President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 1441 - 1460 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Promises Not to Use Dark Knight Shooter's Name

Let focus be on victims, not killer, families ask

(Newser) - In an effort to keep the focus on the victims, President Obama has agreed not to mention the name of James Holmes, the killer in Friday's Dark Knight Rises massacre . "Sat down with President Obama. He has been incredible. He too has agreed not to mention the shooter'...

Obama to Visit Dark Knight Victims Tomorrow

President flying to Colorado tomorrow

(Newser) - President Barack Obama will fly to Colorado tomorrow to visit with victims and families from the Aurora movie theater shooting, the White House announced, as he and Mitt Romney dialed back their campaigning in the shocked aftermath of the massacre. Aides said Obama's stop would also include meetings with...

'Leviathan State' Won't Solve Your Problems

Charles Krauthammer slams Obama's love for infrastructure

(Newser) - Can we thank government for our best opportunities? President Obama seems to think so, but Charles Krauthammer isn't buying it: Yes, government builds roads and pays teachers, but "to say that all individuals are embedded in and the product of society is banal," he writes in the...

Rent Obama's Old Apartment for $2.4K a Month

NYC 2-bedroom went up in price

(Newser) - Barack Obama's old New York apartment needs new tenants. For $2,400 a month, you can live like—well, if not a king, then at least a future president. The two-bedroom Upper West Side abode was last available two years ago, Daily Intel notes, for just $1,900 a...

Obama Calls for Day of Reflection

'What if Malia and Sasha had been at the theater,' he asks

(Newser) - Politicking is mostly taking the day off in the wake of the Colorado shooting, notes Roll Call . President Obama stepped away from his stump speech in Florida to speak of the shooting, and Mitt Romney was expected to do the same later today. The Romney camp also pulled ads from...

GOP Obama Punching Bag Hits the Ropes

Controversial 'joke' removed after complaints

(Newser) - An Indiana GOP branch has removed a President Obama punching bag following angry complaints. The stand-up bag featuring an image of the president with a black eye and wearing boxing gloves was placed outisde a tent at a county fair near Muncie, next to a sign advising: "Vote Republican....

Romney on Obama Quote: That Was No Gaffe

President's 'you didn't build that' comment is his ideology, says Republican

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is apparently looking to turn a President Obama comment from last week—"If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen"—into a campaign theme. Romney says the comment, which the Republican candidate has focused on for three straight...

Morgan Freeman Gives Obama Huge Campaign Boost

Donates $1M to pro-Obama super PAC

(Newser) - Priorities USA Action, the super PAC supporting President Obama, has been struggling, raising just $6 million last month —and one-sixth of that came from a single source: Actor Morgan Freeman is putting his money where his mouth is, Politico reports, donating a cool million bucks to the super PAC....

Obama to Create $1B Elite Teachers Corps

Participants will get $20k a year to share knowledge

(Newser) - President Obama has a new billion dollar idea to improve the US education system: Assemble an elite cadre of teachers, and give them each an extra $20,000 a year to share their techniques and knowledge with other teachers around the country. The administration plans to unveil the so-called "...

Mitt Critics Crooning 'You're So Bain'

Meanwhile, Bain workers sign petition begging Romney to save their jobs

(Newser) - There's a new tune in the political song wars . Mitt Romney's critics are increasingly guffawing over " You're So Bain ," a YouTube parody of Carly Simon's 1972 hit "You're So Vain." The Bain version, released earlier this year, features a Simon-esque voice...

Obama Ditches Teleprompter

 Obama Ditches 

Obama Ditches Teleprompter

He often gives stump speeches without it, notes the Hill

(Newser) - In his latest appearances, President Obama has left behind a trusted friend: his teleprompter. The speechmaking tool has been absent during speeches in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia, and the change is clear as the president refers to written notes rather than gazing left and right, writes Amie Parnes at the...

Tax the Rich: Popular in Theory, Not Practice

Republicans manage to fool most voters: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Raising taxes on the rich is a popular idea, always performing well when people are polled about it. So why is it so hard to actually put into practice? Because most people don't understand what's actually going on, and the Republicans are to blame for that, explains Steve...

Obama Booed for Kiss Cam Whiff

But he gets the girl in the end

(Newser) - If other presidents have gotten into hot water for macking on women they shouldn't, President Obama got jeered last night for failing to smooch his own first lady. The Obamas were watching the US men's basketball team play an exhibition game against Brazil in DC, when the never-so-clever...

Wealthy in Our Lifetime? Americans Say 'No Way'

Nearly half reject the notion of getting rich: poll

(Newser) - A new poll about taxes has stumbled on a sad fact: 47% of American voters say they'll never get rich, and only 37% say they could. After that, The Hill 's survey of 1,000 likely voters found that 47% support President Obama's plan to extend the...

Obama Fires Volley in War Over Taxes

Mitt Romney's rep calls it a 'dishonest attack'

(Newser) - President Obama publicly made his case today for extending middle-class tax cuts and scorned Mitt Romney's tax plans for targeting the middle class, Politico reports. "We don't need a president who's going to give himself a tax break, we need a president who's going to...

Democrats: We're Not Budging on Defense Cuts

Obama takes hard stance on defense cuts, taxes for wealthy

(Newser) - Democrats are digging in on two controversial points that could reverberate across the economy: The $550 billion in defense cuts kicking in next year and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts for families earning more than $250,000 per year. President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and other top...

Record for Biggest Super PAC Haul Goes to ... Romney

Restore Our Future raises $20M to pro-Obama group's $6M

(Newser) - Obama supporters have their work cut out for them: In June, pro-Mitt Romney super PAC Restore Our Future raised $20 million, a rep tells the Washington Post . That's a record for any super PAC. Meanwhile, the pro-Obama Priorities USA Action set its own best mark last month—with just...

Romney's New Target: Obama's 'Political Payoffs'

Campaign to point to favoritism among donors

(Newser) - With political chatter centered on Mitt Romney's Bain record , the candidate is ready to fight back: "We're turning the page," says an adviser. So get ready for a new offensive, dubbed "Obama's Political Payoffs and Middle-Class Layoffs." The Romney tactic aims to demonstrate...

Obama: Romney's Attacks Make Total Sense to Me

President admits he would argue over the economy, too

(Newser) - President Obama doesn't begrudge Mitt Romney's attacks over economic policy—not one bit, CNN reports. In fact, Obama says he would do it himself if he were battling an incumbent president. "If I was in his shoes I would be making the same argument," said Obama...

Florida Is a &#39;Coin Toss&#39;
 Florida Is a 'Coin Toss' 

Florida Is a 'Coin Toss'

Which isn't great news for Romney: Tampa Bay Times

(Newser) - Gallup's latest poll once again shows a dead heat between President Obama and Mitt Romney on the national stage, and the Tampa Bay Times says the same holds true in pivotal Florida. Obama's up 46-45 in the newspaper's survey, and even if Romney picks favorite son...

Stories 1441 - 1460 | << Prev   Next >>