly more...

Bill Clinton: Obama Should Honor His Health Promise

Let people keep plans if they want, says former president

(Newser) - President Obama has apologized for his false promise that anyone who liked their health plan could keep it under ObamaCare, but Bill Clinton thinks he should go one better: Honor the promise. Here's the quote he gave to new website that's getting attention:
  • "I personally

'Seething' Obama Called Out Senior Staff: Report

NYT has a 'White House in Crisis' story

(Newser) - President Obama may have apologized to the American public over ObamaCare, but he took a decidedly different tone with senior staff, reports the New York Times . In a piece whose headline begins "A White House in Crisis Mode," Michael D. Shear reports that a "seething" Obama summoned...

Obama Is a Lousy Apologizer
 Obama Is a 
 Lousy Apologizer 

Obama Is a Lousy Apologizer

Lynn Sweet: He seems to lack genuine empathy

(Newser) - President Obama offered an "I'm sorry" last night to the people whose insurance polices got canceled despite his earlier assurances to the contrary. At the Chicago Sun-Times , Lynn Sweet is unmoved. What stands out from the interview "is the president’s inability to sincerely express empathy,"...

Obama Apologizes to Those Losing Health Policies

He's sorry they're in that boat 'based on assurances they got from me'

(Newser) - President Obama today directly addressed one of the bigger non-tech gripes related to ObamaCare with an apology. Referring to people who have been informed that they're losing their insurance policies, he told Chuck Todd of NBC News :
  • "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation

WH Health Adviser Warned About Rollout Years Ago

As tech team takes down website each night, paper applications face delays, too

(Newser) - Memos obtained by CBS News and ABC News are offering an inside look at the White House's struggle to get ObamaCare systems up and running:
  • In 2010, a health adviser to the Obama administration wrote a warning letter to economic adviser Larry Summers, saying, "I do not believe

There's No 'iPod Presidency' in Old-Guard DC

Old organizations like HHS don't tend to be 'nimble': Megan McArdle

(Newser) - We should have known the health care website wouldn't be sleek and speedy—even if we were hoping for a tech-savvy "iPod presidency." After all, the website is the product of a Health and Human Services department that's been around for a while, and a longstanding...

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