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Marines: Let Us Wear Memorial KIA Bracelets

Troops frustrated at inconsistent ban

(Newser) - Lance Cpl. Glenn Payne used to wear a bracelet carrying the name of a close friend who was killed in action in Afghanistan—until he was ordered to take it off. Marine Corps policy sees such KIA bracelets as unauthorized jewelry, but the ban on them is enforced inconsistently—and...

Miscommunication Caused Friendly Fire Drone Killings

Warning by US-based analysts never sent to operator, ground forces: Report

(Newser) - The two US servicemen killed by a Predator in April died because Marines on the ground and the Air Force crew operating the drone were not told by analysts elsewhere of doubts about the men's identity, reports the LA Times . The incident occurred on April 6 when a Marine...

Marines Recruit ... at Gay Pride Event

Organizers surprised to see them

(Newser) - As usual, Marine Corps recruiters asked passersby to attempt 20 pull-ups from a bar. But this time they were asking gays and lesbians at a gay pride event yesterday in Pasadena, Calif.—possibly the first Southern California pride event to host military recruiters, the Los Angeles Times reports. The...

Marines Head to Wall Street—to Protect Protesters

Veteran issues call to pals to shield demonstrators

(Newser) - NYPD cops better watch it when they get tough with Occupy Wall Street protesters from now on, because the Marines are coming—to help protect the demonstrators. "I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues," announced a Marine veteran in a message reposted by another anti-war...

2 Marines Die in California Training Crash

Third major air accident this summer at Camp Pendleton

(Newser) - Two US Marines were killed when the Super Cobra attack helicopter they were flying in went down in flames during a training exercise at California's camp Pendleton. Firefighters were battling a 120-acre brush fire triggered by the afternoon crash late yesterday. It was the third major accident in the...

Obama Has Beer With Medal of Honor Marine

Dakota Meyer will be recognized at ceremony today

(Newser) - At just 21 years old, Dakota Meyer charged into a firefight in Afghanistan—five times—to save 36 lives from an ambush, and today he will become the first living Marine to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War. But before the ceremony honoring his actions on September...

Marines Ban Audible Farts in Afghanistan
 Marines Ban 
 Audible Farts 
 in Afghanistan 

Marines Ban Audible Farts in Afghanistan

Bend over backwards to avoid offending Afghans

(Newser) - US military leaders, sensitive to winning hearts and minds in Afghanistan, have instituted several unloved regulations on troops there—no swearing, no talking about volatile subjects like politics or girls. But now leaders apparently want to win ears and noses, too, as they have introduced an unusual no-no—no farting,...

Timberlake to Marine: It's a Date

Justin says he never gets asked out

(Newser) - It's Justin Timberlake's turn in the hot seat over a date request from a Marine, and backed into a corner at a media event, Timberlake said yes, reports People. "I'll tell you what: I accept," he said, "But not because she shouted out one...

1 Dead, 5 Hurt in California Military Copter Crash

Investigators seeking cause

(Newser) - A Marine was killed and 5 others injured when a helicopter went down during a training exercise at Camp Pendleton in San Diego County. It wasn't immediately clear how serious the injuries were, but all were being treated at local hospitals, reports AP. Investigators are seeking the cause of...

Man Arrested at Arlington Tied to Pentagon Shootings

Marine reservist nabbed last week may have shot up Museum of the Marine Corps

(Newser) - And the plot thickens: Ballistic evidence indicates that the man arrested at Arlington National Cemetery last week may also be the man who fired shots at the Pentagon , the National Museum of the Marine Corps and a Marine recruiting office in October, authorities said today. The suspect, Yonathan Melaku, is...

Poll: Air Force Losing Ground With Public

Army, Marines now ranked as more important

(Newser) - The public now considers the Army and Marines significantly more important than the Air Force, according to a new Gallup poll. That might not sound that earth-shattering, but it represents a major shift in public thinking, Politico observes. In May 2001, the Air Force was overwhelmingly the public’s favorite,...

Troops' Morale Drops in Afghanistan

Stress levels rise as fighting intensifies

(Newser) - As fighting and casualties in Afghanistan's war reached an all-time high, US soldiers and Marines there reported plunging morale and the highest rates of mental health problems in five years. Only 46.5% of soldiers said their morale was medium, high, or very high last year, compared with 65....

US Sends 1,400 More Marines to Afghanistan

Aim to kick Taliban while they're down

(Newser) - In a surprise move, the Pentagon has decided to send another 1,400 Marines to Afghanistan, putting a cherry on top of the US troop surge before July’s scheduled troop withdrawals. The battalions should be in place by mid-January, and will be concentrated around Kandahar, officials tell the Wall ...

Bea Arthur Was a Secret Marine
Bea Arthur Was a
Secret Marine

Bea Arthur Was a Secret Marine

Actress later denied serving, when asked

(Newser) - Before she was a Golden Girl, Bea Arthur was a Marine. She denied it when asked in interviews, but the Smoking Gun found records showing that Arthur (then Bernice Frankel) served in the Marine Corps for two and a half years, starting in 1943 when she was 21. She was...

Marine Will Be Vet's 'Legs' in Marathon

HBO special inspires stranger to help fellow veteran

(Newser) - Two former Marines will demonstrate their solidarity in this weekend's Marine Corps Marathon, where Bryan Purcell will act as the "legs" of Eddie Ryan, an Iraq veteran who was paralyzed in combat, AOL News reports. Ryan, 26 was shot twice in the head in 2005, and while he's recovered...

Shots Fired at Marine Museum in Area's 4th Shooting

Bullets fired after closing, no one hurt

(Newser) - Police in Virginia say shots have been fired at the National Museum of the Marine Corps, the fourth time someone has fired at government buildings in the area. Multiple shots were fired sometime after the museum, located about 30 miles south of the Pentagon, closed last night, police say.

Guy Pepper-Sprays Westboro Group at Funeral

Target was extremist demonstrators: cops

(Newser) - Those appalled by the tactics of the Westboro Baptist Church have a new folk hero: An Omaha man yesterday drove by as the group protested the funeral of a Marine killed in Afghanistan, reached out his window and pepper-sprayed them. George Vogel, 62, faces 16 charges of misdemeanor assault, one...

Marines Fear They'll Never Storm a Beach Again

Much-revered maneuver hasn't been used since Korean War

(Newser) - Storming enemy beaches is almost the Marines’ raison d’être. The stories of the glorious amphibious assaults of the past “are encoded in our DNA,” one officer tells the LA Times . But there hasn’t been a beach assault since the Korean War, and many—including Robert...

Marines Arrested After Attack on Gay Man

Victim says they beat him up for winking at them

(Newser) - Two Marines in Savannah, Georgia, were arrested for allegedly beating up a gay man they thought had winked at them. The Marines, Keil Cronauer and Christopher Stanzel, say the victim, Kieran Daly, was harassing them, the Savannah Morning News reports. But Daly tells a different story. “The guy thought...

1000th US Serviceman Killed Was On Second Tour

Marine nearly lost his leg on first Afghanistan tour

(Newser) - Here's a name to think about on Memorial Day: Jacob Leicht. This week, the Marine became the 1,000th US serviceman killed in Afghanistan by AP's count. But his story goes beyond that: He was on his second tour of duty when he stepped on an explosive and was killed...

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