
Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

Denver Can 'Corral' Convention Protesters: Court

Judge rules security concerns take priority over free speech

(Newser) - A federal judge has ruled that protesters can be confined to a fenced-in zone at the Democratic National Convention because security concerns outweigh activists' right to free speech, Reuters reports. The ACLU and a coalition of protest groups had brought a lawsuit against Denver and the Secret Service over plans...

French Winemakers Turn to Terror

Wine growers battling cheap imports launch commando attacks

(Newser) - Tough times have turned some wine-growers in southwestern France to "wine terrorism," Time reports. Guerrilla grape-growers have bombed supermarkets and government buildings, hijacked trucks carrying foreign wine, and drained tanks. The growers want the French government to protect them from the cheap imports they say are threatening their...

Israeli Soldier Shoots Prisoner on Tape

Blindfolded Palestinian demonstrator hit with rubber bullet

(Newser) - An Israeli soldier was arrested today after a human rights group released a tape showing him shooting a handcuffed and blindfolded Palestinian protester with a rubber bullet, YNetNews reports. The Israeli Defense Force questioned the man shortly after the incident, which was reported by an officer at the scene, but...

1M-Plus March for Colombian Hostages

Cities across the globe show support for captives

(Newser) - More than a million people marched in Bogota, Columbia and other world capitals today demanding the freedom of captives held hostage by leftist rebels in the Columbian jungle, AFP reports. Recently liberated captive Ingrid Betancourt led chants of "No More hostages" in Paris on Columbia's independence day, as famous...

Aussie Court Strikes Down Law Banning Pope Protests

Law against 'annoying' Catholics attending papal events ruled unconstitutional

(Newser) - An Australian court has struck down a law aimed at curbing protests during Pope Benedict XVI's visit Down Under, reports Reuters. The law, ruled unconstitutional, had banned protesters from "annoying" those attending papal events. People handing out condoms or wearing anti-Pope t-shirts faced possible $5,000 fines.

Heckler Halts Gay Bishop's London Sermon

Episcopal rift over homosexuality roils upcoming conference

(Newser) - He was uninvited to the Anglican Church's big, once-a-decade Lambeth Conference next week, but New Hampshire’s gay Episcopal bishop decided cheerfully to go anyway, to be a “constant and friendly reminder” of gays in the sect. Not so cheerful was the heckler who interrupted his sermon in London...

Bush London Trip Sparks Clashes

Protesters battle cops; 25 busted

(Newser) - Hundreds of anti-war demonstrators clashed with London police as they protested President Bush's visit yesterday, reports the BBC. Protesters chanted "George Bush, terrorist!" but were kept out of the president's earshot as he arrived at 10 Downing Street.

Leader Offers Fresh Start as Korea Protests Snowball

Biggest protests in 20 years push Lee Myung-bak's presidency to the brink

(Newser) - South Korea's president is battling for his political life as swelling protests continue to rock the country, the New York Times reports. At least 100,000 people joined a massive anti-government rally in Seoul yesterday as Lee Myung-bak—himself a former participant in a pro-democracy student movement—pledged "a...

S. Korean Cabinet Offers to Resign Over US Beef Imports

Cabinet offers resignation as 1m prepare to march

(Newser) - The entire South Korean government has offered to resign in the face of a popular protest triggered by the lifting of import restrictions on US beef. The Korean government withdrew a ban introduced to prevent mad cow disease, setting off demonstrations expected to bring a million people onto the streets...

Superhero Dads Protest on Lawmaker's Roof

Fathers' group demonstrates for paternal access rights

(Newser) - Two dads in superhero getups climbed on a British lawmaker's roof today to demand their rights, the AP reports. A fathers' group staged the protest to promote paternal access rights, after talks with 10 Downing St. broke down. “We are now resuming a full-scale campaign of direct action,”...

Chinese Police Drag Parents From Protest

100 called for lawsuit over poorly-built schools

(Newser) - Chinese police cracked down on parents protesting today over poorly-constructed schools they say killed their children in last month’s earthquake, the AP reports. Protesters had been chanting “we want to sue” before police dragged them down the street away from a courthouse, with some yelling for an explanation....

Canadians Bully Burmese Junta With... Panties?

Women mail skivvies to embassy to spook superstitious tyrants

(Newser) - When international pressure fails, try… underwear? Canadian women think they can change the Myanmar junta’s ways by mailing a steady stream of panties to the Myanmar embassy in Ottawa, Sify reports. The military dictators apparently harbor a superstitious fear that touching a woman’s undergarment will “rob them...

Truck Protest Freezes London
 Truck Protest Freezes London 

Truck Protest Freezes London

High fuel prices enrage drivers

(Newser) - Truck drivers came from miles around to protest high fuel prices in London today, the Daily Telegraph reports. Lining along specially-closed sections of highway, the drivers blared horns and waved signs, demanding a reduction in the government’s diesel tax. “I think soon the public will actually join us,...

No Charges for Scientology Protester

Court rules sign not 'abusive, insulting'

(Newser) - Charges against a 15-year-old who called Scientology as a ‘cult’ were dropped today, the BBC reports. The London police issued a mea culpa after a court ruled that the teen’s holding up a sign reading, "Scientology is not a religion, it is a dangerous cult," did...

Big Brother Indeed: Orwell Prank Ends in Arrests

Takeover PA system leads to sit-in protest at Mass. high school

(Newser) - What appears to be a senior prank that saw students commandeer the public-address system at a Massachusetts high school to read George Orwell (or perhaps Fidel Castro) ended with arrests and protests yesterday, the New Bedford Standard-Times reports.

Nepal Detains 560 Tibetan Women

Cracks down on 3 all-female protests against China

(Newser) - Nepalese authorities today arrested 560 Tibetan women, including Buddhist nuns, for protesting China's actions in three all-female rallies across Kathmandu. They marked the first protests of their kind, and the largest round-up since China's crackdown in the region in March; the prisoners will be freed later. Nepal, home to 20,...

Dalai Lama Reps Visit China for Peace Talks

Trip marks first contact between sides since violent protests began

(Newser) - Representatives for the Dalai Lama head to China today for talks on restoring peace between the two sides, the BBC reports. The visit marks the first contact between the exiled leader and Chinese officials since pro-Tibet protests turned violent in March. The envoys will discuss the Dalai Lama’s “...

Truckers Protest Fuel Prices
 Truckers Protest Fuel Prices 

Truckers Protest Fuel Prices

List of demands includes end to oil-company subsidies

(Newser) - Truckers led a convoy of vehicles around the National Mall today in Washington to protest high fuel prices, the AP reports. Drivers from the group Truckers and Citizens United converged on DC for an afternoon rally to try to influence Congress to end oil-company subsidies, supplement supply with oil from...

China Protests Slam Tibet Push for Freedom

Rallies call for boycott on French goods

(Newser) - Chinese demonstrators today responded to pro-Tibet protests around the world with rallies of their own, blasting Tibet’s calls for independence and demanding a boycott of French goods, Reuters reports. “Oppose Tibet independence, support the Olympics,” said banners hoisted by protesters in at least four cities. A number...

Food Crisis Lurks in Soaring Prices, Says IMF Chief

Predicts widespread starvation, conflict

(Newser) - Rising food prices may soon have dire global consequences with starving people rioting in the streets, warns the head of the International Monetary Fund. “Hundred of thousands of people will be starving,” he said yesterday at a meeting in Washington. “Children will be suffering from malnutrition, with...

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>