President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Paul Ryan: I'm Happy to Cling to Guns, Religion

VP candidate talks 2008 Obama gaffe on campaign trail

(Newser) - Paul Ryan reminded voters at a Pennsylvania steel plant today of President Obama's campaign-trail gaffes—from 2008. "Remember this other time when he said people want to cling to their guns and religion ?" said Ryan, who has frequently brought up his Catholic faith on the campaign trail....

Obama&#39;s Campaign a Roiling Cauldron of Conflict
Conflicts Plague
Tense Obama Campaign
new book

Conflicts Plague Tense Obama Campaign

New e-book, 'Obama's Last Stand,' chronicles internal battles

(Newser) - The brilliant cohesion that fueled Team Obama's 2008 campaign has given way to personal rivalries, political clashes, clumsy coordination, and a tense atmosphere in 2012, according to a new e-book called Obama's Last Stand. Published by Politico and Random House, the book reports that:

Obama Not Ducking Real Journos: Rep
Obama Not
Ducking Real
Journos: Rep

Obama Not Ducking Real Journos: Rep

Stephanie Cutter calls soft media 'equally important'

(Newser) - Hey, Obama-haters: If his rep says Entertainment Tonight and the New York Times are "equally important," it must be so. That was Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter's response to criticism that President Obama is ducking real reporters in favor of so-called "soft" media. "I don'...

Hank Williams Jr: Obama a Muslim, 'We Hate Him'

Country scion again rips into president

(Newser) - Hank Williams Jr. might have lost his Monday Night Football gig over, and even apologized for , comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler , but apparently he's still no fan of the current occupant of the White House. Seems the country music scion played Iowa on Friday night, and as Steve...

Globe to Biden: Apologize for 'Chains' Comment

Biden may not be the worst, but he still crossed line

(Newser) - Even in an election season marked by rhetorical excess and incivility, Joe Biden needs to apologize for his infamous " put y'all back in chains " comment last week, writes the Boston Globe in an editorial. "In the fight for civility and substance over pointless hyperbole, Biden may...

Obama Sidesteps Press Corp, Embraces &#39;Soft&#39; Media
Obama Sidesteps Press Corp,
Embraces 'Soft' Media

Obama Sidesteps Press Corp, Embraces 'Soft' Media

Politico: He's focusing on outlets like 'People' instead

(Newser) - Politico calls it the president's "soft-media" strategy. He's largely avoiding the White House press corp and instead giving interviews to the likes of ESPN, People, Entertainment Tonight, and local TV outlets specializing in softball questions. A White House spokesman explains that it's a way to...

Obama Way Behind Bush, Clinton on Picking Judges

His federal court picks have generally been more moderate, too: NYT

(Newser) - In a deliberate strategy designed to save political capital, President Obama has nominated dozens fewer federal judges than either George W. Bush or Bill Clinton did in their first terms, potentially greatly reducing his long-term judicial impact on the United States, reports the New York Times . So far, Obama has...

Ryan&#39;s 2011 Tax Rate: 20%
 Ryan's 2011 Tax Rate: 20% 

Ryan's 2011 Tax Rate: 20%

VP candidate releases 2 years' worth

(Newser) - Yesterday was Paul Ryan's turn to release his tax returns—just the last two years , of course—and they show that the veep candidate paid 15.9% of his income in taxes in 2010 and 20% last year, according to documents provided to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . Ryan, together...

Obama Ad Focuses on Ryan, Not Romney

Defends president's Medicare record

(Newser) - A new ad from the Obama campaign slams his opponents on Medicare—but it barely mentions Mitt Romney. The ad, called "Facts," defends the president against Team Romney's claims that ObamaCare guts the program to the tune of $700 billion. Meanwhile, it attacks the GOP vision for...

Chicago Marks Site of Obamas' First Smooch

Granite boulder with a plaque placed at spot

(Newser) - Maybe this makes up for their kiss cam miscue : Visitors to Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood can now visit the exact spot where Barack Obama and Michelle shared their first kiss in 1989, reports the Tribune . The marker is kind of hard to miss, considering it's a 3,000-pound...

Dems Finally 'Giving as Good as They Get'

Dana Milbank: GOP cries foul as own tactics are used against it

(Newser) - Yes, this campaign has been an "ugly" one, as Republicans have carped about of late. But it's been this ugly before: Remember John Kerry's "Swift Boating" and Obama "palling around with terrorists?" The difference is that now "Democrats are employing the same harsh tactics...

Obama Campaign: GOP Using 'Swift Boat' Tactics

New attack is a smear campaign, Obama team says

(Newser) - We've arrived at this election's "Swift Boat" moment, at least according to President Obama's re-election campaign. A group of former US intelligence and Special Forces operatives launched a harsh media campaign against Obama yesterday, claiming Obama should not take credit for killing Osama bin Laden and...

Key to Obama Victory: Beer?
 Key to Obama Victory: Beer? 

Key to Obama Victory: Beer?

Independents love the stuff: poll

(Newser) - Mitt Romney doesn't touch a drop; George W. Bush swore it off. But for President Obama, beer—and his affection for it—has come up quite often in the last few days. Obama bought supporters a round at the Iowa State Fair, discussed the White House's own brewing...

Obama Defends Biden on 'Chains'

Focus on gaffes is 'WWF wrestling part of politics,' he says

(Newser) - President Obama might not be wild about Joe Biden's choice of words in his controversial "put y'all back in chains" remark , but he's standing by the substance of his vice president's comments. Biden was talking about Wall Street reform, which is "a substantive issue...

Megadeth Singer: Obama 'Staged' Mass Shootings

Prez masterminded killings to pass gun ban, Mustaine claims

(Newser) - We could have guessed that Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine wasn't a big fan of Barack Obama—he did kind-of endorse Rick Santorum in February —but his latest diatribe against the president made his feelings crystal clear. At a concert in Singapore, Mustaine accused Obama of "staging" the...

90M Won't Vote— and They Back Obama 2 to 1

They're disenchanted—or simply too busy to hit polls

(Newser) - President Obama could get a big leg up in a close election, without having to win people over—if only he could get them to the polls. Some 80 million eligible voters didn't vote in 2008, and this year, the number is poised to reach 90 million, USA Today...

Obama 2008 Co-Chair Hits Trail ... for Mitt

Artur Davis will campaign in Virginia today

(Newser) - The man who seconded Barack Obama's presidential nomination at the DNC in 2008 is now campaigning against the president. Artur Davis was co-chair of Obama's first campaign, but he'll today campaign in Virginia in support of Mitt Romney, a Romney campaign aide tells CNN . Davis served four...

'I Can Haz 2nd Turm?': Obama Pic Goes Viral

Left, right square off in meme joke-off

(Newser) - Campaign stump photos may seem like a dry lot, but this pic by the AP's Carolyn Kaster of President Obama at a rally in Iowa is a bit more unusual than most. A perfectly placed outdoor light, an upward camera angle, and a ruffled, robe-like outfit all combine to...

No More Mr. Nice Mitt: Obama Is 'Angry, Desperate'

Ratchets up attacks in Ohio

(Newser) - At a campaign stop in Ohio last night, Mitt Romney turned up the heat on President Obama. Reflecting on Joe Biden's "chains" remark in Virginia, Romney told 5,000 listeners, "This is what an angry and desperate presidency looks like." He went on to call Obama'...

Mars Rover Gets 'Brain Transplant'

Will allow Curiosity to start driving

(Newser) - Mars rover Curiosity has gotten a new brain. NASA scientists just spent four days changing Curiosity's software, swapping out programs it needed for its complicated landing on Mars and replacing them with software that will enable it to drive, operate its robot arm, and analyze soil samples, reports NASA...

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