President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>

Iran-Linked Firm Paid Top Obama Aide $100K

Subsidiary of telecom firm MTN hired Plouffe for speeches

(Newser) - A potential embarrassment for Obama 2012: The guy who ran Obama 2008 was paid $100,000 for two speeches he made to a subsidiary of a telecom firm that does business with the Iranian regime, reports the Washington Post . David Plouffe, Obama's 2008 campaign manager and now a senior...

Campaigns Basically Spamming Donors

Deluge of campaign emails comes off as 'panicked'

(Newser) - It might be time to relegate Barack and Mitt to your spam folder. Both 2012 presidential campaigns have latched on to email and social media as successful ways to garner donations, but the frequency of such messages may be getting on some supporters' nerves, reports the Washington Post . The Obama...

Obama Birthday: This Kid Turns 51 Today

He's gotten a little grayer while in the White House

(Newser) - President Obama celebrated his 51st birthday today with a round of golf and plans for a quiet weekend at Camp David. He'll mark the occasion in true political fashion on Aug. 12 with a party/fundraiser, notes the New York Times . The Republican National Committee, meanwhile, is celebrating with mock...

Obama&#39;s Slogan Raises Grammar Questions
Obama. Slogan. Infuriating. Grammar. Dorks.
in case you missed it

Obama. Slogan. Infuriating. Grammar. Dorks.

Is that period effective—or even correct?

(Newser) - President Obama's re-election campaign slogan isn't just "Forward"—it's "Forward." And that little period is causing quite a bit of controversy, the Wall Street Journal reports. First of all, there's the question of whether the period takes away from the slogan's...

Young Immigrants Can Seek Legal Status This Month

Details of Obama plan released

(Newser) - Illegal immigrants who came to America as children can start applying for legal status this month, and the first two-year work permits will be granted this fall, reports the Los Angeles Times . Federal officials, announcing details of President Obama's controversial policy shift , say forms will be available online by...

GOP Hammers Obama With ... Birthday Cards

President gets mock wishes from Putin, Clooney, among others

(Newser) - Tomorrow is President Obama's 51st birthday, and Republicans have designed e-cards in his honor—though they don't exactly wish him the most joyous of days. Instead, the RNC is once again offering a raft of politically-themed birthday wishes ("send your free Barack Birthday Card to friends &...

Beam Signed by Obama Raised at World Trade Center

President's signature among those of workers

(Newser) - A steel beam signed by President Obama was lifted into place today on the 104th floor at One World Trade Center. A crane on top of the building raised the beam from the ground after dozens of people, including construction workers and police officers, added their own signatures near those...

Embargo Bleeds Iran of $133M a Day

As Obama takes that political capital to the bank

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's country is missing out on some $133 million a day as much of the globe shuns its oil, and Barack Obama is making bank on it. As Bloomberg reports, the US-led embargo on Tehran's oil has proven devastatingly effective since it began July 1, dropping the...

Obama Raises $5K ... From Himself

Publicly makes his first donation to 2012 war chest

(Newser) - The Obama campaign has a lot less money in the bank than Mitt Romney's, but it's gotten a little bit of help from a guy called Barack. The president made a $5,000 online donation to his campaign this week and his campaign released a video of him...

Clinton's DNC Opening Act: Elizabeth Warren

That still leaves keynote spot open

(Newser) - The Democrats are trying to pack in all the headline-grabbers they can at their national convention. Elizabeth Warren has been tapped to do the big lead-in for Bill Clinton on the penultimate night at the convention, essentially presenting a "one-two punch" for the Dems, reports the Boston Globe . Warren,...

Obama Waffled on bin Laden Raid 3 Times

Richard Miniter's upcoming book fires political volley

(Newser) - President Obama took such a cautious approach to killing Osama bin Laden that he actually canceled the mission three times at the urging of advisor Valerie Jarrett, according to an upcoming book. In Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him, author Richard Miniter writes...

Romney: We Stand With Israel Vs. Iran

Presidential candidate visits Wailing Wall, talks tough on Iran

(Newser) - As Mitt Romney prayed today at the Western Wall as part of his show of support for the Middle Eastern state, the region is getting more than its fair share of American politics. A breakdown:
  • Sky News reports that a top Romney adviser told media that a nuclear Iran would

&#39;You Didn&#39;t Build That&#39; Attacks Are Working
'You Didn't Build That'
Attacks Are Working

'You Didn't Build That' Attacks Are Working

One columnist thinks it's all about race

(Newser) - President Obama's campaign is looking "rattled" these days, and it's because of his "you didn't build that" comment regarding small businesses, argues conservative columnist Kimberly Strassel in the Wall Street Journal . Obama says it was taken out of context, but Mitt Romney and Republicans are...

Romney's London Trip a Winner... for Obama

Candidate makes gaffe after gaffe: Nicholas Watt

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been doing his opponent some serious favors during his trip to London. He's managed to offend the British public with remarks about Olympic preparedness , prompting a witty comeback from David Cameron. He let slip that he'd met with the boss of MI6 . And he called...

Obama: AK-47s Are for Soldiers, Not Crooks

President delves deeper into issue after 'Dark Knight' massacre

(Newser) - In the wake of the Aurora shootings , President Obama yesterday went further into the issue of gun control than he ever has, Politico reports. Speaking in New Orleans, Obama promised there would be a national conversation on the issue. Specifically, he declared support for background checks on gun buyers and...

Mitt Tries to Quash 'Anglo-Saxon' Gaffe

Obama just doesn't get 'special' Anglo-Saxon vibe: adviser

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was backpedaling as fast as he could yesterday after an unidentified adviser derided President Obama for not being able to recognize the depth of the British-American relationship because he can't fully appreciate the shared "Anglo-Saxon heritage," the Daily Telegraph reported Tuesday. "We are part...

Poll: Obama Up by 6 Points
 Poll: Obama Up 
 by 6 Points 

Poll: Obama Up by 6 Points

Negatives up for Obama and Romney, but overall, few changes

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare, the shooting at the Aurora theater, the Bain Capital debate, and a mediocre jobs report have hit the headlines in the last 30 days, but none of it seems to be having much of an effect on the presidential polls. President Obama is up...

Romney: New Gun Laws Wouldn't Matter

But he backed assault weapons ban as governor

(Newser) - Here's Mitt Romney's assessment of the Dark Knight massacre that claimed 12 lives: Different gun laws would not have made any difference. Even though the candidate has supported stricter gun controls in the past, he said on CNBC yesterday : "I still believe that the Second Amendment is...

Obama Plans 'Reverse Boot Camp' for Vets

New program looks to reduce high unemployment some vets face

(Newser) - The Transition Assistance Program for US service members leaving the military is getting an overhaul, expanding into what President Obama is calling a "reverse boot camp" for veterans, reports NBC News . TAP's three-day workshop will be expanded to five or seven, with more sessions on career options and...

Obama Won't Push New Gun Laws

Romney banned assault rifle in question in Massachusetts

(Newser) - The Dark Knight shooting certainly has people talking about gun control again. The AP and New York Times are both running reports on the largely unregulated nature of Internet gun sales; James Holmes was able to order 3,000 rounds of assault rifle ammunition and 3,000 rounds of handgun...

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>