Election 2010

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Public-Employees Union No. 1 Election Spender

1.6-million member AFSCME spends $87.5M on campaign

(Newser) - The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees has become the biggest outside donor to the midterm elections, thanks to a last-minute push of funds to Democrats that brings its total election spending to $87.5 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. The organization, which boasts 1.6 million...

Boehner's Wall-Street Cash Bolsters Tea Party Hopefuls

House Minority Leader spreads business-backed wealth

(Newser) - John Boehner typically gets a healthy dose of campaign cash from Wall Street and blue-chip corporations, and this election season, he’s doling it out to tea party-backed hopefuls. The House Minority Leader has distributed $320,000 to 39 such candidates, suggesting a GOP “stamp of approval” for a...

GOPers Say Palin Is Tough to Deal With

... in a Politico article that's overblown and sexist, says critic

(Newser) - Politico today paints a lengthy, unflattering portrait of Sarah Palin's efforts to help fellow conservatives and Republicans on the campaign trail. "She offers little notice about her availability, refuses to do certain events, is obsessive about press coverage and sometimes backs out with as little lead time as she...

To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message
To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message
ej dionne

To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message

EJ Dionne: GOP has short, sweet theme on economy, and it's working

(Newser) - The Republicans are coasting through this election season on a platform of just a few words: “Spending, taxes, jobs, economy, deficit, debt,” as one party leader has it. As we near Nov. 2, the Democrats still don’t have anything like that coherent message, writes EJ Dionne in...

Attack Ad Rips Wrong Lawmaker

Denver TV station drops 'blatantly wrong' spot

(Newser) - A Denver TV station has dropped a GOP congressional candidate’s ad, saying it got its facts “blatantly wrong." Cory Gardner’s ad attacks Democratic Congresswoman Betsy Markey for voting for the 2010 budget, when in fact she didn’t—Ed Markey of Massachusetts did. The Gardner campaign...

Obama's Dumb Strategy Is Hurting Democrats

He's running an awful midterm campaign, Karl Rove writes

(Newser) - President Obama is “overseeing one of the worst White House midterm strategies in American history,” writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal . Even though the economy is foremost on voters’ minds, Obama continues to focus on immigration reform, the “Ground Zero mosque,” and “an...

Tea Party Steeped in Global Warming Doubt

More than half of activists don't foresee a warming problem—ever

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement is highly skeptical of the threat posed by—and, in some cases, the existence of—global warming, finds a New York Times /CBS poll. Just 14% of Tea Partiers believe warming is currently taking effect, as opposed to 49% of the rest of Americans. More than...

Democrats: McCain Violated McCain-Feingold

They say ad helping other GOP candidates is illegal

(Newser) - Democrats are accusing John McCain of violating the campaign finance law he championed based on some new ads in which he supports GOP congressional candidates Ruth McClung and Jesse Kelly. This, says the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in a complaint to the Federal Election Commission, represents an “in kind”...

O'Donnell Has Trouble Naming Democratic Senators

But GOP hopeful is a big Hillary Clinton fan

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell seemed stymied when asked during last night's debate to name a Democratic senator she’d feel comfortable working with. She gave two names—but neither is currently a Democratic senator. First she mentioned Hillary Clinton, acknowledging “she’s not a senator any more.” Then she...

GOP Holds Lead in Home Stretch
 GOP Holds Lead 
 in Home Stretch 
Scoreboard Update

GOP Holds Lead in Home Stretch

Enthusiasm gap leaves Democrats trailing in likely voters

(Newser) - Republicans are in the driver’s seat as the 2010 election winds down, despite a vigorous last-ditch push from Democrats, according to a new Wall Street Journal poll. Overall, registered voters narrowly prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to a Republican-controlled one, but among likely voters, Republicans hold a 50%-43% edge. In...

Virginia Beach's GOP Chairman Resigns Over Racist Joke

Defenders say email was forwarded in error

(Newser) - The head of the GOP in Virginia Beach has heeded calls from both sides to step down over a racist joke he emailed. The district GOP chairman says David Bartholomew forwarded the joke—involving a dog who is "black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no frigging clue...

O'Donnell: Constitution Separates Church, State?

Delaware Tea Partier doesn't know the First Amendment

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell apparently doesn't subscribe to the view that the Constitution guarantees the separation of church and state, CBS News reports. "Where in the Constitution is (that)?" she asked Senate candidate Chris Coons during a debate over whether schools should be allowed to teach intelligent design. It prompted laughs...

Lefties Plot GOP Google Bomb
 Lefties Plot GOP Google Bomb 

Lefties Plot GOP Google Bomb

Daily Kos seeks to send negative stories to top of rankings

(Newser) - Look out, GOP: You're about to get Google-bombed. Liberal activist and Daily Kos honcho Chris Bowers is targeting 98 Republican House candidates in a Google campaign ahead of November's elections. He's urging the blog's readers to find potentially damaging news stories about the candidates and help push them up Google's...

Politics Has Lost Its Bleeping Mind

It's not just the certifiable crazies—it's everyone

(Newser) - In case you hadn't noticed, American politics has flown off the handle, spun its head around crazily a la Exorcist, and sailed clear off the deep end. So to speak. Sure, we sort of took the battier candidates of both sides in stride (we're looking at you, Alan Grayson , Christine...

What the Left Gets Wrong About the Tea Partiers

They're a lot more reasonable than liberals think, writes Ross Douthat

(Newser) - The left likes to paint the Tea Partiers as wingnuts, so it’s time to dispel some misconceptions, writes Ross Douthat. One myth: the Tea Party will be disastrous for the GOP. In fact—Rich Iott, Christine O'Donnell, and Carl Paladino aside—it's backed some very electable candidates, like Pennsylvania's...

Nonprofits' Political Ads May Bend Rules

Watchdogs question content backed by secret donors

(Newser) - Since the Supreme Court’s January ruling on campaign finance, nonprofit groups have been allowed to run ads openly attacking specific candidates, so long as less than 50% of all spending is dedicated to these political activities. But several organizations have lately pushed that limit, the New York Times reports,...

Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

Steve King, Louie Gohmert not far behind among fringe congressmen

(Newser) - A week after releasing its Senate Wingnut Index , the Daily Beast investigates wingnuttery in the House. Using a “semi-scientific” process to identify the most extreme members on both sides of the spectrum, the site ranks them:
  1. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): From calling the president “anti-American” to warning of tyranny,

Meghan McCain: O'Donnell's a 'Nut Job'

And her campaign 'scares me,' says Meg

(Newser) - Whoa! Meghan McCain takedown! The battle of the GOP fems got ugly yesterday when McCain blasted Tea Party Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell as a scary nut job. "Christine O'Donnell is making a mockery of running for public office," McCain said yesterday on ABC's This Week. "She has...

Gibbs: Dems Will Prevail Nov. 2
 Gibbs: Dems Will Prevail Nov. 2 

Gibbs: Dems Will Prevail Nov. 2

Says party faithful is getting stoked again

(Newser) - White House mouthpiece Robert Gibbs officially reversed his July assertion that Democrats could lose the House (here's the firestorm that ensued) , today telling Meet the Press that his party's base was waking from its stupor and would retain control of both chambers of Congress. As his boss hit the campaign...

9 Lessons for the Inevitable Recount
 9 Lessons for the 
 Inevitable Recount  
midterm elections

9 Lessons for the Inevitable Recount

First of all, if you don't have a lawyer ready ... it's too late

(Newser) - With at least six Senate races too close to call, and even more in the House, at least one recount is inevitable this Election Day. In the Washington Post , Jay Weiner offers up nine lessons from the high-profile recounts of 2000 (Bush-Gore) and 2008 (Franken-Coleman):
  • Lawyer up—yesterday: Al Franken

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