Bush administration

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Report: Blair Knew Bush Had No Postwar Plan

PM dispatched troops despite lack of Iraq reconstruction strategy

(Newser) - In the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, Tony Blair committed British troops to the effort despite knowing of serious deficiencies in US preparations for the aftermath, a TV documentary set to air this week reveals. He pushed ahead even after President Bush offered him an out, the Observer reports,...

Scooter Won't Need to Beg for Pardon

Slate's political wiz doesn't see Libby landing behind bars

(Newser) - President Bush will step in and save Scooter Libby for two reasons, argues Slate's John Dickerson. First, to repay Dick Cheney for not throwing Karl Rove under the bus. And second, pardoning Libby could help Bush regain Republican support by appeasing conservatives who opposed the CIA leak investigation from the...

Federal Court Orders Military to Free Civilian

Ruling rebukes Bush administration, which plans to appeal

(Newser) - The US may not keep a civilian believed to be an enemy combatant in military custody, a federal appeals court ruled today, finding that President Bush "cannot eliminate constitutional protections with the stroke of a pen." The administration quickly announced its intention to appeal the decision that Ali...

GOP Hopefuls Turn On Bush
GOP Hopefuls Turn On Bush

GOP Hopefuls Turn On Bush

Take White House to task on war, immigration

(Newser) - There was so much criticism of the Bush administration at the GOP debate last night the Republican White House hopefuls sounded like Democrats. John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Tommy Thompson all cranked up criticism of the administration's handling of the war. The president's diplomatic deficiencies and stand on...

Libby Draws 30 Months, $250K Fine
Libby Draws
30 Months,
$250K Fine

Libby Draws 30 Months, $250K Fine

Judge says VP's former right-hand man 'got off course'

(Newser) - The vice president's ex-chief of staff will spend 30 months in prison and pay a $250,000 fine for lying to federal investigators about his role in blowing a CIA agent's cover. Judge Reggie Walton cited "overwhelming evidence" of Scooter Libby's guilt in sentencing him today on charges of...

Musharraf's Crisis Spreads to Bush
Musharraf's Crisis Spreads to Bush

Musharraf's Crisis Spreads to Bush

Administration rethinks friendship with embattled Pakistani prez

(Newser) - The Bush administration is weighing its previously unflinching alliance with Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf, the Journal reports, as Islamabad spirals into political crisis. The Pentagon is brainstorming post-Pervez scenarios, and some insiders are even pushing for distance from the increasingly autocratic general-president.

Top Bush Aide to Step Down
Top Bush Aide to Step Down

Top Bush Aide to Step Down

Bartlett bows out after 14 years

(Newser) - Another Bush administration official is stepping down, and this time the resignation shrinks the president's inner circle: Top aide Dan Bartlett will leave on July 4 after 14 years working for Bush. The defection is the latest in a trickle that's rapidly becoming a flood. Bartlett, 36, will seek a...

Veil of Secrecy Descends on White House

Court fight rages over Secret Service visitor records

(Newser) - The White House wants records of top officials' meetings to be secret, and the latest attempt to put a lid on that information raises questions about privacy, confidentiality, and the definition of presidential records, the AP reports. This week's revelation of the vice president's effort to restrict record-keeping at his...

Immigration Debate Splits GOP
Immigration Debate Splits GOP

Immigration Debate Splits GOP

Fears for party's future amp up rhetoric for and against legalization path for immigrants

(Newser) - Deep divisions within the GOP over immigration reform have become increasingly bitter in recent weeks, the LA Times reports, with senior figures on both sides  engaging in a rare public spat. On one side are those who fear alienating the mostly white conservative base; on the other those who want...

Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters
Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters

Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters

Rove, DeLay, and Gingrich on the future of the conservative movement

(Newser) - The Republican Party is fracturing politically and strategically, writes the New Yorker's Jeffrey Goldberg. As Bush's approval ratings continue to sink, current and former GOP bigwigs—like Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay—are looking to redirect the conservative movement as the 2008 election nears.

Frist Heads World Bank Shortlist
Frist Heads World Bank Shortlist

Frist Heads World Bank Shortlist

Bush determined to replace Wolfowitz with American

(Newser) - The White House is eying former Senate majority leader Bill Frist to take the World Bank presidency soon to be vacated by Paul Wolfowitz, the Wall Street Journal reports. Also getting a look are Treasury No. 2 Robert Kimmitt, onetime trade representative Robert Zoellick, and Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker,...

Bush Prepares Iraq Plan That Includes UN

With troop surge faltering, new strategy spreads responsibility

(Newser) - Four years after the US went into Iraq without Security Council support, the administration may be ready to ask the UN for help. The Guardian reports that a plan to "internationalize" the peace process reflects President Bush's concern about the 2008 elections and the apparent failure of the troop...

Bush, Carter, Trade Barbs
Bush, Carter, Trade Barbs

Bush, Carter, Trade Barbs

Prez 39 calls 43 worst ever; White House fires back against "irrelevant" Carter

(Newser) - A cold war of words is escalating between the White House and former occupant Jimmy Carter. On Saturday, Carter called the Bush administration "the worst in history" on the international front; yesterday Bush spokesman Tony Fratto shot back against the "reckless personal attack," sneering at Carter as...

Bush, Dems Test Compromise Skills on Iraq

(Newser) - Congress' Democratic bosses and the White House are attempting diplomacy after six years of Republican neglect that has left the new majority uneasy, the Times reports. But this week's agreements on less thorny issues, trade and immigration, contrast significantly with a divided Washington's repeated, fumbled attempts at a compromise war...

Senate Brokers Immigration Bill
Senate Brokers Immigration Bill

Senate Brokers Immigration Bill

Bipartisan compromise tackles citizenship, border security, but faces uphill battle on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - Illegal immigrants are offered a path to citizenship for the first time under a new Senate immigration reform package unveiled today. A precarious compromise hammered out by Bush administration officials and top senators, the bill trades hard-line border control measures for controversial provisions like a guest-worker program and a system...

Comey's Star Rises as Support for Gonzo Falls

Testimony spotlights political future of former Justice No. 2

(Newser) - James Comey's star turn in Senate testimony against Alberto Gonzales this week prompts speculation that the charismatic former deputy AG should be on the short list to replace him—and might even have legs as a presidential candidate some day. The Wall Street Journal assesses Comey's political future, as support...

White House Support for Wolfowitz Crumbles

Bank will discuss his fate today

(Newser) - The White House is looking for an exit srategy for besieged World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz. After months of unwavering support that failed to soften the bank's European partners, the Bush administration has indicated a willingness to replace him if it can be done without firing, the Washington Post reports....

Bush Names Surge Skeptic War Czar
Bush Names Surge Skeptic
War Czar

Bush Names Surge Skeptic War Czar

White House taps active-duty officer to coordinate war effort

(Newser) - After public rejection by at least five prominent former generals, the Bush administration named its war czar, three-star general Douglas Lute. The Washington Post describes Lute as a low-key soldier who expressed skepticism about sending more troops to Iraq. Durning internal discussions, Lute is said to have argued that a...

Iran Boosts Nuclear Capability
Iran Boosts Nuclear Capability

Iran Boosts Nuclear Capability

Surprise inspection turns up improved enrichment technology

(Newser) - Iran has made a quantum leap in its nuclear program, and now has the capacity to enrich uranium on a much larger scale than previously believed, the International Atomic Energy Agency reports after a short-notice inspection last weekend. With dramatically improved centrifuge technology, engineers are turning out reactor-grade uranium.

US Engages Iran on Iraqi Security
US Engages Iran on Iraqi Security

US Engages Iran on Iraqi Security

Ambassadors to meet in Baghdad; nuclear program won't be on the table

(Newser) - The US will sit down with Iran to enlist its aid in quelling violence in Iraq as early as next week, reports the Washington Post. US ambassador Ryan Crocker will meet with his Iranian counterparts in Baghdad to encourage the country, frequently accused of sponsoring sectarian violence in neighboring Iraq,...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>