President Obama

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Beer Tent Owner: Obama Visit Cost Me $25K

Iowa State Fair vendor not pleased with presidential appearance

(Newser) - President Obama stopped by the Iowa State Fair last night, prompting chants of "Four more years" and "Four more beers" at the Bud Tent, where he offered to buy a round—but the owner of said tent was less than pleased with the visit. It seems the tent...

Ignore the Illusory Polls: Obama Will Probably Lose

Michael Medved: A false confidence pervades the campaign

(Newser) - The polls have been shifting President Obama's way of late, and Democrats seem to be a confident bunch. At the Daily Beast , Michael Medved tries to burst that balloon: He thinks Obama is probably going to lose. At the moment, polls shows that most people expect Obama to win—...

Obama Tells NASA: I've Considered Getting a Mohawk

NASA's Bobak Ferdowski inspires amusing riff from the prez

(Newser) - President Obama had mohawks and Martians on his mind today when he called NASA to congratulate them on Curiosity's safe (and serendipitous ) touchdown on Mars, Huffington Post reports. "I understand there's a special Mohawk Guy that's working on the mission," said Obama, referring to...

Obama: Romney, Ryan Push 'Trickle-Down Fairy Dust'

Slams rivals' 'vision' at Chicago fundraisers

(Newser) - Speaking to a young crowd in Chicago yesterday, President Obama made his first public comments on Team Romney-Ryan since the latter became part of that equation. His take? His rivals' economic policies are little more than "trickle-down fairy dust." Such plans have been tried before, and "guess...

Feds to Buy $170M in Food From Farmers

Purchases for food banks to get quick cash to farmers

(Newser) - With American farms suffering from an ongoing and brutal drought , President Obama will today announce a plan to buy $170 million in pork, lamb, chicken, and catfish to help beleaguered farmers by providing immediate cash, reports Reuters . The announcement will be made at a campaign stop in Iowa, a state...

Biggest Loser This Election? The Truth

Inaccurate ads abound, despite fact-checking

(Newser) - Maybe George Washington couldn’t tell a lie, but today’s candidates sure can. Among the latest “facts” in campaign advertising: Bain Capital’s merger of a steel mill ensured that a woman would die of cancer, and President Obama plans to gut work requirements from welfare. Despite the...

Here&#39;s Romney&#39;s Winning Strategy

 Here's Romney's
 Winning Strategy 
charles krauthammer

Here's Romney's Winning Strategy

It's 'ideology,' not 'stewardship': Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - Mitt Romney thinks he can beat President Obama by focusing on "stewardship," writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . As in, Obama made a mess of things, and I can fix it with my business expertise. It's a mistake. The stewardship argument ultimately comes down to "...

These Dates, Figures Might Decide Presidency

For starters, the last unemployment report is out Nov. 2: analysts

(Newser) - We've got three months to go before the election, and political gurus Larry Sabato and Kyle Kondik lay out some potential game-changers in the presidential race in the Wall Street Journal :
  • Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2: The dates of the remaining unemployment reports. The last one in particular

Now Obama Ad Gets in on 'Taxless Mitt' Narrative

Plus, ad discusses Romney role in huge tax avoidance scheme

(Newser) - Did Mitt Romney pay no taxes for 10 years, as Harry Reid has been alleging ? Well, the Obama campaign doesn't know, but it certainly implies that's a possibility in its latest ad. "Did Romney pay 10% in taxes? Five percent? Zero? We don't know,"...

Dems' Convention Secrets Revealed: GOPers Involved

Writing for Politico, Mike Allen shares details from planning documents

(Newser) - Politico's Mike Allen got his hands on the Democrats' convention planning documents, and they reveal a fierce, two-prong strategy: Portray Mitt Romney as, in Allen's words, a "heartless aristocrat" who doesn't understand the middle class (while proclaiming that Obama has long been its champion), and...

Obama Up by 7 in CNN Poll
 Obama Up by 7 
 in CNN Poll 

Obama Up by 7 in CNN Poll

He leads among registered voters 52-45

(Newser) - The latest poll from CNN has President Obama up 52% to 45% over Mitt Romney among registered voters. Some of the highlights:
  • Obama leads among independent voters, 53%-42%.
  • Romney's unfavorable rating jumped from 42% to 48% since July, while the president's remained steady at 42%.
  • In good news

Dems Start Shoveling Dirt on VP Contenders

Super PAC preps 1,651 pages of attack material

(Newser) - No matter who Mitt Romney picks as a running mate, Democrats are already working to convince voters there's a problem with said potential veep. The Obama campaign has gathered plenty of what it considers to be dirt on each name that's been floated, and isn't wasting any...

Obama Comes Out Against Boy Scouts' Ban on Gays

But doesn't plan to resign as group's honorary president

(Newser) - When it comes to gays and the Boy Scouts, President Obama and the youth organization he serves as honorary president have agreed to disagree. In an email sent to the AP after three weeks of staying mum on the Scouts' recently reaffirmed policy of excluding gays as members and adult...

Romney's New Target: Obama's Welfare Waivers

Ad attacks state waivers plan

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is opening up a new front in the war for the White House. A new ad accuses President Obama of overhauling Bill Clinton's welfare reform, resulting in a program that doesn't require recipients to work. "Under Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work...

Obama Thinks He Knows Romney's VP Pick

Romney wants to choose Gen. David Petraeus, president thinks

(Newser) - The speculation over Mitt Romney's VP pick continues, and even the president is getting in on the guessing game: This week, Obama told a top fundraiser that he thinks Romney wants to choose Gen. David Petraeus. "The president wasn't joking," an insider tells the Drudge Report...

Obama Rings Hollywood&#39;s Cash Register for $2.3M
Obama Rings Hollywood's Cash Register for $2.3M

Obama Rings Hollywood's Cash Register for $2.3M

President attends Conn. fundraiser with Anne Hathaway, Aaron Sorkin

(Newser) - President Obama was again feted by Hollywood VIPs last night, from Jerry Springer to Anne Hathaway, but this time Hollywood came to his coast for a Connecticut fundraiser. Harvey Weinstein hosted the fundraiser at his home, and the 60 attendees—who paid $38,500 each—also included Aaron Sorkin, Joanne...

Obama Zings &#39;Romney Hood&#39;
 Obama Warns of 'Romney Hood'

Obama Warns of 'Romney Hood'

Mitt tax plan is 'Robin Hood in reverse,' he says

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and his merry men would take from the middle-class and give to the rich if elected, President Obama claimed at a campaign stop in Connecticut yesterday. Romney's tax proposals are "Robin Hood in reverse," he quipped. "It's Romney Hood." Romney would "...

F-15s Intercept 2 Planes in Presidential Airspace

Small aircraft strayed into Obama's restricted zone

(Newser) - Two F-15 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept two small planes that strayed into restricted airspace as President Obama flew out of JFK airport after a campaign stop in Connecticut last night, reports AP . The first plane was intercepted over Long Island at 7pm and escorted to an airfield where...

Obama's $75M July Haul Short of Romney's—Again

Behind for 3rd straight month

(Newser) - President Obama's campaign raised $75 million in July, it tweeted—some $25 million short of Mitt Romney's haul . That's the third straight month in which Romney has outraised Obama, and Politico notes that Romney could stop fundraising completely and still have $60 million in monthly spending money...

Why Isn't Mitt Way Ahead in This Race?

Circumstances favor him, but Obama's winning 'day-to-day': Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - Looking at the stark figures, you'd think Mitt Romney would be cruising in this election: The unemployment rate has been higher than 8% for a record 42 months, six in 10 Americans think the US is moving in the wrong direction, and 41% strongly disapprove of President Obama's...

Stories 1401 - 1420 | << Prev   Next >>