Election 2010

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Murkowski Concedes Alaska GOP Primary

Incumbent loses to Palin-backed newcomer Joe Miller

(Newser) - In what could be America's biggest political upset of the year, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski has been booted from office in the Republican primary by a little-known, Sarah Palin-backed conservative lawyer. Murkowski—who was 1,668 votes behind after last week's primary—conceded defeat to Joe Miller last night after...

Poll: Dems Hit Record Low
 Poll: Dems Hit Record Low 

Poll: Dems Hit Record Low

Gallup puts GOP 10 points ahead in generic ballot

(Newser) - Things have never looked worse for the Democrats heading into midterm elections, according to the latest Gallup poll. The "generic ballot" test—which asks whether voters would prefer a Republican or Democratic congressional candidate—put the GOP ahead by 10%, the highest margin since Gallup started asking the question...

Beck Rally Is Warning to All
 Beck Rally Is Warning to All 

Beck Rally Is Warning to All

Many hate Dems ... and GOP

(Newser) - The anti-Washington energy at Glenn Beck's rally Saturday is a warning not only to the incumbent party but also to the GOP. Many at the DC event, which "carried the tone of a religious revival," according to the Wall Street Journal , said in interviews that GOP politicians shouldn't...

Meet Meg Whitman's Awful Sons
 Meet Meg Whitman's Awful Sons 

Meet Meg Whitman's Awful Sons

Griff and Will Harsh have a reputation, and it's not good

(Newser) - California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman once allegedly shoved an eBay employee—and it appears she passed her bullying ways onto her sons. Griff and Will Harsh have gained quite the reputation during their years at Princeton. The latest story making the rounds involves the younger Will—a senior and captain...

Alaska Race Still Going, Getting Nastier

Murkowski calls Miller 'paranoid'; he apologizes for tweet

(Newser) - The GOP Senate primary in Alaska may actually be getting uglier now that voting (but not vote-counting) is over. Incumbent Lisa Murkowski called Joe Miller "paranoid" for suggesting she's trying to get lawyers to tilt the razor-tight race in her favor, reports the Anchorage Daily News . (See his allegations...

Miller: I Hope Murkowski Doesn't 'Pull an Al Franken'

They're still counting votes in Alaska

(Newser) - Still no winner in the Alaska Senate race, but Joe Miller retains his slim lead and incumbent Lisa Murkowski continues to deflect (but not deny) speculation that she's considering a third-party run. Also, still no love lost between candidates, notes the Hill : Upon hearing that the GOP Senate campaign committee...

Democrats' Grip on Senate Getting Shakier

There's a 20% chance they'll lose control

(Newser) - All of a sudden, the Democrats’ grip on the Senate is looking a whole lot more tenuous. According to Nate Silver’s latest number-crunching, there’s a 20% chance the Democrats will lose the Senate outright. Even if they hang on as expected, they’re likely to take heavy losses,...

Blue Dog Rep Jokes Pelosi 'Might Die'
 Blue Dog Rep 
 Jokes Pelosi 'Might Die' 

Blue Dog Rep Jokes Pelosi 'Might Die'

Red state Dems distance themselves from speaker

(Newser) - When asked if he would back Nancy Pelosi’s bid to remain speaker of the House, Alabama Democrat Bobby Bright dodged. Maybe the speaker wouldn’t run, he said, adding jokingly, “Heck, she might even get sick and die.” This lighthearted jape drew laughter from all present, the...

Alaska Primary Proves Palin Power
 Alaska Primary 
 Proves Palin Power  

Alaska Primary Proves Palin Power

Strong showing from Palin choice shows she's not a spent force

(Newser) - Alaska still hasn't got a result in its GOP primary for the US Senate but what it has got is a potent display of Sarah Palin's political power. Longshot candidate Joe Miller—currently in the lead, with many absentee ballots still to be counted—has made a surprisingly strong showing...

Establishment in Trouble? A Definite Maybe
Establishment in Trouble?
A Definite Maybe

Establishment in Trouble? A Definite Maybe

Good luck finding a pattern in last night's tea leaves

(Newser) - Pundits looking to wrap up last night's election results in a tidy little bow got thrown for a loop, writes Dan Balz in the Washington Post . The establishment vs. outsiders theme yielded at best a "mixed verdict." John McCain proved an establishment figure can prevail, while Lisa Murkowski's...

Tea Partier Poised to Topple Murkowski

But Alaska Senate race still too close to call

(Newser) - Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski probably won't know for a week whether she still has political life. The Republican is locked in a race with Tea Party favorite Joe Miller that remains too close to call, reports the Anchorage Daily News . Miller, expected to lose, actually leads by about 3,000...

Outsider Rick Scott Wins Fla. GOP Primary
 Outsider Rick Scott 
 Wins Fla. GOP Primary 

Outsider Rick Scott Wins Fla. GOP Primary

Novice politician will face Alex Sink for governor

(Newser) - Political novice Rick Scott has narrowly defeated Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum—and the state's GOP establishment—to win the Republican nomination for governor. Scott, a former health care executive, poured $50 million of his own money into a bitterly fought campaign in which he painted his rival as a...

McCain, Brewer Win in Arizona
 McCain, Brewer 
 Win in Arizona 

McCain, Brewer Win in Arizona

GOP incumbents cruise to victory

(Newser) - John McCain has cruised to victory in Arizona, easily defeating conservative challenger JD Hayworth. The Republican now looks to set to win a fifth term in the US Senate, the AP reports. McCain looked vulnerable to anti-incumbent sentiment early in the campaign but fought back by shifting to the rights...

Dan Quayle Defends Son at 11th Hour

 Dan Quayle 
 Defends Son 
 at 11th Hour 
primary day

Dan Quayle Defends Son at 11th Hour

Calls 'assault' on Ben 'ugly'

(Newser) - And at the 11th hour, dad chimed in. Dan Quayle sent an email to his son's campaign supporters on the eve of today's 10-way GOP primary election, a last-ditch email pitch defending Ben against allegations that he wrote for a raunchy sex site. Firing back at leading opponent Steve Moak,...

Republicans Have Gone Dangerously Negative
Republicans Have Gone Dangerously Negative
EJ Dionne

Republicans Have Gone Dangerously Negative

We must not reward extremism in November

(Newser) - Republicans have gone insanely negative this year, on the theory that “in an election, a solid ‘no’ usually beats an uneasy ‘yes, but,’” writes EJ Dionne of the Washington Post . Democrats, after all, used the same principle to win big in 2006 and 2008, telling...

McCain, Old Pros Set to Win Big Tomorrow
McCain, Old Pros Set to Win Big Tomorrow
Primary Preview

McCain, Old Pros Set to Win Big Tomorrow

Anti-establishment wave hits the rocks in Arizona, Florida

(Newser) - If the polls are to be believed, tomorrow will deal a big blow to the “anti-establishment” storyline swirling around the 2010 election. John McCain, who looked like he’d be on the ropes early on, now has a huge lead over tea party favorite JD Hayworth, the Washington Post...

Democrats Desperate to Win Back the Elderly

Try to attack Republicans on Social Security

(Newser) - Democrats are redoubling their efforts to connect with the elderly, a group they’ve done well with traditionally, but not lately. Seniors were the only age group that didn’t favor Barack Obama in 2008, and he hasn’t exactly changed their minds since. According to one poll, 36% of...

GOP Split on How to Play Mosque in Nov.

Strategists caution against issue becoming a distraction

(Newser) - For all the shrieking going on, Republican strategists are warning candidates against making too big a deal out of their opposition to the proposed mosque near Ground Zero. Polls show that public opinion is firmly against the mosque, but the strategists warn that candidates trumpeting their opposition while demanding...

Emily's List Turns Mama Grizzlies on Palin

Democratic group launches website, parody video

(Newser) - Emily's List has drummed up its own group of Mama Grizzlies to counter Sarah Palin. The pro-choice group launched a SarahDoesn'tSpeakforMe website and campaign with this parody video, reports the Hill . The group is hoping to raise funds for candidates it supports, citing three races in particular against Palin-backed opponents:...

Reid Opposes Ground Zero Mosque

Facing re-election challenge, he breaks with Obama

(Newser) - Harry Reid broke with President Obama Monday to voice his opposition to the mosque and Islamic cultural center planned a few blocks from Ground Zero. A spokesman for the Senate majority leader, who faces a tough re-election bid in Nevada, said Reid respects freedom of religion "but thinks that...

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