Election 2010

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Obama: GOP Slogan Is 'No, We Can't'
 GOP Slogan 
 Is 'No, We Can't' 


Obama: GOP Slogan Is 'No, We Can't'

President embarks on 3-day fundraising trip

(Newser) - President Obama began three days of campaigning for his fellow Democrats today ahead of the midterm elections, promising that homegrown clean-energy industry would replace lost manufacturing jobs, the AP reports. Speaking to a group of workers at ZBB Energy in Milwaukee, Obama excoriated Republicans for their near-constant opposition: "These...

Democrats Wander Toward Midterms, Absent a Plan

No clear agenda as Dems fight to keep majorities

(Newser) - The midterm elections are only 80 days away, yet congressional Democrats lack a clear agenda to rally behind, writes Paul Kane for the Washington Post . The House Democratic leadership has issued three sets of talking points—a "we can't go back" anti-Bush argument, a "protecting Social Security" push,...

Ben Quayle Wrote for a Sex Site
Ben Quayle Wrote for
a Sex Site

Ben Quayle Wrote for a Sex Site

'Just to drive traffic;' taints GOP candidate's squeaky clean image

(Newser) - Ben Quayle’s Arizona congressional campaign hit a teeny tiny snag yesterday, when it was revealed that the 33-year-old had once been a contributing writer for Dirty Scottsdale, a raunchy sex site covering the club scene in his town. Quayle—who is indeed, if you were wondering, the son of...

The Real 2010 Battle: Governors' Races

Parties jockey for positioning ahead of 2012

(Newser) - Most of the hyperventilating surrounding the 2010 election has focused on who will control Congress, but Washington seems a lot more interested in who will win the governor races—all 37 of them. Both parties are spending like mad on these races, the New York Times reports, because who wins...

Obama's Big Gun in November: Michelle

Dems look to deploy FLOTUS in midterm elections

(Newser) - With the president's popularity taking a drubbing, Democrats are looking to Michelle Obama to lead the charge into the midterm elections. As was the case with Laura Bush, the first lady's popularity has remained solid as her husband's dwindled, and party faithful are hoping that Michelle can put some muscle...

Inside Basil Marceaux's Crazy Bid for Gov

Basil Marceaux unwittingly becomes strange Internet joke

(Newser) - Tennessee’s gubernatorial primary is today, and if you vote for Basil Marceaux, he promises to “immune you from all state crimes for the rest of your life”—just one of many bizarre promises Marceaux has made in his surreal run for the Republican nod. His mumble-mouthed, incoherent...

Rich Candidates Flock to 2010 Election

Parties purposely recruit those with deep pockets

(Newser) - The 2010 election is seeing an unusual number of deep-pocketed newcomers step into the ring, self-financing their own campaigns. Of the $657 million raised so far by all candidates, 11% came from their own pockets, Politico reports, up from 6% in 2006. Among Republican House candidates, that number jumps to...

Whitman Spending Hits $99M
 Whitman Spending Hits $99M 

Whitman Spending Hits $99M

In what could be priciest gubernatorial race ever

(Newser) - Billionaire Republican Meg Whitman reported yesterday that she has spent more than $99 million in her quest to become California's governor, including $71 million just to win the Republican primary. Democrat Jerry Brown, who didn't have a serious primary opponent, has spent just $450,000, plus $324,000 in donated...

NY Pol Lists Foe's 'Jewish Money' Donors

Rep. Mike McMahon scrambles to fire staffer, apologize

(Newser) - A Democratic congressman is practicing damage control after his campaign compiled a list of Jewish donors contributing to his GOP challenger. Rep. Mike McMahon's staff didn't exactly try to keep it a secret: They gave the report, subtly titled "Grimm Jewish Money Q2," to the New York Observer...

Dems Pounce on Schlafly's 'Unmarried Women' Comment

'All welfare goes to unmarried moms'

(Newser) - After conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly claimed that "unmarried women" are all on welfare at a recent fundraiser, Dems are training their sights on the 75 GOP candidates endorsed by the Schlaafly-led Eagle Forum, plan to paint those she has endorsed as extremists and pressure them to reject the endorsement....

Democrats' Fuzzy Math: We Can't Lose!
Democrats' Fuzzy Math:
 We Can't Lose!
Nate Silver

Democrats' Fuzzy Math: We Can't Lose!

According to memo, Republican House takeover is impossible

(Newser) - Democrats might just be getting delusional about their chances in November. In a memo sent to the Washington Post yesterday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee argued that it was, like, virtually impossible for the Republicans to take the House. In their minds, Democrats are guaranteed to win four Republican seats,...

Dems' November Platform: GOP=Tea Party

They think linking Republicans and movement will hurt both

(Newser) - Has the Tea Party movement become a liability for Republicans? Democrats sure think so. Even as Republicans rush to establish their Tea Party bona fides, the DNC plans to launch a campaign linking the party to the movement, sources tell the AP . The goal is to paint the GOP as...

Voters Prefer Boxer's Hair: Poll
 Voters Prefer Boxer's Hair: Poll 
so there, fiorina

Voters Prefer Boxer's Hair: Poll

Yes, an actual polling firm actually asked

(Newser) - Incumbent Barbara Boxer is leading former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina in the Senate polls—but infinitely more importantly, so is Boxer’s hair. Public Policy Polling included a question about the rivals’ hairstyles, following Fiorina’s remark that Boxer’s hair is “so yesterday,” and found that...

Daughter Campaigns Against Dad in Oklahoma

Woman takes out an ad attacking John Mantooth

(Newser) - An Oklahoma judicial candidate is fending off a political attack from his own daughter, who has taken out a local newspaper ad urging voters: "Do not vote for my dad!" McClain County judicial hopeful John Mantooth's daughter and son-in-law paid for the quarter-page advertisement, which features a picture...

As Earth Bakes, Blame Cowards Like McCain
As Earth Bakes, Blame Cowards Like McCain
Paul Krugman

As Earth Bakes, Blame Cowards Like McCain

Oil and coal money, gutless lawmakers killed climate bill

(Newser) - Climate change legislation looks dead, and Paul Krugman knows what killed it. “It wasn’t the science, the scientists, or the economics,” he writes in the New York Times . It was “the usual suspects: greed and cowardice.” A carbon limitation would put at most a tiny...

Poll: Obama's Endorsement Is Worthless

Prez not much help, but Palin's might actually get you votes

(Newser) - This November, candidates would be better off with an endorsement from Sarah Palin than Barack Obama. According to a new Quinnipiac poll, 12% of voters say they’re more likely to vote for a candidate if Obama campaigns for him, including 28% of Democrats and 8% of Independents. But 30%...

Republicans Won't Retake Senate
Republicans Won't Retake Senate

Republicans Won't Retake Senate

GOP would need to stage three or four massive upsets

(Newser) - Republicans are hoping to clean up this November, but they can pretty much forget about taking over the upper chamber, David Catanese writes for Politico . The GOP needs to gain 10 seats to take over, and they have decent odds in six or seven contests. But to pick up those...

Palin-Backed Georgia Guv Candidate Leads Primary

Endorsement boosts Karen Handel to first place

(Newser) - An endorsement by Sarah Palin helped push candidate Karen Handel to first place in yesterday's Georgia gubernatorial GOP primary. Handel, who trailed in opinion polls before getting Palin's stamp of approval earlier this month, led with 34% of the vote, and is headed into a runoff against Nathan Deal, who...

Jim DeMint Could Destroy the GOP
Jim DeMint Could Destroy the GOP

Jim DeMint Could Destroy the GOP

Democrats love his with-us-or-against-us conservatism

(Newser) - Jim DeMint might just be the Democrats’ secret weapon. For starters, the senator from South Carolina is making good on his declaration that he’d rather have “30 Republicans in the Senate who believe in principles of freedom than 60 who don’t,” endorsing lots of far-right candidates...

Obama's Approval Hits New Low
 Obama's Approval 
 Hits New Low 

Obama's Approval Hits New Low

But Congress, as ever, is even worse

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating dips to a new low in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll . Just 43% approve of the job the president is doing, while 54% disapprove—including one-third of Democrats. Obama’s supporters aren’t very enthusiastic, either: Twice as many people gave him a strongly...

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