September 11

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Colo. Senator Compares Obama to 9/11 Hijackers

Schultheis denies reference to United 93

(Newser) - A Colorado state senator is at the eye of a storm of criticism for a tweet that critics say likened President Obama to the 9/11 hijackers—and urged violent action. “Don't for a second think Obama wants what is best for US,” David Schultheis tweeted. “He is...

Beck Rates Health Reform as 9/11 Attack

9/12ers are girding for this year's national catastrophe

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's found a new way to frame his opposition to heath care reform, and this one's a doozy: It's a terrorist attack. A decade ago “I could have shouted every single day about Osama bin Laden,” the Fox News commentator said, “and nobody would have been...

World Trade Center Steel Sails Back to NY
 World Trade Center 
 Steel Sails Back to NY 

World Trade Center Steel Sails Back to NY

(Newser) - Seven and a half tons of steel from the fallen World Trade Center towers returned to New York today, reconstituted as the bow of a newly launched Navy warship. The crew of USS New York stood at attention for a 21-gun salute as the $1 billion amphibious dock landing ship...

Ship Built of WTC Steel Arrives in NYC

USS New York contains 7.5 tons of steel from twin towers

(Newser) - The new Navy assault ship USS New York, built with World Trade Center steel, arrived in its namesake city today with a 21-gun salute near the site of the 2001 terrorist attacks. First responders, families of victims, and the public gathered at a waterfront viewing area, where they could see...

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

 100 Defining 
 of the '00s 

pop culture

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

The iPod, Guitar Hero, Twitter—and some serious moments, too

(Newser) - From the tragic (World Trade Center attacks, Hurricane Katrina) to the seemingly trivial (Stephen Fry's first Tweet), the Telegraph lists the top 100 defining cultural moments of the decade so far:
  • April 2000: Metallica sues music-sharing service Napster.
  • October 2001: The iPod is released.
  • February 2003: Sacha Baron Cohen hits

Navy Ship Built With World Trade Center Steel Sets Sail

USS New York heads from Louisiana to namesake city for official commissioning

(Newser) - A US Navy ship built using materials from the World Trade Center has left the Louisiana yard where it was built and headed north for its official christening. The USS New York, an amphibious transport ship, features at its bow some 7½ tons of steel deemed still usable after the...

Zazi Linked to 9/11 Redux Bomb Strike

Accused terrorist bomber ordered to face charges in New York

(Newser) - Najibullah Zazi may have been planning a bomb attack in New York on the anniversary of September 11th, a federal prosecutor said today. “There is a chilling, disturbing sequence of events showing the suspect was intent on being in New York on Sept. 11,” said Assistant US Attorney...

8 Years On, Critics Call Airport Security 'Theater'

Critics see cockeyed focus on 'pointy objects,' none on real threats

(Newser) - Billions of dollars in spending since 9/11 has given airport security officers plenty of ways to catch terrorists—but are critics right in calling it "security theater"? Take the “millimeter wave whole body imager,” which pinpoint “anomalies” on your person: Sure, it will spot a...

Powell Praises 'Gallant Heroes' of United Flight 93

(Newser) - Colin Powell today honored the "gallant heroes" of United Flight 93 who fought back against their hijackers 8 years ago today. At a ceremony in Shanksville, Pa., where the plane went down, he likened them to the "citizen soldiers" who have fought for the US since its inception....

9/11 Ceremonies in Photos
 9/11 Ceremonies in Photos 

9/11 Ceremonies in Photos

(Newser) - The nation marked the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks today in ceremonies under gray skies in New York City, at the Pentagon, and at the crash site of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. Today also was the first time the anniversary was observed as a national day of service, following...

Coast Guard Exercise Triggers 9/11 Potomac Scare

Ill-timed drill coincides with Pentagon ceremony

(Newser) - In a case of not-so-great timing, the Coast Guard conducted a training exercise on how to handle a rogue boat this morning in the Potomac River—with 9/11 commemorations taking place at the Pentagon and the president's motorcade crossing a nearby bridge, the Washington Post reports. The exercise caused a...

Obama: 'We Will Never Falter' in Terror Fight

(Newser) - Eight years after the 9/11 attacks, President Obama said the nation "will never falter" in its pursuit of al-Qaeda and its allies. Obama placed a wreath under rainy skies at the Pentagon today in memory of those who died there on Sept. 11, 2001. The president said the nation...

Generation Shaped by 9/11 Shares Its Stories

Attacks ended 'carefree innocence' for many kids approaching adolescence

(Newser) - The September 11 attacks are as defining a moment for the generation starting college this year as the Kennedy assassination was for their parents, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. For people young enough to still be children at the time but old enough to know what was...

New 9/11 Probe Looks Headed for NYC Ballot

Group has enough valid signatures for Nov. referendum: city

(Newser) - A New York City group has secured enough valid signatures to put a referendum on the November ballot to force a new investigation into the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. A press release from the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now says city lawyers conceded today that at...

New Photo of 9/11 Mastermind Used to Spur Jihad

Red Cross photo of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed hits net

(Newser) - The family of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed released new photos of the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, and they've been showing up on sites used by al-Qaeda sympathizers to recruit terrorists. The images, taken by the Red Cross as part of its monitoring of Guantanamo Bay prisoners, are the...

Sheen Seeks Meeting With Obama on 9/11 'Cover-Up'

Celeb 'truther' pens fictional transcript of meeting with Obama on conspiracy theories

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen believes the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the Bush administration and he wants to talk to President Obama about it, he tells controversial radio host Alex Jones at Prison Planet. The 9/11 Commission's report is an "absolute fairy tale—a complete work of fiction, and not even...

NYC Sends 9/11 Wreckage to Memorials Nationwide

Steel beams from World Trade Center travel to towns big and small

(Newser) - Some 2,000 pieces of twisted steel, the remains of the World Trade Center, are sitting at a hangar at Kennedy Airport in New York. Eight years after the attack, the city is inviting mayors and first responders from around the country to take pieces of the fallen buildings, some...

Thank Beck, Internet for Van Jones Uproar

Strategy deflected attention from Jones' Beck boycott

(Newser) - The mainstream media entirely ignored the controversy over now-former Obama adviser Van Jones, who was slyly forced out by Glenn Beck and his online fans, Politico reports. Beck whipped up a fury over Jones—who once signed a 9/11 conspiracy petition—without mentioning that the green jobs czar was also...

5 Crazy Things 9/11 Conspiracists Must Think

Plus: proof Nick Jonas believes the lie

(Newser) - A third of Americans think 9/11 was an inside job, perpetrated—or at least OKed—by the US government. “That means that one of the Jonas Brothers believes that the US government blew up the World Trade Center towers,” writes Matthew Diffee for the New Yorker. To subscribe...

Agents Say Waterboarding Turned Around Terrorist

(Newser) - After being waterboarded 183 times and deprived of sleep for a week, self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind Kalid Sheikh Mohammed transformed from an avowed enemy of the US into a sort of CIA guest lecturer, the Washington Post reports. Two anonymous sources, looking to build the case that harsh interrogation worked, say...

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