President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Book: Obama Claimed to Be 'Really Good at Killing People'

And he's right: Michael Kelley

(Newser) - A new book on the 2012 election has President Obama making a rather brutal claim, particularly, as Michael Kelley notes at Business Insider , for a Nobel Peace laureate: The president said to aides that he's "really good at killing people." The quote comes from Double Down, by...

Obama Camp Was Serious About Biden-Clinton Switch

Plus other 2012 revelations, like who leaked Mitt Romney's tax info

(Newser) - The sequel to Game Change is here, or, at least, in the hands of the New York Times . Journos Mark Halperin and John Heilemann take us inside the 2012 race with Double Down, and the Times shares a few juicy reveals.
  • Obama's camp seriously considered losing Biden and replacing

Obama's Approval Rating Slides to New Low

He's at 42% in Wall Street Journal/NBC poll

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans have been taking their lumps in recent polls , and now President Obama can feel their pain. In a new poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC , the president's approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 42%. That's down 5 points from earlier this...

Obama: 'No Excuse' for Website Mess

President takes 'full responsibility,' promises it will get fixed

(Newser) - Just hours after his health chief got grilled on Capitol Hill , President Obama traveled to Boston to ask for patience on ObamaCare's tech trouble, reports AP . "I'm not happy about it," he said. "There's no excuse for it. And I take full responsibility for...

Is Obama Truly in Dark on Secrets of White House?

On issue after issue, he's said to be 'in the dark': Dana Milbank

(Newser) - For a guy who's allegedly in charge of the executive branch, President Obama sure seems unaware of a lot of key issues, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . There's the NSA spying on world leaders, which, according to the Wall Street Journal, Obama found out about this...

Hackers Hit Obama on Facebook, Twitter

Syrian Electronic Army takes responsibility for graphic video

(Newser) - Fans of President Obama's Twitter and Facebook accounts were no doubt surprised today when they clicked on links that took them to a graphic video depicting Syria's civil war. The Syrian Electronic Army, a pro-Assad group, took responsibility for the hack and told Mashable it had broken into...

Obama, Like Most CEOs, Just Doesn't Get Tech

Michael Wolff: They're out of touch with digital culture

(Newser) - When it comes to, President Obama is blind to a key tenet of the tech world. He tells us the product, ObamaCare, is good, but the process for getting it is broken . Truth is, "For most Americans steeped in digital behavior, the product is the process,"...

Obama Didn't Know NSA Spied on World Leaders

He 'doesn't sign off on this stuff,' official says

(Newser) - US officials (though unnamed ones) have for the first time owned up to tapping the phones of 35 world leaders—an admission made in the course of issuing a denial: They tell the Wall Street Journal that President Obama had no knowledge of that monitoring until after the Edward Snowden...

Pakistan, Bush Made Secret Drone-Strike Deal

Meanwhile, top-secret CIA documents show Islamabad was kept in the loop

(Newser) - Though Pakistan has often condemned US drone strikes—this week, PM Nawaz Sharif called them an obstacle in the countries' relationship—officials there reportedly signed a secret deal with the Bush administration regarding the attacks. "The exact terms were never shared with civilians, but there was a protocol between...

Obama Calls in Tech 'Surge' for Sickly Health Site

President will speak on's issues today

(Newser) - Noting that "the experience on has been frustrating for many Americans," the Obama administration is bringing in the "best and the brightest" from both the public and private spheres to shore up the troubled marketplace site, Health and Human Services officials say in a blog...

Obama: Jeh Johnson Has 'Been There'

President nominates lawyer for Homeland Security post

(Newser) - President Obama today nominated the Pentagon's former top lawyer to help craft US counterterrorism policy as secretary of the Homeland Security Department, suggesting a shift from the department's emphasis on immigration and border security. Jeh C. Johnson, whose first name is pronounced "Jay," would replace Janet...

Obama: These Should Be Our 3 Priorities Now

President gives 20-minute speech

(Newser) - It's a post-shutdown potpourri: facts and statements emerging the morning after. The latest, leading with President Obama's 11am comments:
  • Obama recaps: "Let's be clear: there are no winners here. The American people are completely fed up with Washington. There was no economic rationale for all of

It's Over: House Passes Senate-Backed Deal

Obama signs bill: We need to stop 'governing by crisis'

(Newser) - Federal workers, prepare to rejoin the morning commute. The Senate tonight passed its bill to end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling by a vote of 81-18, the AP reports; the House backed the bill 285-144, just hours before the Treasury would have lost its authority to borrow...

Boehner, Obama Done Talking; All Eyes on Senate

Speaker tells Republicans that House negotiations have ended

(Newser) - The last few days have seen the focus of the shutdown/debt ceiling talks shift toward the Senate, and this morning's developments make that shift complete: John Boehner told his troops that House Republican negotiations with the White House are finished because the two sides couldn't strike a deal,...

Obama, GOP Senators Start to 'Jell' in Meeting

Is momentum shifting against House Republicans?

(Newser) - A ray of hope at the White House? Republican senators emerged from a nearly 2-hour meeting with President Obama today saying the two sides are closer to an agreement—or are at least listening to each other, Politico reports. What's more, the Washington Post reports that Obama talked by...

No Deal in DC Yet, But They're Still Talking

Republicans, White House edge closer to agreement

(Newser) - President Obama and congressional Republicans groped today for a compromise to avert an unprecedented US default and end the 10-day-old government shutdown. "We expect further conversations tonight," House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said cryptically at nightfall, after he, Speaker John Boehner and a delegation of other Republicans met...

Finally, Washington Sees a Way Out

Obama, House GOP leaders to meet today

(Newser) - Signs of hope in DC: Both parties are increasingly pushing for an end to the government shutdown and a debt-ceiling increase, with President Obama set to meet with 18 top House Republicans today, the Hill reports. Those Republicans include Paul Ryan, who's at the forefront of a short-term plan...

Obama: Let's Stop the 'Extortion'

President blasts 'extreme parts' of the GOP at news conference

(Newser) - President Obama took full advantage of a presidential news conference this afternoon to amplify a familiar point : He thinks what Republicans are doing amounts to "extortion," and he won't negotiate on anything until they pass a spending bill to reopen the government and agree to raise the...

Obama Again Tells Boehner He Won't Negotiate

Reopen the government, raise the debt ceiling, and we'll talk, says president

(Newser) - This morning's installment of shutdown politics had a familiar ring to it: John Boehner insisted that the White House negotiate on both the shutdown and the debt ceiling, and President Obama insisted he would do no such thing, reports NBC News . In fact, Obama called the speaker personally after...

Dems Put Forward Debt Limit Measure

Senators fear White House edging toward negotiations

(Newser) - President Obama and Senate Democrats have put a long-term measure to raise the debt ceiling on the table. The legislation would boost the debt ceiling by $1 trillion, the Washington Post reports—though Dems say in order to avoid default, they might OK a short-term solution instead, even if it...

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