September 11

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CIA Threatened to Kill, Rape Detainee Families: Report

(Newser) - A newly declassified CIA report says interrogators threatened to kill the children of a Sept. 11 suspect. The document, released today by the Justice Department, says one interrogator said a colleague had told Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that if any other attacks happened in the United States, "We're going to...

9/11 Responders Show Increased Risk of Rare Blood Cancer

(Newser) - The incidence of multiple myeloma in 9/11 responders appears to be higher than in the general population, according to what one researcher calls "very preliminary" stats. Eight cases of the blood cancer were diagnosed in 28,000 emergency personnel followed between 2001 and 2007; statistically, that number should be...

9/11 Suspects Boycott Gitmo Hearing

(Newser) - While relatives of the victims waited in the courtroom, the five Guantanamo inmates accused of conspiring in the 9/11 attacks boycotted a pretrial hearing this morning, the Miami Herald reports. The proceeding was intended to determine whether the defendants who aren't representing themselves are competent to stand trial. Alleged mastermind...

Feds Review Terror Alert System

(Newser) - The Homeland Security Department will review the multicolored terror alert system created in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has created a task force to determine in 60 days how effective the current system is. The system could get an overhaul—or could be...

Cheney: OK, OK, Saddam Wasn't Behind 9/11

Former VP stands by decision to invade Iraq

(Newser) - Former Vice President Dick Cheney has finally acknowledged, despite previous claims to the contrary, that Saddam Hussein did not collaborate with al-Qaeda to launch the 9/11 attacks. CIA information on such a collaboration "turned out not to be true," he conceded in remarks before the National Press Club,...

Prince Harry Tours Ground Zero

(Newser) - Britain's Prince Harry bowed his head in prayer at ground zero today, then toured the Sept. 11 attack site and shook New Yorkers' hands in his first official visit to the US. “Big question—when is this supposed to be finished?" the 24-year-old asked officials showing him rebuilding plans...

Supreme Court Dumps Suit Vs. Mueller, Ashcroft

9/11 detainee faulted FBI head, former AG over confinement rules

(Newser) - The Supreme Court says a lawsuit against FBI Director Robert Mueller and former Attorney General John Ashcroft by a former Sept. 11 detainee cannot go forward. The court today overturned a lower court decision that let Javaid Iqbal's lawsuit against the high-ranking officials proceed. Iqbal is a Pakistani Muslim who...

White House Rips Sykes' 9/11-Limbaugh Joke

(Newser) - Press Secretary Robert Gibbs today distanced the administration from 9/11-related comments made by comedian Wanda Sykes at the White House Correspondents dinner, Politico reports. Some things “are better left for serious reflection,” Gibbs said. “There's no doubt 9/11 is part of that.” Sykes suggested that “...

7 Odd Facts About Lady Liberty
 7 Odd Facts About Lady Liberty 

7 Odd Facts About Lady Liberty

(Newser) - The crown of the Statue of Liberty will be open for business again July 4, the first time since 9/11. NPR collected a few facts about Lady Liberty you might not know:
  • The 7 spikes: Liberty's crown does not symbolize the 7 continents or seas, as even the National Parks

Lady Liberty's Crown Reopens July 4

(Newser) - Visitors will soon be able to roam the Statue of Liberty’s crown for the first time since 9/11, the New York Post reports. The landmark’s loftiest perch will reopen—when else?—July 4. Ken Salazar announced the move on the Today Show this morning from inside the crown....

Al-Qaeda Used Hotmail, Simple Codes to Plan 9/11

(Newser) - In the days following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, alleged al-Qaeda operations mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed intended to use his free Hotmail account to direct a US-based operative to carry out an attack, according to a guilty plea agreement filed by Al Saleh Kahlah al-Marri in federal court. The document...

Nukes? Climate Change? Love 'Em to Death

Newsweek scribe lists a few issues pundits may misunderstand

(Newser) - Few so-called experts predicted the subprime meltdown or the September 11 attacks, Jacob Weisberg writes in Newsweek—so what else might the pundits be wrong about?
  • Nukes are bad: An influential political scientist “argues that possessing nukes induces restraint and caution, causing irresponsible regimes to behave more responsibly.”

Gitmo Prisoners 'Proud' to Have Planned 9/11

Court filing describes attacks as holy offering

(Newser) - Five Guantanamo prisoners have taken full responsibility for planning 9/11 and say they're proud of the attacks, the New York Times reports. A document filed with a military commission by the five men, which may be made public today, describes the attacks as a model of Islamic action and the...

'Sleazy' Cheney Has No Right to Talk Terror

(Newser) - Dick Cheney’s claim that a terrorist attack is more likely during an Obama administration “is sleazy in the extreme,” Joe Klein writes for Time. Even if you can “leave aside the fact”—which Klein cannot—“that if Dick Cheney and his alleged boss had...

9/11 Accused Admit Guilt at Tribunal

(Newser) - Two suspected Sept. 11 planners calmly declared their guilt today at what could be the final military tribunal session at Guantanamo Bay, the Miami Herald reports. "We are proud of 9/11," said Ramzi bin al Shibh, who announced his plan to plead guilty, the AP reports. Another...

NY Driver Free to Put bin Laden Reminder on Car

Former NYPD officer settles fight with DMV over 9/11-related license plates

(Newser) - A retired New York City police officer is free to use the vanity license plate “GETOSAMA” after settling a yearlong dispute with the DMV, the AP reports. Arno Herwerth ordered the tags to remind fellow motorists that the Sept. 11 mastermind was still on the loose; the DMV delivered,...

Woody Allen: Audience Tastes Are a Matter of Coarse

Director, working again in Big Apple, weighs in on his fair city and US at large

(Newser) - Mention Woody Allen and people think of the Big Apple. In an interview with Adam Moss in New York, the 72-year-old filmmaker talks about movies, psychoanalysis and, most of all, the city for which he's "always had an irrational love." Allen, who's made 39 films, grew up with...

Palin's Parents Pitched in Post-9/11—Trapping Rats

(Newser) - More than 6 years before Sarah Palin visited ground zero as the Republican VP nominee, her parents were there as part of the response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks—trapping rats. Chuck and Sally Heath have been part-time Department of Agriculture wildlife specialists for 15 years, trapping or killing...

We Must Not Ignore This Photo
 We Must Not Ignore This Photo 

We Must Not Ignore This Photo

Though some are 'disgusted,' witnessing the 'Falling Man' is vital, author says

(Newser) - The “Falling Man” photo reproduced worldwide has disappeared from respectable media, Tom Junod writes in Esquire, but to avert our eyes is to pretend the horrific choices made Sept. 11, 2001, don’t exist. “We have somehow taken it upon ourselves to deem their deaths unworthy of witness,...

9/11 Fund Must Stand Alone to Mark Tragedy
9/11 Fund Must Stand Alone to Mark Tragedy

9/11 Fund Must Stand Alone to Mark Tragedy

$7B victims' pool should not set a precedent for disasters

(Newser) - The fund set up to aid the injured and bereaved of 9/11 should not be a model for compensating those affected by disasters like Hurricane Katrina or even other terror attacks, Kenneth Feinberg writes in the Washington Post. The $7 billion September 11th Victim Compensation Fund was a unique "...

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