
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Big-Name Pundit Sings Trump&#39;s Praises
Big-Name Pundit Sings Trump's Praises

Big-Name Pundit Sings Trump's Praises

Peggy Noonan can't understand why establishment isn't taking him seriously

(Newser) - Conservative pundit Peggy Noonan is drawing attention for a Friday column that Mike Allen at Politico calls "jaw-trumpingly Trump-friendly (or at least Trump-respectful)." In her Wall Street Journal piece, Noonan writes that she cannot "understand the inability or refusal of Republican leaders to take Mr. Trump seriously....

Obama: ISIS Ground Fight Means 100 Dead Troops a Month

And a monthly bill of $10B, he reportedly said at private news columnist meeting

(Newser) - President Obama's reason for not sending ground troops to the Middle East to fight ISIS: The White House figures it would mean 100 US troop deaths per month, 500 wounded, and a monthly tab of $10 billion, all to fight a group that doesn't pose an "existential...

GOP: Trump Is Screwing Everything Up for Us

Party members fear Trump will cost them seats in the House and Senate

(Newser) - Jeb Bush has floated the idea of Donald Trump being a Hillary Clinton plant to help her take the White House, and seemingly never-ending Trump controversies might have Republicans starting to believe it. Politico reports that GOP leaders are stressing out about the negative impact that Trump's candidacy is...

'The Doctor Sinks' in New Quinnipiac Poll

Ben Carson falls 7 points to 3rd place, with 16% to Trump's 27%

(Newser) - While nothing seems to be able to topple Donald "Teflon Don" Trump, Ben Carson isn't enjoying the same kind of luck. The former neurosurgeon plummeted 7 percentage points in a newly released Quinnipiac University poll , falling to third place with 16%, Politico reports. Meanwhile, Trump absorbed 3 points,...

2 Good, Young Leaders May Save the GOP
2 Good, Young Leaders
May Save the GOP

2 Good, Young Leaders May Save the GOP

This is the 'Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio moment,' says David Brooks

(Newser) - The last few years haven't been kind to the Republican party, writes David Brooks in the New York Times , but he thinks the rise of two 40-something leaders is poised to change that. In a column headlined the "Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio Moment," Brooks labels Rubio...

GOP Candidates Plan 'Revolt' Over Debates

Most of the campaigns plan to meet Sunday to figure out strategy

(Newser) - Republican candidates aren't just ticked off about how the debates are being presented, they're planning what Politico refers to as a "revolt" against the networks—and the Republican National Committee. Representatives from most of the campaigns plan to meet Sunday evening to plot strategy on how to...

5 Things to Watch in the GOP Debate

Trump expected to go after Carson aggressively

(Newser) - The Republicans debate again Wednesday night, with a field still big enough to require two events. The undercard is at 6pm Eastern on CNBC (Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, and Lindsey Graham), followed by the main event at 8pm on the same network with the remaining 10. (Their rankings,...

GOP&#39;s Troubles Started With Sarah Palin
GOP's Troubles Started
With Sarah Palin

GOP's Troubles Started With Sarah Palin

William Daley: Her VP selection set a tone that continues today

(Newser) - William Daley served as President Obama's chief of staff for a while, and it's not surprising that he would describe the GOP primary as having a "carnival-like" atmosphere. But in the Washington Post , Daley also makes the case that the GOP's current problems can be traced...

Losing the Grammar Race: Trump Backers

Democrats' supporters make fewer grammatical errors: study

(Newser) - Can you guess which 2016 campaign supporters have the best grammar? Grammarly conducted a study on the comments left by supporters on the candidates’ official Facebook pages—seriously—analyzing them for grammatical mistakes. It turns out Donald Trump's supporters aren't making English great again: They made the most...

Married GOPers Are More Satisfied
 Married GOPers 
 Are More Satisfied 

Married GOPers Are More Satisfied

67% of Republicans say they're 'very happy' in holy matrimony: survey

(Newser) - A University of Virginia sociologist who's not convinced that liberal families are better off than conservative ones has what he says is more data to back up his theory. W. Bradford Wilcox says that not only do families who live in "red" conservative counties "enjoy somewhat stronger...

14 GOP Hopefuls Speak in Trump-Free Forum

They stayed polite in NH forum

(Newser) - Last night, 14 Republicans running for president joined a forum in Manchester, NH, with two major differences from the upcoming official debate on Fox News on Thursday: no requirement to be in the pollsters' top 10, and no Donald Trump. Instead of debating each other, the candidates took two turns...

Caitlyn Jenner Shocks Trans Friends With Her Politics

"What's the big issue?" asks Jenner

(Newser) - Caitlyn Jenner's politically conservative views surprised her transgender friends in a just-released excerpt from tonight's episode of I Am Cait, reports Us Weekly . "What's the big issue?" asks the 65-year-old former Olympian. Friend Chandi Moore explains, "They're homeless, unemployed, so it's just going...

Trump to 'Foolish' RNC: I May Make 3rd-Party Run

'RNC has not been supportive,' real estate mogul says in interview

(Newser) - Donald Trump says he's not a Washington insider, which is why the GOP is treating him so badly—and why he'll entertain a third-party run, he tells the Hill . "So many people want me to, if I don't win [the GOP nomination]," he said during...

Krugman: Greece Holds an Important Warning for US

But it's not the one you're hearing about the most

(Newser) - Republicans are pointing to Greece and saying it holds a warning for the US—too much debt and too much borrowing will bring us doom. Paul Krugman agrees that Greece offers a lesson for Americans, but he draws a different one: Don't listen to those Republicans, who have been...

5 States Republicans and Democrats Aren't Fans Of

Sorry, Michigan

(Newser) - Pick a state, any state, and ask a bunch of people if they have a favorable impression of it. Generally speaking, Democrats and Republicans will answer differently—in 37 states, a clear majority of either Republicans or Democrats will give it a thumb's up. But YouGov points out that...

The Iowa Straw Poll Is Dead
 The Iowa Straw Poll Is Dead 

The Iowa Straw Poll Is Dead

GOP tradition since 1979 canceled due to expense, lack of interest

(Newser) - For nearly 40 years, Iowa held its straw poll for Republican hopefuls every summer before the presidential caucuses—but the poll set for this summer is now dead, the AP reports. Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann tells the news agency that state GOP officials made the decision in a unanimous...

Ayatollah: GOP Letter to Iran Sign of US 'Disintegration'

Meanwhile, from John McCain: 'Maybe that wasn't exactly the best way to do that'

(Newser) - The 47 GOP senators who sent a letter to Iran's leadership about nuclear negotiations likely anticipated the reaction they got from President Obama. But some were taken aback by public backlash, and now they have another opinion to mull: that of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who said today through Iran'...

Lawmaker's Office Glitter-Bombed

Accompanying note to Jeff Fortenberry read: 'Mind your own uterus'

(Newser) - If Rep. Jeff Fortenberry had been in his Lincoln, Neb., office instead of on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, he would have been in serious danger of getting covered in glitter and confetti. Instead, it was his aides who took the brunt of the "glitter bomb" apparently sent by an...

Gallup: Texas No Longer GOP-Leaning

But more states have moved away from the Dems

(Newser) - Gallup has ranked the states by party preference, and while some of its findings are unsurprising—Wyoming and Utah are once again the most Republican states, with Massachusetts and Maryland the most Democratic—big changes are underway in Texas, one of the biggest election prizes of them all. According...

On Deck for GOP in 2015: A Long Series of Showdowns

Republican leaders to face immigration, debt ceiling, Medicare issues

(Newser) - John Boehner and Mitch McConnell penned a Wall Street Journal editorial in November that promised they would prove wrong "the skeptics [who] say nothing will be accomplished in the next two years." But even with both House and Senate firmly under GOP control when Congress convenes tomorrow , the...

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