
Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>

Torch Changes Keep Protesters Off Balance

San Francisco's bait-and-switch approach keeps Olympic flame's tour mainly peaceful

(Newser) - Throngs of pro- and anti-China demonstrators in San Francisco forced drastic changes in the Olympic torch's tour of the city, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Officials bused the flame and relay runners from the bayside opening ceremony miles across town; after heading west toward the Golden Gate Bridge, the convoy...

Haitians Protest as Food Prices Soar

Capital shuts down as mob tries to storm presidential palace

(Newser) - Hungry Haitians attacked the presidential palace yesterday, demanding the resignation of President Rene Preval over soaring food prices, Reuters reports. UN peacekeepers fired rubber bullets and tear gas to control the angry mob; a week of protests has killed five people and paralyzed the impoverished capital. “If we are...

Peace, Man: Symbol Turns 50
 Peace, Man: Symbol Turns 50 

Peace, Man: Symbol Turns 50

The sign has endured for half a century now

(Newser) - The peace symbol, an inspiration for decades of anti-war movements and one of the most recognizable hieroglyphics, turns 50 today. The symbol was introduced in 1958 at a British rally against the atomic bomb. “I drew myself, a man in despair, and put a circle around it to represent...

China Blasts Dalai Lama 'Suicide Plots'

Monks amassing arms, planning to disrupt Olympics, Chinese charge

(Newser) - Chinese authorities are accusing the Dalai Lama of organizing suicide attacks, building an arsenal of weapons and explosives in Tibetan monasteries, and plotting to disrupt the Beijing Olympics. The fresh allegations come in the wake of last month's raging protests in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa and China's violent response.

Protest Songs Get Tuned Out
 Protest Songs Get Tuned Out 

Protest Songs Get Tuned Out

Downloading, disconnection leaving generation without a soundtrack

(Newser) - So where are all the anti-war anthems? Opposition to the Vietnam War spawned a genre of classic counterculture songs, but not so the Iraqi war, despite widespread opposition. The main reason, Politico notes, is the narrowed scope of the music industry today. Singers still sing protests songs, but only their...

Mugabe Foes Vow Massive Protests
Mugabe Foes Vow Massive Protests

Mugabe Foes Vow Massive Protests

Threaten Kenya-like uprising if Zimbabwe's election is rigged

(Newser) - The opposition to Zimbabwe’s ruling party threatened to incite Kenya-style protests if Saturday’s election is rigged as expected, the Guardian reports. President Mugabe has told Zimbabweans not to waste their votes by supporting the other candidates, who “will never be allowed to rule this country.” Mugabe...

Monks Spoil China's PR Tour
 Monks Spoil China's PR Tour 

Monks Spoil China's PR Tour

Press visit disrupted by crying Tibetans

(Newser) - Tibetan monks burst into a carefully choreographed Chinese media event yesterday, breaking the image of restored calm China had hoped to project. China had allowed a small group of foreign reporters into the region, but even as one monk at Lhasa’s Jokhang Temple was expounding on the return to...

Olympic Flame Lit Amid Brief Protest

Torch lit in grand style at Olympia

(Newser) - The Olympic flame was lit this morning in Greece, in a ceremony briefly interrupted by human rights protesters. As the Chinese Communist Party secretary—also the head of the Beijing Olympics—spoke, three demonstrators evaded massive security to run onto the field at the stadium in Ancient Olympia. One managed...

China Slams Pelosi's Support for Tibet

House Speaker guilty of 'double standards,' state says

(Newser) - China’s government hammered House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today over her meeting with the Dalai Lama and subsequent condemnation of China's "oppression" of Tibetan protests that turned to riots, the AP reports. Xinhua, China’s state news agency, said “human rights police” like Pelosi employed “double standards”...

China Rips Dalai Lama for Olympic 'Sabotage'

Leader plotting to hold games 'hostage,' says Beijing

(Newser) - Beijing is charging that the Dalai Lama incited recent protests in Tibet as part of a "terror" plot to ruin the Olympic games, Reuters reports. "The Dalai Lama is scheming to take the Beijing Olympics hostage to force the Chinese government to make concessions to Tibet independence,"...

China Spins Tibet Crisis for the World

Accuses Western press of bias

(Newser) - China retaliated today against the negative press that is flooding out of the Tibet crisis, the AP reports. Beijing released footage of Tibetan demonstrators assaulting Chinese, and blasted Western media such as CNN and Der Spiegel with claims of unfair coverage. Within Tibet, where foreign media is mostly banned, China...

Afghans Protest Cartoons, Film
 Afghans Protest Cartoons, Film 

Afghans Protest Cartoons, Film

Angry crowds chant death to Danish, Dutch

(Newser) - Thousands of Afghan protesters burned Dutch and Danish flags yesterday in a protest against a Danish cartoon and a Dutch film said to insult Islam. They called for the Dutch and Danish embassies to be closed and for their troops serving with NATO in the country to be expelled, Reuters...

China Admits Police Shot Tibetan Protesters

State's claim of 13 dead, 4 wounded at odds with exiles' estimate of 99 killed

(Newser) - China admitted today its police opened fire on Tibetan protesters, wounding four in “self-defense,” the BBC reports. The statement from state-run Xinhua news agency is China’s first admission to hurting anyone since protests began last week. Chinese officials say rioters have killed 13; Tibetan activists reported security...

Cops Arrest 160 at Iraq Protests
 Cops Arrest 160 at Iraq Protests 

Cops Arrest 160 at Iraq Protests

Demonstrations staged across the US on war's anniversary

(Newser) - Police arrested more than 160 protesters today at demonstrations across the US to  mark the fifth anniversary of the launch of the Iraq war, Reuters reports. More than 100 were arrested in San Francisco alone, where demonstrators staged a "die-in" and disrupted busy Market Street. About 30 were arrested...

8 Die in Armenia; US Urges Calm
8 Die in Armenia; US Urges Calm

8 Die in Armenia; US Urges Calm

Opposition leader asks protesters to lie low until emergency rule ends

(Newser) - Troops patrolled quiet downtown Yerevan today after police fired back at thousands of protesters this weekend and killed eight, Reuters reports. Authorities have declared emergency rule and outlawed mass meetings for the next 3 weeks. "We won't give up, we will be fighting to the very end," said...

Armenia Attacks Protesters
Armenia Attacks Protesters 

Armenia Attacks Protesters

Country declares emergency rule, kills 1 as rallies rage for 2nd week

(Newser) - Armenian cops fired on a crowd of protesters today and killed at least one as the country declared emergency rule, Reuters reports. Protests have raged daily since a Feb. 19 presidential election that opponents say was rigged for ex-premier Serzh Sarksyan. Police are holding opposition hopeful Levon Ter-Petrosian under house...

Mohammed Cartoon Goes on the Market

Artist, in hiding, calls drawing 'a symbol of freedom of expression'

(Newser) - Kurt Westergaard, the artist behind the most controversial of the Danish cartoons that sparked fierce Muslim protest in 2005, is looking to sell his drawing. The sketch of Mohammed with a bomb in his turban has sent Westergaard into hiding, under police protection, and potential buyers may be scared off...

Animal-Rights Violence Has Schools Turning to Courts

Battle pits free-speech rights against safety

(Newser) - In recent months, animal-rights activists have strapped a firebomb under a UCLA professor’s car and flooded another’s home in a campaign to intimidate the school into ending experiments on primates. A judge has issued several restraining orders as the university tries to protect researchers, Newsweek reports, while protesters...

Gazans Form Chain at Border
Gazans Form Chain at Border

Gazans Form Chain at Border

Israel posts troops, accuses Hamas of endangering civilians

(Newser) - Thousands of Palestinians joined hands today in an attempt to form a human chain across the Gaza Strip, AFP reports. They were protesting the Israeli blockade that has left the impoverished region perilously low on supplies. Israel massed forces along the border, including a rare artillery battery, and accused Hamas...

Serbia Blames US as Rallies Continue

Thousands chant 'Kosovo is Serbia' while US clears out embassy

(Newser) - Thousands protested peacefully in the streets of Kosovo today, chanting “Kosovo is Serbia” as officials blamed the US for the violence that has marred earlier demonstrations. “The United States is the main culprit for all those violent acts,” said Serbia's minister for Kosovo. Meanwhile the US cleared...

Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>