
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama to Americans: 'I Hear You'

But the message applies to Republicans, too, he says

(Newser) - Day one of the new political reality in DC yielded words of cooperation from the White House and soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, along with signals that the bipartisan friction wasn't magically going away. “I want you to know, I hear you," said President Obama, referring...

Senate Control Matters, but Not Why You Think
Senate Control Matters,
but Not Why You Think

Senate Control Matters, but Not Why You Think

Jonathan Chait: It's not about legislation, it's about presidential nominations

(Newser) - Republicans look poised to take control of the Senate, and there's all kinds of analysis out there about what this means for President Obama and his legislative agenda. You can safely ignore it all, writes Jonathan Chait at New York . The fact is, which party controls the Senate doesn'...

Pol: GOP Mailer Had Folks Call My Mom at Nursing Home

Michigan Democrat John Fisher calls GOP campaign piece 'appalling'

(Newser) - John Fisher has no beef with voters calling him on his personal phone, but please don't call his 91-year-old mother. The Michigan Democrat, who's running for a state House seat, is fired up after a GOP campaign mailer was sent out this week telling people in the city...

GOP Shouldn't Get Giddy About Senate Control Yet

Forecasters have them taking over after midterms, but two skeptics differ

(Newser) - Republicans have reason to be happy heading into the midterm elections, with forecasts from respected outlets such as the Cook Political Report and pointing toward a GOP takeover of the Senate. At the Washington Post , however, Dan Balz isn't quite so convinced. Republicans need to pick up...

Why Democrats Are the Ones Talking About Impeachment

In a word: fundraising, writes Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - The word "impeachment" is getting tossed around a lot on Capitol Hill and on political talk shows these days, but Politico takes note of a "very strange" twist: It's Democrats who keep bringing it up, while Republicans keep insisting they have no intention of going there. The...

Judge Scraps GOP-Drawn Florida Map

Calls it a 'mockery' of amendments requiring non-political districting

(Newser) - Republicans "made a mockery" of recent Florida constitutional amendments requiring lawmakers to draw fair political districts, a state judge ruled yesterday, ordering that two particularly egregious districts be redrawn—and with them, probably all districts that touch them. "Republican political consultants or operatives did, in fact, conspire to...

Today&#39;s Teens Might Be Tomorrow&#39;s Conservatives
Today's Teens Might Be Tomorrow's Conservatives

Today's Teens Might Be Tomorrow's Conservatives

NYT's Upshot: They're coming of age in lousy times, with Democrats in control

(Newser) - The Upshot blog of the New York Times has an analysis sure to cheer the hearts of today's conservatives, and it's all rooted in one simple fact: The voters of tomorrow are coming of age in a generally lousy time with Democrats in control of the White House,...

New GOP Name: 'Committee to Elect Hillary Clinton'?

David Frum: Republicans must fight back against 'radicals' or pack it in

(Newser) - David Frum thinks his fellow Republicans are headed for trouble unless things change fast: The party has no leaders willing to stand up to the "radicals" destroying conservatism, he writes in the Atlantic . Eric Cantor is but the latest casualty: He tried to "appease" those on the fringe,...

Clinton Makes Abe Lincoln Flub

GOP pounces on gaffe made on book tour

(Newser) - Illinois native and possible presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton started the second stop of her book tour yesterday by calling Abraham Lincoln a senator, CNN reports. Here’s what she was trying to do: During a speech in Chicago, Clinton compared the 2008 Democratic presidential primary between her and then-Sen. Barack...

Did Va. Republicans Just Bribe a Senator to Resign?

Democrat to step down today, take Tobacco commission job

(Newser) - A Virginia state senator plans to announce his resignation today, in what looks like a masterstroke from state Republicans in their ongoing battle with Gov. Terry McAuliffe over expanding Medicaid. Democrat Phillip Puckett will step down effective immediately—and be swiftly appointed to the state tobacco commission, which is controlled...

Rand Paul Bucks GOP in Opposing Voter ID Laws

Says Republicans have gone 'crazy' on the issue

(Newser) - Rand Paul thinks Republicans are way off base in pushing voter ID laws , a stance that makes him the "most prominent member of his party" to come out against them, reports the New York Times . “Everybody’s gone completely crazy on this voter ID thing,” he tells...

Only 1 in 4 Millennials Plan to Vote This Fall

And other poll data

(Newser) - Democrats got some polling news today that might be even scarier than yesterday's approval numbers . Only 23% of voters age 18 to 29 say they "definitely" plan to vote in the 2014 midterms, according to a new Harvard Institute of Politics poll spotted by the Christian Science Monitor...

GOP's Women Problem Isn't Going Away

Dana Milbank: It's because of policies, not dumb moves by likes of Rep. McAllister

(Newser) - Just Republicans' luck: On Equal Pay Day , they're stuck with headlines about Louisiana congressman Vance McAllister, who fired a low-paid female staffer after surveillance video showed them kissing . "Republicans aren’t responsible for McAllister any more than Democrats are to blame for Anthony Weiner's weirdness," writes...

One Word Revs Up GOP Voters Like No Other


(Newser) - After Republican David Jolly won a closely watched House race in Florida earlier this month, the National Journal reported that he did so with the help of a new voter database called Honeybadger. The system has such a real-time component that the GOP was able to assess early balloting, figure...

MSNBC Fires Staffer Over GOP Tweet

Network apologizes for suggesting Republicans would hate biracial ad

(Newser) - Republicans scored an apology today from MSNBC over a tweet that the network later called "unacceptable," reports USA Today . The since-deleted tweet went out last night, with a link to a Cheerios ad featuring a biracial family. "Maybe the rightwing will hate it but everyone else will...

'Too Liberal' McCain in Hot Water With Arizona GOP

In reprimand, senator's record called 'disastrous and harmful'

(Newser) - Seems John McCain is getting too liberal for Arizona conservatives—so liberal that the state's Republican party has formally reprimanded the senator for his "disastrous and harmful" record, Politico reports. At a party meeting in Tempe yesterday, the party hammered McCain for assisting Democrats on immigration reform, ignoring...

Republicans Get Smarter About Poverty
Republicans Get Smarter
About Poverty

Republicans Get Smarter About Poverty

Doyle McManus: Income equality is not a partisan issue

(Newser) - Republicans seem to have shifted thinking about income inequality and the plight of poor people, writes Doyle McManus in the Los Angeles Times . Conservative stalwarts Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio are among those pitching proposals to help low-income Americans make ends meet, perhaps learning a lesson from Mitt Romney's...

Dems Raising a Ruckus Over Jobless Benefits

President Obama plans to keep issue in the news

(Newser) - President Obama plans to climb the bully pulpit this week and hammer Congress—but really, just congressional Republicans—for failing to extend long-term unemployment benefits. The White House has concocted a plan to keep the issue in the news on a daily basis, Politico reports. Tomorrow, Obama will invite a...

Believe It or Not, the GOP Is Winning
 Believe It or Not, 
 the GOP Is Winning 

Believe It or Not, the GOP Is Winning

The whole policy discussion is still being held on their terms

(Newser) - Republicans may look like they're cleaning egg off their face right now. "House Republicans have suffered a huge tactical defeat of their own devising," writes George Packer at the New Yorker . "But in a larger sense, the Republicans are winning, and have been for the past...

Best Thing for GOP Is if Tea Party Splits With It

David Frum thinks 'extremism' is killing the party's political prospects

(Newser) - Former Bush I speechwriter David Frum has a few words for Tea Party politicians who might be considering a split from the GOP to form a third party: Good riddance. Such a split might be the only hope for the party's long-term chances, writes Frum at CNN . Tea Party...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>