Bush administration

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>

White House Hid Rove's Role in US Attorney Hiring

Leaked emails show cover-up of meddling

(Newser) - Karl Rove finagled a U.S. attorney post for his protégé Timothy Griffin, and the White House concealed his role in the appointment, the National Journal concludes from previously unrelease e-mails leaked to them. Griffin replaced fired attorney Bud Cummins; a Justice Department letter (later retracted) assured Congress Rove...

Accord Reached On Trade Deals
Accord Reached On Trade Deals

Accord Reached On Trade Deals

Dems, White House agree to labor and environmental protection in pacts

(Newser) - Democrats have struck a deal with the White House that beefs up labor and environmental standards in pending free-trade pacts, clearing the way for agreements with Peru, Panama,  South Korea, and Colombia. Provisions will be written into future deals banning forced labor, child labor and workplace discrimination, the Washington ...

Speculation On Wolfowitz Successor Builds

World Bank can expect numerous responses to 'help wanted' ad

(Newser) - As pressure on Paul Wolfowitz to step down grows, so does the list of possible successors to the scandal-battered World Bank president. The conservative Washington Times focuses on Goldman Sachs executive Robert Zoellick, a former official in both Bush administrations; other names in play include Treasury official Robert Kimmitt and...

NRA Backs Gun Sales To Terror Suspects

Opposes bill giving AG discretion to ban sales to people on terror watch lists

(Newser) - The NRA is urging the Bush administration to oppose a bill that bans suspected terrorists from buying guns. In a letter to AG Alberto Gonzales, the group's executive director objects that the bill, introduced in the Senate last week, "would allow arbitrary denial of Second Amendment rights based on...

Iranian, U.S. Diplomats Meet Briefly

Three-minute discussion focuses on Iraq, hints at Bush administration policy shift

(Newser) - It didn't involve the American Secretary of State or the Iranian foreign minister, but a brief meeting of high-level diplomats today in Egypt signals a thaw in relations between the countries, the International Herald Tribune reports. U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker said the three-minute conversation concerned the situation...

Comey Defends Fired Attorneys
Comey Defends Fired Attorneys

Comey Defends Fired Attorneys

Most were strong performers, former deputy AG tells House panel

(Newser) - Most of the U.S. attorneys axed en masse by the Justice Department last year weren't underperforming, former Deputy Attorney General James Comey told a House panel yesterday. Comey, who left Justice over a year before the firings, said he'd rated the attorneys' performance for Chief of Staff Kyle Sampson...

Condi Sits Down With Syria
Condi Sits Down With Syria

Condi Sits Down With Syria

Rice talks with Syrian Foreign Minister about border security

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice conferred with her Syrian counterpart Thursday in an unexpected half hour sit-down that ended a two-year cold-shoulder between the Bush administration and a state it considers a sponsor of terrorism. Rice asked asked Sryia's help in restricting the flow of foreign fighters across the Syrian...

Senate Seeks E-mails From Gonzales

Attorney general receives first subpoena in firing scandal

(Newser) - The Senate demanded all e-mails pertaining to Karl Rove's role in the disputed firing of eight U.S. attorneys from Alberto Gonzales today, setting a May 15 deadline for the attorney general to turn them over. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which  issued the subpoena, disputes...

Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill
Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill

Bush Vetoes War Funding Bill

(Newser) - As good as his word, President Bush made short work of vetoing the war appropriations bill Congress put on his desk today, objecting to its provision for a strict timetable for pulling the troop out of Iraq. With the veto a fait accompli for weeks, lawmakers are already girding to...

Bush Doubts Surge Success
Bush Doubts Surge Success

Bush Doubts Surge Success

Privately, Bush seeks to lower expectations on the surge—and the prime minister

(Newser) - The Bush administration is quietly rijiggering its internal expectations for Iraq, senior administration officials have told the New York Times. In spite of a publicly optimistic stance, Bush is already preparing for the possible failure of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's regime and readying to maintain a troop surge well into...

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney
Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Tenet's new book says "there was never serious debate" about going to war in Iraq

(Newser) - George Tenet offers a scathing attack on Dick Cheney and other architects of the war in Iraq in a new book to be released Monday, the New York Times reports.  The former CIA director alleges that "there was never serious debate" about whether Iraq was an imminent threat...

US Lets China Dominate Asia
US Lets China Dominate Asia

US Lets China Dominate Asia

Zakaria: America distracted and damaged in Iraq helps Beijing court allies

(Newser) - The U.S. is so wrapped up in the Middle East that it's sacrificing chances to improve relations with Asia, leaving China to dominate the region, Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria contends. "Beijing has become remarkably adept at using its political and economic muscle in a patient, low-key and highly effective...

Federal Probe Targets Rove, WH Operations

Obscure office led by Bush appointee launches investigation

(Newser) - The U.S. attorney firings, disappearing e-mails, and other White House political operations have found their way onto the radar of a small office that normally investigates federal employees' misbehavior. Karl Rove is in the sights of the Office of Special Counsel, whose head has vowed not to "leave...

Bush Still Gonzo For Alberto
Bush Still Gonzo For Alberto

Bush Still Gonzo For Alberto

Senate testimony "increased my confidence," says President

(Newser) - President Bush is sticking with his beleaguered attorney general despite negative reviews of his performance at last week's Senate hearing from both sides of the aisle. Bush said the testimony from Alberto Gonzales on the pink-slipped U.S. attorneys, roundly characterized as evasive, "increased my confidence in his ability....

Impeachment: Not Just For Presidents

It would be perfect for Gonzales, says law professor

(Newser) - Impeachment isn't just for presidents—it would suit Alberto Gonzales just fine, says law professor Peter Shane, and it would be an excellent way to restore constitutional checks and balances. The grounds for impeachment go beyond the questionable dismissal of U.S. attorneys, he writes. 

Four Years of Rove E-mails Go Missing

E-mails may have covered attorney firings

(Newser) - Four years of emails from Karl Rove that are being sought in a congressional investigation are missing and may have been deleted by Rove himself, the Republican National Committee acknowledged yesterday. The RNC operates the server for non-official e-mail accounts Rove and other White House players use for political business;...

Money Trail Leads To North Korean Deal

(Newser) - Freezing accounts in a small bank in Macau 18 months ago was key to the recent U.S. success in negotiating an end to North Korea's nuclear program, the Journal reports. Tracing the "saga of bluff and brinkmanship" that led to the deal, the Journal shows the Bush...

Generals Reject War Post
Generals Reject War Post

Generals Reject War Post

(Newser) - Three retired generals declined when asked by the White House to fill a new post to run the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Guardian reports. One candidate, Marine General John Sheehan, told the Washington Post he turned down the war czar job because hawkish Vice President Dick Cheney still...

Congress Probes Private White House E-Mails

May have breached post-Watergate law

(Newser) - Use of private e-mail accounts by White House officials is being probed by Democratic lawmakers who charge that they were employed to avoid scrutiny. Accounts set up by the Republican National Committee are intended to keep political activities separate from official business, but they were used in planning the firings...

Regent Grads Score Big On Bush Team
Regent Grads Score Big On Bush Team

Regent Grads Score Big On Bush Team

Christian law school has direct route into Justice Department

(Newser) - Regent University, the evangelical college founded by Pat Robertson that  graduated disgraced Gonzales aide Monica Goodling, has quietly become a huge source of like-minded talent for the Bush administration: Despite its marginal academic credentials, 150 Regent University alumni have been placed in federal positions since 2001.

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>